But these people didn't seem to care and didn't even look at it.

King Uridon sat in the first place, cleared his throat, and said, "Everyone, gather everyone today."

"Mainly for discussion, Chris Pirates!"

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322: The King of the Rox Crew arrives! miss Ba Jin and Weibull are here!The Tiger Boris is here!

In the palace of Pudora Kingdom, the ministers were chatting and laughing.

King Uriton pointed to a newspaper and said indifferently: "This newspaper must have been read by everyone."

"The world government assigned the Chris Pirates to come here in an attempt to destroy our Pudora."

"What do you think about this?"

Hearing this, Chancellor of the Exchequer Kyle Pope couldn't help sneering: "Your Majesty, I don't think you need to worry about this matter!"

"Just a mere Chris Pirates, nothing to be afraid of."

Saying that, Kyle Pop took a sip of the tea in front of him, and then leaned back in the chair carelessly.

The commander-in-chief of the battle, Isaac, also smiled disdainfully: "Over the years, there have been many people who have coveted our Pudora Kingdom."

"As a result, it's not all dead."

"The Chris Pirates are just newcomers to the new world, how capable they are"

The vice-captain of the battle, Huji laughed, and said nonchalantly: "It's been a long time since no one dared to provoke our Pudora Kingdom!"

"If the Chris Pirates really dare to come, I don't mind letting them know..."

"The reason why our Pudora Kingdom has stood for many years!"

Hu Chi clenched his fists slightly, and a confident but slightly cruel smile appeared on his face.

Toruji, the vice-captain of the battle, knows the military power of the Pudora Kingdom like the back of the hand.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Kingdom of Pudora is likely to be the world's leading armament power.

Besides, over the years.

There are not a few pirates or countries that have invaded the Kingdom of Puduola.

Even the world government has attacked the kingdom of Pudora, but in the end, they all suffered heavy losses and nothing happened.

This is why, aunt Charlotte Lingling, finally gave up the idea of ​​attacking the kingdom of Pudora.

This country is really a piece of hard bone, the gains outweigh the losses.

Minister Giannis held a newspaper in his hand, and said leisurely: "The soldiers will block, the water will cover."

"This newspaper has repeatedly boasted about the power of Chris and the Chris Pirates."

"However, whether it's Chris or the members of the Chris Pirates, there are only a few hundred thousand people."

"It's just a fool's dream to want to conquer the Kingdom of Puduola with this small number of people!"

Culture Secretary Ricky Davis pouted and chuckled: "This time the world government has done a good job.... Really hard work!"

"It's a bit interesting to send Polsalino, one of the three generals, at all costs."

Education Minister Arenas dismissed this and said confidently: "What about the world government?"

"At most, they will send five or six warships, and they will only be led by one Admiral and three Vice Admirals."

"This amount of strength is really not enough for Isaac and the others."

Giannis nodded and echoed: "What about Admiral?"

"Can he use his own power to kill all the thousands of people in our Puduola Kingdom?"

"Take ten thousand steps back, even if Chris and Polusalino's individual combat capabilities are beyond imagination."

"It's a big deal, we can invite those people out of the mountain!"

Saying that, a mysterious smile appeared on Giannis' face.

All ministers are well aware of this.

Since the Kingdom of Pudora is not a member of the World Government, it is not under the jurisdiction of the World Government.

So over the years, anyone who committed crimes outside would choose to flee here.

There are not so many regulations in the Kingdom of Pudora, as long as the fighting strength is strong enough, they are allowed to enter and live.

It is precisely because of this loose policy that the Kingdom of Pudola has become a place of seclusion for many great people.

Of course, there are also many vicious people who take refuge here.

The Kingdom of Puduola has never worried about what trouble these people will bring.

If someone dares to make trouble in the kingdom, there is only one fate - death! The Kingdom of Puduola has this confidence and strength.

Therefore, these... Migrants gradually became part of the Puduola Kingdom.

They come here either as seclusion or as refuge.

Once the interests of the Puduola Kingdom are damaged, they are also the damaged party.

Therefore, if the Pudora Kingdom is in crisis, they will definitely not stand idly by.

King Uriton tapped his fingers on the table and murmured, "I agree with Giannis."

"This guy named Chris has been in the limelight recently, and I have also heard some of his achievements."

"This person cannot be underestimated!"

Commander-in-Chief Isaac glanced at Uridon and saw a trace of worry in his eyes.

Isaac looked calm and said lightly: "Your Majesty can rest assured, Chris and Polsalino will be handed over to us."

"Exactly, I also want to try it myself, what is the strength of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!"

Hearing this, Uriton's face became a little more relieved.

Huci on the side smiled and said, "Captain Isaac, leave this Polsalino to me!"

"I still don't know your strength, what kind of naval admiral is not your opponent at all!"

"Why don't you give me this opportunity to practice your skills, and I'll set the navy's spirit down."

Isaac looked indifferent and spread his hands: "Whatever you want, if you want to try it out, I'll give it to you."

Education Minister Arenas looked at the newspaper and sighed softly: "How can you be confused at such a young age?"

"It's not good to attack somewhere, and come here to beat our Puduola, isn't that asking for trouble?"

Culture Secretary Ricky Davis couldn't help laughing and joked: "I said Arenas, you got pirates in your education"

"If they were serious people, they wouldn't go out to sea to be pirates."

Giannis also echoed and said with a smile: "Catch Chris and the others and give Arenas some training."

"If it can influence them, it would be a good talk."

Seeing that the ministers started chatting and joking, Uridon shrugged helplessly.

He naturally understood that the ministers were not worried about this matter at all.

And Uridon wasn't really worried.

The domestic masters are like clouds, and there is only one pirate group, and he still doesn't take it seriously.

It's just that the matter has been reported, and he has to hold a meeting.

Now it seems that this meeting has no substantive content, and everyone is completely dismissive of Chris's arrival.

............Meanwhile, somewhere in the kingdom of Pudora.

This is a deep mountain and old forest, located on the edge of the Puduola Kingdom, inaccessible to people.

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