But it's still far from enough.

Crow can always catch him easily, and every attack of Labissiere is under his control.

"Compared to the monsters on our ship, you are really far behind!"

Saying that, Crow shook his right hand lightly, and then slashed down sharply.

An invisible air pressure blade instantly cut through Labissiere's carbonated equipment! "If you scrap your equipment, you will be even more useless."

Labissiere looked at the dropped equipment in shock and was at a loss for a while.

Suddenly, he felt a chill on the top of his head, and he stepped back subconsciously.

However, at this time, Crow would not give him any chance at all.

He has already made up his mind to kill! Crow looked at the panic-stricken Labissiere coldly, and said lightly: "The weak are not worthy of continuing to live in this world."

His hands and fingers twitched lightly, and air pressure sharp blades slowly emerged, wrapping Labissiere inside.

This is a fighting style that Chloe realized after watching Doflamingo.

Using your own control of air pressure, you can create an invisible blade out of thin air to form a cage! The advantage of this air pressure blade is that it can appear freely anytime, anywhere, making the enemy hard to guard against.

If the trapped enemy wants to escape, they must first peel off a layer of skin! Labissiere's two arms are completely black.

His arms were in front of him, blocking the air pressure blade.

However, his arrogance is not enough.

It couldn't resist Crow's attack at all, and it was broken in a while.

Countless air-pressure sharp blades continuously cut every inch of Labissiere's skin.

When this guy was about to die, he finally realized what it means to be cut by a thousand swords! Al Rita looked at this scene and nodded lightly: "Clo is very smart, and his air pressure fruit has been developed very successfully."

"Furthermore, now his knowledge and appearance seem to be very powerful."

"Labissiere's speed is actually not slow, but he can be insightful every time."

Betty let out a breath of smoke and laughed lightly: "That... big man, he was about to be hammered by Bassas!"

The arrogant and domineering Ferrer finally met his nemesis at this time.

No matter in size, strength, or speed, he was completely crushed by Bassas.

Even with his carbonated gear, he was able to take his power up a notch and perform flawlessly.

But his opponent is not an ordinary person, but Basas, who likes to fight with his body the most.

The stronger Ferrer's power, the more excited Bashas was.

Bashas' fist was armed with a domineering look and collided with Ferrer.

Every time it hits, it can make a loud noise! ​​Dozens of them converge, and Ferrer has already.

However, Bashas still smiled: "You are still very good"

"This is the first time I've played so smoothly since entering the new world."

"The captain is right, the opponents are not weak."

"Come again, Wei Hahaha..."

Without any hesitation, Bashas attacked again.

Ferrer frowned helplessly and could only insist on gritting his teeth! Baccarat folded her crimson hair and said generously, "Basas has taken the initiative."

"When the battle will end, it's all in his mind."

Seeing Bassas' excited look, Nami couldn't help shrugging: "It's hard to come across such an opponent, he won't let it go easily."

Reiju and the others looked at Ferrer's eyes with a little pity.

When encountering a fighting madman like Bassas, it can only be said that he is unlucky.

A faint smile appeared on Makino's face: "The battle is over here too."

"Compared to others, Cavendish's battle is not easy."

The duel between the two swordsmen was unexpectedly exciting.

Costa's swordsmanship.

, fascinated, and very strange.

Even if Cavendish has mastered the domineering and domineering, he can't accurately predict the opponent's shot point.

Moreover, Costa also mastered the armed color.

The blade of his blade has already shown a layer of black.

This is something that Cavendish cannot do today.

Therefore, in the course of the battle, Cavendish was always at a disadvantage.

He was pressed and beaten by Costa, which Cavendish could not bear.

He was arrogant by nature and could never accept such a fact.

Under Costa's pressure, Cavendish's eyes gradually became sharper.

His arm gradually became: pitch black, brightly colored.

"I absolutely won't allow myself to be defeated in your hands!"

With a light drink, his speed suddenly increased.

With the ability of the Speed ​​Fruit, Cavendish gradually regained his place.

From the moment I have been pressed and beaten, it has now put pressure on Costa.

This sudden change took Costa by surprise.

"What's going on, this guy's speed is suddenly getting faster and faster!"

"It's almost impossible to see his sword!"

Costa gradually became flustered.

Mihawk, who was watching the battle, shook his head gently: "The most taboo thing about swordsmen duel is... unstable mentality."

"The swordsmanship of that swordsman.

Strength, though above Cavendish."

"But the mentality went all the way, and I lost completely!"

Once a swordsman's mentality is unstable, his qi will naturally start to become disordered.

Swordsmanship will also gradually become: disorganized, and the strength is greatly reduced.

Chris looked calm, and said lightly: "Now, he has no advantage in swordsmanship."

Hearing this, Mihawk's eyes narrowed and he took a closer look.

He suddenly discovered that the body of Cavendish's sword actually gradually showed a faint black color.

This shows that Cavendish's understanding of the color of armament has taken a higher level during the battle.

Mihawk chuckled and said with admiration: "As expected of the swordsman that Chris liked, he entered the room in a flash."

As Cavendish's momentum rose, Costa began to lose ground.

He changed from active attack to passive defense.

But as Cavendish's strength increased, his attacks became more and more severe.

Costa's loopholes can always be found, leaving scars on his body.

Reiju gently stroked the hair in front of her forehead and smiled lightly: "No wonder Chris values ​​such an opportunity to exercise so much."

"Only in this life-and-death battle can their potential be forced out."

"After this battle, Cavendish's strength will be even higher."

Mrs. Charlie's cold eyes swept across the battlefield, smiled and shook her head: "Compared to others, Sylde is the worst."

"His opponent is Anilu, it's just... crushing it all the way!"

A smile appeared on Queen Sweetheart's delicate face: "Anilu is someone who can fight Doflamingo."

"No matter how powerful this Sylde is, it is impossible to reach the level of Doflamingo."

During the entire battle, Anilu looked careless.

He was so fast that even with the aid of carbonic acid equipment, Sylde couldn't keep up.

If you can't even touch your own enemies, there will be no suspense in this battle.

Ai Nilu released a thunder from time to time, slamming on Sylde's body.

After several times, the most powerful carbonated equipment in the entire Silder guild was on Silder's body.

The whole was smashed to pieces by Anilu! Sylde, who lost his carbonated equipment, was greatly reduced in strength.

Anilu suddenly felt bored and spread out his hands helplessly.

"Just like you, it's ridiculous to think about taking the captain's head!"

"I thought you were so powerful, but you're just a paper tiger."

"Since that's the case, I won't accompany you anymore!"

Saying that, Enilu held a golden stick and tapped the drum on his shoulder lightly.

"Thirty million volts - Thunder Beast!"

A giant thunderbolt was released from the drum and turned into a... thunder wolf.

The Thunder Wolf roared, the situation changed color, and swooped towards Sylde.

Seeing this, Sylde felt a strong aura of danger.

He subconsciously wanted to escape, but found that his feet were bound by two lightning bolts.

He couldn't move at all! Anilu picked his ears at will, and said contemptuously, "Don't struggle, accept God's baptism!"

"Useless struggle will only make your death more painful."

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