After Doflamingo's last retreat, he returned without success.

He didn't say much, and the cadres didn't dare to ask.

It's just that Tezzolo and his party escaped so quickly that even Doflamingo couldn't catch up.

Doflamingo sighed softly and said, "Actually, I did catch Tezzolo at that time."

"It's just that Chris stepped in and brought Tezzolo under his command!"

"That's when I got into a fight with Anilu."

Hearing such a secret, Sugar quickly stuffed two grapes into his mouth: "It's abominable! How can the Chris Pirates do this?"

"Obviously they all belong to the Qiwuhai Alliance, yet they still come out to meddle in this kind of thing!"

Torrepol had a runny nose and said calmly: "In the face of real interests, the so-called alliance - is vulnerable!"

"Tezorro's golden fruit is a red devil fruit. Facing such a temptation, it is difficult for Chris not to take action."

Pika said in her high-pitched voice: "It's okay, this time Taishi escaped."

"After we, we can still find a chance to kill him!"

"Provoked our Don Quixo, it is impossible for him to live so easily."

However, Doflamingo waved his hand unexpectedly, and said heavily: "This Tezzolo, don't chase him in the future."

"Now that he has become a member of the Chris Pirates, we will not touch him."

Dellinger turned his head with a reluctant look on his face: "Young Master, why is this?"

"Chris didn't give you face when he was robbing someone from your subordinates."

"Why did you give him a chance to kill Tezzolo in order to save Chris' face? What can he do?"

This is also a common doubt in the minds of other cadres.

This way of doing things is indeed not like Doflamingo's usual style of doing things.

He has never been so generous and forgiving.

Even his own younger brother, Corazon, ended up tragically.

Torrepol and others all stared at Doflamingo, hoping to get a reasonable explanation.

Doflamingo picked up a glass of wine and drank it.

With a solemn expression on his face, he said solemnly, "Do you think I don't want to kill Tezzolo?"

"To be honest, it's not just Tezzolo, I want to kill Chris!"

Saying that, Doflamingo's eyes flashed a trace of ferocity.

He slowly leaned against the sofa and said helplessly: "But, I can't!"

"It's not because we are all kings under the Seven Martial Seas."

"Just...I'm no match for Chris!"

Saying this answer, Doflamingo seemed a little helpless.

But he knew very well in his heart that even if he was unwilling to accept it, it was a fact.

A fact that no one can change.

As soon as these words came out, the whole room fell silent.

Don Quixote's cadres all looked stunned and their bodies froze in place.

They couldn't believe that this sentence came from Doflamingo's mouth.

Doflamingo, who has always been proud, actually admits it himself - he can't beat Chris! The cadres know him too well.

Over the years, what Doflamingo really feared was only the characters of the Four Emperors Kaido.

As for other people, even the three admirals of the navy, Doflamingo would not take it seriously at all.

If you say this, doesn't it mean that Chris's strength is infinitely close to the Four Emperors? The officials of the Don Quixote family are completely unable to accept such a fact.

Dellinger's face was stubborn: "This is impossible!"

"Young Master, in our hearts, you are the strongest person."

"This Chris is just a newborn calf, what strength can he have?"

"At most... it's just to scare people. If it really starts, it's probably going to be strong from the outside and doing it in the middle."

Diamanti also nodded heavily, and said with a look of disdain: "Just because of that... Chris, I also want to compete with the young master"

"He deserves it too"

"I'm not laughing at him, now he's just a newcomer, it's just a question of whether he can survive in the new world!"

Senorpic bit his pacifier and laughed: "Young master, are you kidding us again!"

"Look at you, everyone is taking it seriously!"

Gradius still looked indifferent, and said softly: "Yes, we are very clear about the strength of the young master."

"As the biggest leader of the underground world, you need not go into details about your power."

"That... Chris is indeed very strong, but if the young master can't beat him, I won't believe it anyway."

Sugar quickly chewed the grapes and said, "Humph! That... Chris, is a guy who just came of age!"

"What did he do to fight the young master?"

"The young master's line fruit has already awakened. This Chris will not survive for five minutes under the young master."

Torrepol sniffed: "Young Master, we have been watching you grow up!"

"Your talent is absolutely unique in this world."

"We always believe that you are the strongest."

The cadres expressed their disbelief one by one. In their hearts, Doflamingo is... the strongest person.

As for Chris, they didn't take it seriously.

Doflamingo sighed heavily, his face gloomy like water.

He sullenly said, "I think you haven't been out for a long time!"

"Is it too easy to live in Dressrosa, so arrogant?"

"Don't look down on others too much, there are not many experts from the outside world!"

The corners of Doflamingo's mouth twitched, and he suddenly found that these cadres of his were somewhat arrogant.

They haven't been out on errands for too long, and they don't know what's changing on this sea.

Doflamingo said in a gloomy tone: "You must know that above me, there are still four emperors."

"Now we can't shake the position of these four guys."

"As for this Chris, he's also a difficult character, his strength is much more than mine."

"Why do you think I let Tezzolo off so easily?"

Doflamingo was furious, his voice getting louder and louder.

Several times in a row, his actions were destroyed by Chris.

What made him most angry and helpless was that he couldn't do anything about it.

Chris's strength has reached an unimaginable level.

Doflamingo clearly recognized his own inadequacies.

The sea now is not what it used to be.

Without a bit of hard power, it will be difficult to survive here.

So Doflamingo secretly made up his mind that he must seize the time to cultivate and further improve his strength.

Otherwise, I will never be able to take Chris in the future! After being scolded by Doflamingo, all the cadres dared not speak.

They could see that Doflamingo was serious this time.

............At the same time, this matter has been discussed all over the world.

This is a big event that hasn't happened in a long time.

And as one of the protagonists in the newspaper, Pudora Kingdom also made some reactions to this.

Now, since they have received the news that the Chris Pirates are going to attack themselves, there is no reason not to take... some action.

At this moment, a meeting is being held in the palace of Pudora Kingdom.

King Uridon called together all the ministers of the Pudola Kingdom.

Participating in this meeting were Chief Combat Captain Isaac, Vice-Captain Tiger Chi, and Chancellor of the Exchequer Kyle Pope.

And some other ministers who play an important role in the country.

Interestingly, these ministers are all wearing weapons.

Even civil servants, such as Chancellor of the Exchequer Kyle Pope, are no exception.

The ministers who can serve in the Puduola Kingdom are all first-class combat masters.

There is a special rule in the Kingdom of Puduola, people who do not know martial arts and fighting are not allowed to participate in politics! Therefore, many ministers can be called both civil and military.

There is no ambiguity in the fight.

As for King Uridon, he is also a strong man.

He and the king of the Kingdom of Prodence, Elizabello II, are also known as the two great emperors! Then Elizabello II, known as the king's fist, can punch through the city wall with one punch! And this king Uridon and Compared to him, it is not inferior.

The only reason why he can become the king of Pudora Kingdom is precisely because of his outstanding strength.

Among all the princes, he is the most powerful and unmatched.

This is how he succeeded to the throne.

The ministers gathered around a table, all of them talking and laughing.

In front of them, there are today's newspapers.

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