Poison Q smiled strangely and said, "Unfortunately, I didn't see that ultimate move, it's a pity."

  Lafitte adjusted his top hat and said politely.

  "It seems that Doflamingo also knows that the captain is powerful. If he dares to continue to attack, he will definitely be killed later."

  "After all, his strength is still far from the captain's."

  Luo looked up at the sky, and after confirming that Doflamingo had disappeared, he couldn't help showing a complicated look on his icy face.

  "Really won, Doflamingo is not his opponent."

  At this moment, Luo Xin's shock really reached a level beyond words.

  The Queen Sweetheart glanced at him and said strangely, "How is it, doesn't it mean much?"

  "Isn't that disappointed that Doflamingo escaped? Do you still think he will win?"

  Baccarat patted her shoulder and became angry, "It's all a team from now on, don't talk like that."

  "Luo doesn't know Chris at all and has some doubts, which is normal."

  Betty nodded and agreed: "But after this time, he is very clear about Chris' strength, and I believe he will not question anything."

  At this time, a voice came from the front.

  "Let's go."

  After Chris finished speaking, he walked directly to the outside of the island.

  The group did not hesitate, and quickly followed.

  As for Luo, of course it is no exception.

  He is already a member of the Chris Pirates.

  Soon, everyone boarded the Chris and set sail.

  "Lafitte, tell Luo about the situation."

  Chris has never been interested in these things. After explaining it, he walked to the training room.

  Baccara looked at them, smiled and said, "Let's go to the training room and stay."

  Then, these big beauties also left one after another.

  "Baibo, come, let's go fishing together."

  Padong took the fishing rod and jumped and said, "fishing is fun, come on, hee hee hee~~"

  Everyone is an animal, so Bepo didn't feel shy and followed quickly.

  "Pa Dong, I don't know how to fish. You have to teach me."

  At this time, Luo saw the words on the mast, and as always asked indifferently: "What do these ship rules mean?"

  Lafitte stood his cane in front of him and said something politely.

  "First of all, Luo, welcome to the Chris Pirates."

  "I'm the vice-captain of this regiment, Lafitte."

  "Next, I will introduce you to the situation of this ship."

  Lafitte smiled and said: "On the ship, strength determines the right to speak, and there are three types of battles."

  "The battle for the captain, the battle for the deputy captain, and the battle for the squad leader."

  "The first one doesn't need to be considered. The captain's position cannot be changed, so I won't say more."

  "I am the vice-captain. If you want to challenge me, I will always be there for you."

  Lafitte adjusted his top hat, and the gentleman said, "As for the battle for the squad leader, that's up to you and Bassas."

  Bassas looked at Luo and laughed, "How about a fight? I really want to determine the order of the squad leaders as soon as possible."

  Poison Q coughed and said, "I too... I like watching the battle the most."

  "Three battles?"

  Luo carrying the demon knife and crying, said indifferently, "The environment of this ship is very suitable for me."

  "Unrestrained, everything speaks with strength."

  "However, I don't have the idea of ​​competing for the position for the time being. I will talk about it in a few days."

  Bashas shook his head and scolded: "I thought there was someone who likes to fight, but I didn't expect it to be this bear."

  Lafitte looked at Luo and said politely, "Next, let me tell you about the next voyage, including our goal."

  Inside the training room.


  Chris stood by the window, lit a cigarette, and silently looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside.

  Seeing that he was so abnormal, the women looked at each other with puzzled expressions on their faces, and began to talk in a low voice.

  "What's wrong with Chris, why didn't he practice?"

  The Queen Sweetheart looked at the figure of the man and was very curious.

  Betty spit out the smoke in her mouth and said lightly: "It has something to do with Doflamingo, it should involve the Seven Wuhai Alliance."

  Baccara nodded, stroked her hair, and said something gentle and dignified.

  "The plan can't keep up with the changes. No one expected that such a big man would suddenly come across."

  "Chris must be making new plans, let's leave him alone."

  Then, in the training room, silence fell.

  These women are very eye-catching, for fear of affecting Chris's thoughts.

  After an unknown amount of time, Chris flicked the cigarette butt out of the window and suddenly said something.

  "I'll go out and be back in two days."

  As soon as the voice fell, the person disappeared without a trace.

  Several beauties were stunned for a moment, wanting to ask something, but they couldn't do it at all.

  "Our captain is really too decisive in doing things. He doesn't say a word of nonsense or explain anything."

  The Sweetheart Queen shook her head and smiled wryly.

  Betty took a breath and said lightly, "Chris's character has always been like this, just get used to it."

  Perona flew around in the air, her face wrinkled, "So this princess doesn't like to stay with him, it's boring."

  Listening to their conversation, Bakara smiled and said nothing.

  Mei Mu looked at the sky outside the window and thought to herself: "Looking at this situation, it should be to contact the other Qiwuhai, there is only this possibility."

  Not to mention, Baccarat really guessed right, Chris is rushing to the windless belt to find the first beauty of the pirates.


  (Guys, the pictures above don’t need to be introduced by the author. In the next chapter, Chris will meet the Empress, what will happen to them. I’m looking forward to it︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿. )

028: Hancock, you are disgusting! (for flower collection)

  Calm zone, Nine Snake Island.

  "Dong dong dong..."

  A crisp bell rang on the island.

  "Master Snake is going to take a bath~~"

  Inside the palace, there were shouts.

  Immediately afterwards, the people in the city, no matter what they are doing, fight, eat, chat...

  All retreated quickly and were not allowed to stay in the city.

  Outside the bathing area, a cordon was set up, and many female fighters were standing or sitting, strictly guarding it, and no one was allowed to enter it.

  With a swipe, the curtains are pulled from both sides.

  "The guards will be handed over to you."

  Hancock looked ahead, his tone was slightly cold, and he issued an order.

  "Yes, my elder sister."

  Sandasonia and Marigold responded respectfully.

  Hancock didn't say much, looked cold and arrogant, walked slowly to the bath with elegant and noble steps.

  Not knowing how long it took, a voice rang out.

  "Excuse me, Boya-Hancock!"

  "Please give me some time, let's talk about the Tianlong people."

  As soon as the voice fell, the figure flashed, and Chris appeared by the bathtub.

  He put his hands around him, his face was indifferent, and the look in Hancock's eyes was extremely calm.


  Incredibly shocked.

  How can there be a man's voice? ?

  Hancock didn't have time to think about it, he squatted down and hid in the pool.

  He put his hands in front of him, turned around quickly, and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

  Upon entering, I saw that this was a young man in black clothes and black pants, about 185 centimeters tall and quite handsome.

  "who are you?"

  Hancock's beautiful eyes flashed with cold light, his pretty face showed killing intent, and his tone was extremely cold.

  This man saw the pattern on his back and must not let him live.

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