Must kill him! !

  "Introduce myself, I'm the captain of the Chris Pirates, Chris."

  Chris looked at Hancock's white skin and said calmly, "I will become Shichibukai soon."

  "The reason why I came to you is very simple, it is for the next Qiwuhai Alliance."

  Hancock was not listening to Chris at all, she was very puzzled at this time.

  Why didn't my two sisters come in? ?

  If so, how can I stand up?

  "Sandassonia, Marigold..."

  Hancock hugged his body, turned to face the door, and shouted.

  Tone, full of anger! !

  "Excuse me, Boya Hancock."

  Chris was calm and calm as always, and said lightly: "I have rejected all the sounds around me."

  "So, you can't hear what's going on inside, and that's why."

  Repel sound? ?

  There is such a thing.

  Hancock was startled again, knowing that if he continued to wait, his two younger sisters would not be able to come in.

  Anyway, this man has already seen it, it doesn't matter.

  With a swoosh, he quickly stood up, jumped directly to the edge of the bathtub, and put on his clothes.

  "Damn man, how did you get here?"

  Hancock's pretty face was frosty, and his tone was full of killing intent.

  When was he so unbearable, not only the slave's logo was exposed, but his body was also seen.

  At this moment, the anger in her heart.

  It could literally set the world on fire! !

  "It doesn't matter how I got here."

  Chris said lightly: "Next, let's talk about the Tianlong people."

  "You have been a slave of the Tianlong people, and you must hate them very much."

  "Then, we can cooperate deeply."

  Chris looked at Hancock's eyes and said seriously: "My goal is to pull the Tianlong people off the altar and kill them all."


  This time Hancock was really shocked to the extreme.


  "They are the creators, how dare you... dare to do this to them!!"

  When it comes to Tianlong people, Hancock's face is pale, his eyes are extremely frightened, he is really frightened.

  It seems that the shadows of the past have had a really great impact on her.

  It's all about the discoloration of the tiger!

  "What's not to dare."

  Chris looked at Hancock and said disdainfully: "Sure enough, when you mention the Tianlong people, you completely lose your combat effectiveness and almost collapse."

  "On the surface, it looks very arrogant and cold, disguised in a decent manner."

  "But inside, it's already riddled with holes and fragile."

  "Poor people must have something to hate, and it's people like you."

  In his previous life, when he watched One Piece, he especially hated Hancock's character.

  Since being hurt by the Tianlong people, Hancock has deeply hidden his heart.

  In front of people, he is extremely strong and very domineering.

  The character is simply bad.

  Therefore, Chris really doesn't have any good feelings for this first beauty of One Piece.

  Or just now, he could throw the clothes directly to Hancock without making her stand up at all.

  The purpose is to embarrass this woman! !

  (Seeing the reactions of readers, let the author not kneel and lick Hancock. In fact, you think too much. To tell the truth, Hancock's character in this period is really too bad, very annoying. She Until it changes, Chris will always hate her ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿. )

029: Hancock, you are at the bottom of the Shichibukai! (for flower collection)


  Hancock pointed at the man in front of him, his face was blue and white, and he was angry.

  The deepest secret in his heart was revealed like this.

  How could she feel better! !

  "Death to your concubine!"

  "Sweet and sweet!"

  Hancock made a heart shape with his hands, and a large pink heart instantly appeared, flying towards Chris quickly.

  The air vibrated, blowing Hancock's hair, making her look more and more beautiful.

  "Mirror Repulsion!"

  Chris didn't dodge, his right hand slowly raised, creating a mirror in front of him.

  With a bang, the large love was bounced out and fell to the side of the bathtub.

  In an instant, the color there changed and it was directly petrified.


  Seeing this scene, Hancock's beautiful eyes widened, and his face was full of shock.

  How is this possible? ?

  His invincible sweet and sweet wind was bounced off.

  "What is your ability?"

  Hancock frowned his beautiful eyebrows and said in disbelief, "Why is it possible to deflect my attack, and how did you do it?"

  Chris withdrew his right hand and said calmly.

  "I am the one who rejects the fruit ability, and can reject any attack in the world."

  "Your sweet and sweet wind, although a little weird, is nothing."

  Chris looked at Hancock and said lightly: "Regarding the Qiwuhai Alliance, Doflamingo has agreed to join, and then it's up to you."

  "I want Aijia, do you have this strength?"

  With a bang, Hancock jumped directly into the air, and swept his right foot against Chris' head.

  "Aromatic Feet!"

  A gust of fragrant wind came, the air vibrated faintly, and the force was fierce.

  "Looks like it's still going to be a fight."

  Chris's right hand was instantly armed, his fingers spread out, and he grabbed Hancock's jade feet.

  With a bang, Hancock's white legs were grabbed by Chris.


  A slight voice sounded, and the two immediately disappeared in place, as if they had never appeared before.

  Less than a second.

  Before Hancock could react, the scene changed.

  I saw lush greenery around, towering trees everywhere, and all kinds of strange flowers and plants on the ground.

  This is clearly a deserted island.


  Hancock was really stunned.

  This island, she knew, was near Nine Snake Island.

  But he was brought here in an instant, what a terrifying speed.

  "who are you?"

  Hancock's beautiful eyes looked at the man in front of him, his delicate and perfect face was full of shock, and he quickly said, "What ability do you have, and why is it so fast?"

  She suddenly discovered that since this man appeared.

  She had been shocked many times in a row.

  "I'm the one who changed the world."

  Chris was as calm as always, "This is a skill I developed to exclude space."

  "Okay, this place is big enough, if you want to fight now, just come."

  Hancock narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly, looked at the man in front of him seriously, and wanted to see him clearly.

  The face value is very high, the expression on his face has always been calm, and his body exudes the momentum that belongs to the strong.

  Where the hell did this monster come from? ?

  "You are very strong, and the Ai family recognizes your strength."

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