Damn, the battle between Anilu and Moriah is really too difficult to write.

The author Jun is dizzy thinking about it, and his eyes are full, so tired! For the sake of the author Jun's hard work, I ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions to comfort my younger brother's glass heart, everyone!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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251: Moria's armament is domineering, very powerful!

"Shrink head turtle boy, you are courting death!"

Moria looked coldly at Enilu across from him, her eyes full of murderous intent.

He was really angry this time.

"Come on, let me see what you are capable of, don't let this god look down on you."

Anilu looked at Moria and said with a big smile, but the sarcasm in his tone did not hide at all.

"Then bear my last anger! Shadow gathering place! Hee hee hee."

Moria looked at Anilu opposite and let out a final roar.

Then Moriah faced the sky with both hands.

The power of the shadow fruit covered a large area around it.

Then there was a strange pulling force.

Countless shadows were pulled out and slowly walked towards Moriah.

One by one shadows gathered in front of Moriah.

Moria looked coldly at Anilu across from him.

With the fusion of each shadow, it gradually turned into a black sphere.

The figure also expands at a speed visible to the naked eye, slowly getting bigger and bigger.

After a while, hundreds of figures were swallowed up by the black ball.

Seeing the black ball in front of him getting bigger and bigger, Anilu also had a feeling in his heart: It's not a good feeling.

Then his eyes flashed, but he decided to attack.

"Sixty million Volt Troyron!"

Anilu tapped the taiko drums on his left and right sides, and then a thunder dragon appeared.

Thunder Dragon charged directly towards the black ball on the opposite side.

Soon, the Thunder Dragon collided with the black ball, but it didn't make much noise.

There were several screams in the black ball, and then the Thunder Dragon flashed lightning flowers and disappeared.

The Thunder Dragon didn't do any damage to the black ball on the opposite side.

"Hee hee hee, give up this idea, this time you are sure to lose."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Moria laughed and said.

How could his strongest move be easily interrupted.

Then Moria saw that the black ball was almost gone, and moved forward.

Then he opened his mouth wide and swallowed the already huge black ball into his stomach.

After swallowing the black ball, Moriah showed a pained look on his face.

But at the same time, his strength is also skyrocketing, and it is still skyrocketing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His figure suddenly skyrocketed a lot, and the whole person was like a balloon full of gas.

The body is full of terrifying power.

"No, there is such an operation, I feel that this guy has a terrifying aura."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Bassas said in surprise.

He took a few steps back cautiously. Facing such a powerful enemy, he had no intention of going head-to-head.

"This is Qiwuhai, it's really strong enough, hehe..."

Moriah, who had poisoned his eyes and body, said in a hoarse voice.

Bartolomeo put his hands in the pockets of his trousers and tugged: "Made, I feel that he is stronger than the sand crocodile, is it my illusion?"

Cavendish sneered and said disdainfully: "Superman type shadow fruit, which is comparable to nature type rustling fruit, what are you kidding!"

Crow pushed his glasses, the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes, and said a word with no expression.

"The captain once said that in the Shichibukai, the group at the bottom are... Crocodile and Moria."

"As for the strength of the two of them, I think they should be almost the same."

"Crocodal once challenged Whitebeard, and Moriah challenged Kaido."

"Both of them have a brilliant record. If they fight for life and death, they will be indistinguishable."

The others didn't say much, but nodded in agreement.

Anyway... well, in their opinion, Anilu is definitely not Moria's opponent.

Although Anilu was fighting against Moria before.

But now the situation is completely different, Moria's strength has greatly increased.

"It looks like you've become a lot stronger, let me try it."

Anilu looked at the opposite Moria and said excitedly.

Although the previous Moria claimed to have the strength of Shichibukai, in Enilu's view, it was always almost meaningless.

But it's different now, and now Moriah is fully qualified to make Anilu excited.

Then Anilu tapped the two taiko drums behind her with both hands.

A thunder dragon appeared directly in front of him, heading towards Moria on the opposite side.

He was here to test out Moria's current strength.

Moria saw the Thunder Dragon coming from a distance, and smiled disdainfully.

Then he opened his huge palm and grabbed Thunder Dragon in his hand.

Then the terrifying power radiated directly, and the Thunder Dragon was actually swallowed up and disappeared.

"Hee hee hee, boy, let you see how good I am now."

Moria looked at Anilu opposite with a trace of disdain in her eyes.

For his current strength, Enilu's strength is nothing.

After speaking, a spear appeared directly in Moria's palm.

"Go, Shadow Horn: Gun:, destroy the enemy in front of you."

After Moria finished speaking, the spear in his hand flew out.

Seeing the spear flying towards him, Anilu felt a little anxious in his heart.

He quickly released the Thunderbird, which collided with the spear.

However, it failed to stop the Thunderbird at all, and instead let the spear disperse.

Then Anilu cast Thunder Beast again and asked Thunder Wolf to stop it.

This time, Thunder Wolf slowed down Moria's Shadow Corner: Gun's speed, but Shadow Corner: Gun: still rushed.

But Anilu didn't recklessly stay in the original place. He released Thunder Wolf just... delaying time.

He had already walked away at this time.

Shadow Corner: The spear was empty, and the Ai fell, but it was also very embarrassing.

"Boy, do you think that if you dodge this time, you can dodge the next time?"

Moria asked in a playful tone while looking at Anilu on the opposite side.

For him right now, it's no harm at all for Anilu on the opposite side to dodge a move.

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