All this happened in the blink of an eye.

It's only three seconds before and after.

The members of the Sylde Guild were all stunned at the moment, staring blankly at the fallen Venion.

Wenyen's marksmanship, they know very well.

Shots like his, almost never missed! They didn't find out how Van Oka did it.

Even Sylde couldn't see how Van Oka changed positions instantly.

Crow shook his head and clicked his tongue: "I said it long ago that an enemy who doesn't understand me at all takes action."

"It's just... an act of courting death!"

Fan Oka snorted coldly and looked at Vernion who was lying in a pool of blood: "A qualified gunslinger never just depends on speed."

"Either see through your enemies, or—don't be seen through by your enemies."

"And you, who have neither, are destined to die here."

With two shots fired, Van Oka succeeded in killing Venian.

And the other squad leaders were also dispatched at this time! Under the order of Chris, they each chose their opponents and killed them.

The squad leaders knew very well that the overall strength of the Sylde Guild was not bad.

It's a good fighting chance.

Chris also wanted to do the same, to give them some combat experience.

Although Chris knew the current strength of the squad leaders, it was no longer something that the Sylde Guild could resist.

However, the Sylde guild has been able to exist for so long, and it is also not a vegetarian.

Their unique fighting style is enough to cause some trouble for the squad leaders.

Enilu did his part and went directly to Sylde.

Costa was chosen by Cavendish, and there was always a habit of fighting between swordsmen.

And Labissiere was caught by Crow at a glance.

The same is the responsibility of wisdom, but Chloe is down: after seeing and seeing, what is Labissiere's fighting ability, as for Ferrer, he is strong and strong, and everyone has a tacit understanding and left him to Basas.

This kind of big guy has always been a dish of Bassas.

The rest of the squad leaders either locked their opponents, or set their sights on the little scoundrels.

These little guys carry a large green bucket on their backs, with a sprinkler on their right arm.

All of them wore goggles on their faces.

This is the unique attire of the Sylde guild, and the green barrel behind it is full of carbonic acid.

With more than a dozen small minions added together, their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

The way carbonic acid fights is also extremely difficult.

It can provide them with extremely fast speed and attack power, and the corrosiveness of carbonic acid itself is not easy to deal with.

Similarly, Labissiere and others also have the same carbonation device.

The battle between the two sides broke out suddenly, and there was a sound all over the island.

The carbonic acid device shot out instantly, punching one big hole after another in the ground.

Seeing this, Perona rubbed her chin curiously: "These guys, they all use the same attack method!"

"The strong air pressure and carbonic acid coming out of their arms looked tricky."

Leijiu's beautiful eyes flowed, and she said generously: "No wonder this island is so strange, it turns out that this is their carbonic acid factory."

"To transform carbonic acid into its own weapon, the Sylde guild has two strokes."

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, Nami suddenly said: "Look, these guys from the Sylde Guild don't seem to be capable people!"

Hearing this, everyone looked carefully, and indeed did not find anyone with the ability to make a move.

The little giant Lili explained: "The Sylde guild is made up of bounty hunters, and these people are very dependent on the sea."

"If you don't eat Devil Fruits, you can avoid the disadvantage of being afraid of the sea. This is an advantage when you are fighting against the able!"

Geerz on the side also nodded and said: "Indeed, so they pay more attention to the cultivation of two-color domineering and strength."

"It is also quite dependent on the power of science and technology."

Arrita carried the giant mace, and said lightly: "In this way, today's battle is a challenge to the hard power of the squad leaders."

"This is a very test of their two-color domineering level and their ability to adapt to changes."

Baccarat folded her crimson hair and smiled: "If it wasn't like this, Chris could easily deal with the Sylde Guild."

"What he did is just to give the squad leaders a chance to exercise!"

The automatic subscription is still 28, the little brother has no intention to code, alas! If it exceeds 210, the little brother will definitely code all night, until the morning.

Gentlemen, let’s have two more automatic subscriptions!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read


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Big guy..Thank you for your are this month...the vote for the author's update....The author's bacteria are all recorded on the small notebook.

I won't forget it...! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


317: The Sidel Guild is destroyed!Grab their treasure, there are many good things!

Somewhere in Carbonate Island, a shocking battle broke out.

The captains of the Chris Pirates, and the members of the Sylde Guild, you come and go.

All the squad leaders tried their best to win this battle.

Chris brought Nami and others to a high place early, overlooking the entire battlefield.

Seeing the squad leaders take action with his own eyes, Hawk-Eyed Mihawk couldn't help but praise again and again and said something.

"Chris, each of these people under your command is quite powerful."

"Any one has the ability to stand on his own in the new world!"

Hearing this, Chris chuckled and said lightly: "This is not enough..., they are only able to reach the level of a vice-admiral."

"There are even some people who don't even have the strength of a vice-admiral."

"If you want to achieve something in the new world, you still need experience."

Chris saw clearly and wasn't fooled by the apparent prosperity.

He knows best what the squad leaders he has trained are like.

At this stage, although basically all squad leaders have mastered the two-color domineering.

However, aside from... Anilu, Lafitte and a few others, they are all just getting started.

It's really not enough to see the real old rivers and lakes.

In Chris's eyes, only these guys who have completely surpassed the level of Vice Admiral can be considered passable.

At this time, Nami and the others followed Chris to watch the battle.

Perona floated faintly in the air, looking left and right.

Suddenly, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she exclaimed, "I didn't expect that Chloe is so strong now!"

"He can completely keep up with the opponent's speed, and he handles every attack and defense with ease."

Following her line of sight, you can see that Crow is fighting with Labissiere.

Labissiere's attack relies entirely on the power of carbonic acid.

With the help of carbonic acid, his speed reached a very high point.

And the strength of his fist is enough to shatter the ground.

However, at this moment he was out of breath and out of breath.

On the other hand, Chloe still did not change his face, the clouds were light and the wind was light.

Crow pushed his glasses and chuckled lightly: "Don't you have this strength?"

"If it wasn't for my brains, I'm afraid I'd be kicked out by the Sylde Guild."

Chloe's eyes were full of contempt.

He originally thought how strong Labissiere would be.

However, it was only after the real fight that I discovered that this Labissiere didn't have any specialties other than... good physical skills.

Even if the opponent uses the power of technology to greatly improve his speed.

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