This is completely unreasonable! Of course, there is also the client Bonnie with the same idea.

The relationship between her and Bartholomew, in this world, apart from... members of the Revolutionary Army, no one else should know.

And her mother has long since passed away, and the only person who knows about this relationship is probably the person Bartholomex most trusts.

Bonnie's eyes were full of shock.

"It's incredible, Chris, that you...know so many things"

"Could it be that you are really a deity who came into the world as the outside world said?"

Bonnie couldn't think of any other explanation besides...God.

This series of behaviors by Chris is completely unexplainable.

And Chris didn't mean to explain, he just smiled lightly.

After drinking the glass of wine in one breath, Chris continued: "Besides the father-daughter relationship between you, I also know some other secrets."

"Like, the true identity of the Bartholomew Bear!"

Hearing this, the cup in Bonnie's hand squeaked and fell to the ground.

Shards of glass splattered all over the place.

She was dumbfounded, froze on the spot, motionless for a long time.

When Hancock saw this scene, he immediately understood something.

She knew that the true identity of the Bartholomew Bear was perhaps even more surprising.

Hancock frowned and asked Chris softly, "Isn't Bartholomew the king of Shichibukai?"

"Is there anything else he doesn't know about, other identities?"

"We've worked together for so long and have never found anything wrong with him."

Hancock carefully recalled the previous events, and everything seemed to be quite normal.

Chris chuckled and said lightly: "Hancock, if everything is too normal, it is... the least... normal."

"Also as a king under the Shichibukai, besides... Bartholomew, who else is dedicated to the task of the World Government?"

Facing Chris' rhetorical question, Hancock reacted suddenly.

She suddenly realized: "If you say that, it's really like this."

"Whether it's Hawkeye Mihawk and Doflamingo, who are quite powerful, or Moonlight Moriah and Crocodile who are generally powerful."

"The rest of the six of us are mostly perfunctory about the tasks assigned by government."

"The reason why we accept the title of King's Seven Wuhai is only for our own interests."

"Furthermore, we don't really care about...the so-called title of Qiwuhai under the king."

She pursed her lips slightly, and said softly, "It's... Bartholomew Bear seems to be particularly concerned about this illusory title."

"I have always been very positive in dealing with the tasks assigned by the World Government."

Chris sat casually beside Hancock with a rare smile on his face.

Hancock murmured: "You mean that the Bartholomew bear became the king's Shichibukai for some other purpose."

"That's why I cherish the opportunity so much"

Chris nodded slightly and glanced at Bonnie casually.

He said lightly: "There are actually not a few people who know the identity of the Bartholomew Bear."

"But these people, ordinary people have no contact with them, especially the pirates in this sea."

Hancock suddenly became interested, and quickly asked: "What kind of identity is it?"

"I'm getting more and more interested in him!"

Bonnie had recovered at this moment, and her expression was still shocked.

She stared at Chris without saying a word, as if waiting for Chris to reveal the answer.

Chris also said flatly: "Batholomi Bear, he is actually a backbone of the Revolutionary Army."

"He became the king's Qiwuhai, but it was just an undercover operation, just to get more information about the world government."

Hearing this, Bonnie's face suddenly lost a trace of blood.

Her eyes trembled slightly.

Hancock observed Bonnie's changes very keenly at this moment, and his heart suddenly had a bottom.

It seems that what Chris said is indeed true.

She couldn't help shaking her head and exclaimed: "This thing is actually true!"

"Unexpectedly, the Bartholomew Bear, who has always done his due diligence, is actually an undercover agent sent by the Revolutionary Army."

"I remember, he once received the task of attacking the revolutionary army!"

She paused and continued: "That time, he led a team to clear a stronghold of the revolutionary army."

"In order for him to be able to lurk smoothly, the revolutionary army...was willing to pay for it!"

After Chris had a glass of wine, he stood up again and practiced.

While waving blood red, he said with an expression: "Bonnie, you are in a good mood."

"I will not reveal the identity of the Bartholomew Bear to the outside world."

"Although Hancock and I are both kings in the Qiwuhai Sea, we are only playing together with the world government."

"Essentially, it's not much different from your father."

Although they have not lived together for a long time, Bonnie still cares very much about her... father.

If his identity as a revolutionary army is exposed, he may lead to disaster.

Chris's comfort also gave Bonnie a sense of comfort, at least...... She doesn't have to worry about anything anymore.

Hancock also smiled at Bonnie and said softly, "In that case, we don't have to hide some things from you."

"Chris and I's goals are actually basically the same as your father's and the goals of the Revolutionary Army."

Bonnie's pupils contracted slightly, and she frowned slightly: "Hancock, what do you mean?"

"You...are you also trying to overthrow the world government?"

She seemed to have heard some great secret, her head buzzing.

For a moment, all sorts of things came to mind.

Hancock and Chris looked at each other and the latter nodded slightly.

Hancock then continued: "Yes, our ultimate goal is to overthrow the rule of the dragon people."

"This is basically the same as the goal of the revolutionary army, isn't it?"

The revolutionary army aims to change the whole world, and to change the world, it needs to overthrow the rule of the Tianlong people.

Bonnie, who learned this shocking secret, could not help but drop her chin.

Everything she knows today is amazing enough.

Hancock has been tight-lipped about Chris's plans to overthrow the Draconians.

Among the Nine Snake Pirates, only Marigold and Sandasonia knew about this.

Bonnie, is... the fourth person on board to know about it.

Chris said lightly: "Why, are you surprised?"

Bonnie nodded unconsciously, then quickly shook her head.

She looked at Chris and chuckled: "This thing really surprised me."

"But when I think that the person who did this is you Chris, then I don't feel so surprised!"

"My idols are always capable of doing some earth-shattering things!"

In the world for nearly a year, Chris has shocked the world all the time.

Bonnie was used to these things too.

Although it is said that overthrowing the rule of the Tianlong people is indeed more difficult than ascending to the sky.

But on Chris, Bonnie felt that this was not impossible.

Bonnie then asked: "Captain Chris, you called me in, it shouldn't be as simple as proving my identity!"

"I don't know, how can I help you?"

Chris is also quite satisfied with Bonnie's refreshment.

He waved his blood red and said lightly: "Yes, there is indeed one thing that needs your help now."

"I think you've heard of it -- the Seven Wuhai Alliance."

Bonnie nodded quickly and said softly: "This is naturally clear, Hancock told me about it."

"This is an alliance led by you, and it has more substantial significance than the so-called King's Qiwuhai."

Chris smiled with satisfaction, and then continued: "Hawkeye Mihawk, you have already met, he is now on our ship."

"Not long ago, he agreed to join the Qiwuhai Alliance. So far, there have been six kings in the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"That is to say, only the last one is missing, the Seven Martial Sea Alliance is officially established."

Christopher paused, and slashed the blood red in his hand: "And this last one - is your father, the Bartholomew Bear!"

Bonnie rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "So Chris, you mean, you need me to help you connect."

"Convince my father to join your Shichibukai Alliance"

Chris nodded noncommittally and continued to wave the blood red in his hands.

Hancock on the side said lightly: "I think you are the most aware of the temperament of the Bartholomew bear."

"It's not easy to convince him to join the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"So, we need your help."

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