Seeing this scene, Doflamingo was really shocked.

  Even the attacks after awakening were bounced off.

  It's so scary! !

  "What is your ability?"

  Doflamingo grinned, "Looking at this situation, the repulsion force is gathered together to form a powerful repulsion force field."

  "It's amazing, it seems to be able to deflect all attacks, this is your life-saving means!"

  "Little devil, you are really surprising me more and more, Fufufufufu..."

  Chris put his arms around him, still looking calm, and said lightly, "You talk too much, Brother Doflaming."

  "For the partner's sake, let me remind you."

  "If you fight, pay attention to being quick, accurate, and ruthless. Rory is rambling, and in the end, you must be the one who suffers."

  Doflamingo covered his face and laughed wildly, his voice extremely low.

  "I was preached by a little devil, I was so angry that I laughed to death, Fufufufufu..."

  "Little devil, do you really think I can't do anything about you? Go die."

  "Wild waves and white lines!"

  As soon as the voice fell, countless giant lines around, like waves, quickly surrounded Chris.

  It was densely packed, as if countless white snakes were marching there.

  It looks really scary.

  (In the next chapter, the battle is over. At the same time, there will be a beautiful woman in the next chapter, who do you think it will be? Weakly reveal that it is the very beautiful one (* ̄︶ ̄). )

026: The ultimate big move--16 sacred bullets-God kills! (for flower collection)

  (Above is a picture of 16 Holy Bullets - God's Killing.)

  Chris floated in the center of the aperture, his eyes were calm, and the giant white lines were allowed to come closer.

  Just ignore it.


  Doflamingo folded his hands and shouted angrily.

  In an instant, all the giant wires spiraled into a twist shape, approaching Chris, wanting to hang him.

  The momentum is extremely fierce, and there is a sense of sight in the face of a tsunami.

  bang bang bang...

  The explosions came one after another, and all the giant lines, as long as they were close to the light ball, were all bounced off.

  No matter which direction to attack from, above, left, underground...

  He just couldn't get close to the ball of light, let alone touch Chris.

  "The defense is really strong enough, very good, kid, Fufufufufu..."

  "Then what about this time?"

  "Haiyuan - Baibo!"

  In an instant, the ground all turned into white lines, rolling like waves.

  This is the ocean that turns the ground into white!

  But no matter how turbulent the waves are, even if they fall from the sky like a tsunami, they cannot cover the ball of light inside.

  All were excluded.

  This time, Doflamingo is really crazy.

  He vowed not to give up until he broke this ball of light.

  "I don't believe it, you can resist it this time."

  "Give me death, kid."

  "Thousand arrows pierce the heart-feather strike-line!"


  The countless silk threads around it quickly changed their shape and turned into the shape of flamingo wings.

  The tip of each line appeared black, obviously using the armed color domineering.

  With a bang, he directly surrounded Chris.

  In the face of Doflamingo's big move, Chris is still the same, with his arms around him, floating quietly, ignoring it at all.

  boom boom boom

  This time, the explosion was many times stronger than before.

  The air vibrated, and the aftermath radiated out, causing the surrounding ground to crack continuously and the dust to rise high.

  The two people were completely covered inside, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly.

  Seeing such a shocking scene, the people around were really filled with emotion.

  "To be able to force Doflamingo to this level, so strong!"

  Luo's pupils shrank, and he stared at the battlefield with a look of shock on his face.

  Lafitte turned his cane, looked at him and said with a slight smile, "Actually, Doflamingo's fate has already been doomed."

  "After all, the captain is really too strong."

  Bassas nodded and laughed.

  "That's right, the captain worked so hard and practiced day and night, it was crazy to the extreme, how could he possibly lose to that guy."

  Poison Q's old face showed an envious look, coughed and said, "But the captain's defense is really invincible."

  The Queen Sweetheart looked at the direction of the battlefield, her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, and she sighed with emotion.

  "The captain is amazing, he's a lightning bolt."

  Betty took a breath, nodded, showing a rare look of admiration, and praised: "A man who can change the world is not just talking."

  Perona danced in the air, her little face full of interest, making a silver bell-like crisp sound.

  "Captain's ball of light, it's really fun, hahahahalie..."

  At this moment, the sound of fighting in front finally stopped.

  A gust of wind blew past, and the smoke drifted away, revealing the scene inside.

  Chris was still inside the ball of light, his face was calm, and he was not hurt in any way.

  In other words, Doflamingo's big move this time failed again.


  Doflamingo's forehead burst with blue veins, and he said in a low voice, "I didn't expect a little devil like you to appear above the sea."

  "Very good, very good, it pushed me to this level."

  Brother Doflamingo's eyes turned cold, his arms slammed open, and he said something extremely arrogant.

  "Next, let you see my ultimate move."

  "16 Sacred Bullets - God's Execution!"

  With a bang, 16 huge white lines suddenly appeared behind him, like a big snake swimming fast.

  In an instant, the bottom of the white line became pitch black, and it continued to spread upward.

  Finally, 16 giant lines, all turned into pitch black and sparkling.

  This is definitely a high-density armed color domineering! !

  "Doflamingo, my patience has reached the limit."

  Chris put his arms around him, his eyes narrowed and he said, "If you don't stop, I will kill you."

  "Don't think that you can scare me by being a Tianlong person."


  Doflamingo was shocked.

  He never thought that Chris knew his identity.

  This is unbelievable.


  Brother Doflaming covered his face and laughed, and said arrogantly: "It's interesting, it's really interesting."

  "The newcomers of this era will really make the sea boil."


  Doflamingo jumped into the air, and the figure left quickly, leaving his last words.

  "Little devil, when you become Qiwuhai, the alliance will officially begin."

  As soon as the voice fell, the person had disappeared, and quickly moved away...

  (Boss, I’m sorry, this chapter has already been written. In the next chapter, that beauty will appear. I’m sorry, all the bosses forgive me o(╥﹏╥)o.)

027: The first beauty of the pirates - Boya - Hancock debut! (for flower collection)

  Seeing Doflamingo leave, the people around couldn't help it.

  Let out a thunderous roar.

  "What kind of king goes to the Seven Martial Seas, is not just obediently captured, Wei Hahahaha..."

  Bassas was so happy that he laughed.

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