"After all, you are his biological daughter. If you say it, he will definitely consider it seriously."

Hearing this, Bonnie couldn't help shaking her head and laughed: "My father, he does have a very weird temper."

"Don't look at how beautiful Chris is now, his fame is flourishing."

"If it's not to my father's appetite, I'm afraid there is a high probability that the door will be closed."

"He won't care, whether his strength is comparable to Chris, he only sees his own preferences."

Living with Bartholomey since childhood, Bonnie knew her father's temperament very well.

All in all, it's just... one word-weird! Chris said calmly, "As long as you can get in touch with your father, I'll be sure to convince him."

"Joining the Qiwuhai Alliance will be of great benefit to him and the revolutionary army behind him."

"I think he and Monchiron will not miss such an opportunity."

Bonnie immediately replied with a smile: "Since Chris has spoken in person, of course I will not refuse."

"And after joining the Nine Snake Pirates, I also have a very clear understanding of the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"Whether it is overall strength or overall power, it can be regarded as the top alliance in the world."

"What's more, with Chris in charge, I believe there will never be any problems."

A bright smile appeared on Bonnie's face.

For... her, Chris is... the greatest guarantee.

As long as Chris is there, she believes that the Shichibukai Alliance will become the world's most powerful group.

This is also of great benefit to strengthening the revolutionary army behind the Bartholomew Bear.

"I'll call my father right now and tell him about it."

Saying that, Bonnie took out a small phone bug from her body and dialed a number.

Seeing this little phone bug, Hancock clicked his tongue twice: "I haven't found this phone bug on Bonnie for so long."

"Fortunately, Bonnie is not a spy sent by the enemy, otherwise, the information of the Nine Snake Pirates would have been completely leaked."

Chris shrugged casually, then waved blood red.

At this moment, the island of white earth on the great route - Baldigo! This is the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army! In a small room, many cadres of the Revolutionary Army are gathered here.

Today is an internal meeting of the Revolutionary Army.

Monchiron sat on the head, and Bartholomew was sitting right next to the dragon.

Yimazuna held a glass of red wine and said lightly: "Our actions have been relatively smooth recently."

"Especially the revolutionary army in the South China Sea has successively captured four 44 countries, and the record is quite brilliant!"

Axilu also smiled and said with a smile: "Yes, the recent limelight of the Southern Army has completely suppressed our Eastern Army."

"Banicho, you've done a great job lately!"

The acting commander of the Revolutionary Army's Southern Army, Banico, smiled faintly and said, "It's just a coincidence."

"Those countries in the South China Sea are already rotten, and even if we don't go, it will fall apart within a few years."

Baniccio is not at all arrogant, but he is very humble.

Wearing a green cloak, the dragon said with an expressionless face: "The situation at sea has changed a bit recently."

"The Seven Martial Seas of the Kings who haven't been to sea for a long time are now dispatched one after another."

"The sea now is in a relatively chaotic time period."

"This is a great opportunity for our revolutionary army."

Haku looked at the Bartholomew Bear and asked softly: "Master Xiong, the King's Qiwuhai has been operating frequently recently, do you know some inside information?"

The Bartholomew bear looked indifferent and said coldly: "The other guys can't stand loneliness anymore."

"The reason why they went to sea again is because of a new person!"

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341: Revolutionary Army cadres, discuss Chris in detail!Everyone was shocked!

Baldigo, the meeting room of the Revolutionary Army.

Haku asked curiously: "The guy who can let the king go to the sea again under Qiwuhai"

"Who is it that has such a huge ability?"

"Could it be the Grand Marshal of the Navy - the Warring States of Buddha"

With the power of one person, let the king's seven warriors go to sea again, this candidate is probably really not many.

It must be a person who plays an important role in the world today and is related to the vital interests of Wangxia Qiwuhai.

Haku naturally thought of the Grand Marshal of the Navy - the Warring States of Buddha.

However, everyone only saw Bartholomew shaking his head decisively.

Haku and others, immediately.


Bartholomew crossed Erlang's legs and said indifferently: "This person is also one of the objects we are going to discuss today."

"The new king goes to the Shichibukai - Chris, the captain of the Chris Pirates."

Hearing this, the cadres of the revolutionary army suddenly felt a little surprised, but they seemed to be reasonable.

One of the contents of today's internal meeting of the Revolutionary Army is about Chris.

Recently, Chris has appeared in front of the world many times.

And his power is still expanding, which has attracted great attention of the revolutionary army.

Monchiron whispered, and said in a hoarse voice: "Is this Chris again?"

"Since he was born, the sea seems to have undergone tremendous changes."

"It's just a young man, but I didn't expect it to affect the situation of the whole world."

The intelligence control officer of the Revolutionary Army base, Terry Kirdeo, is the keynote speaker at today's meeting.

He pointed to the picture of Chris on the big screen, and said lightly, "You must have seen the picture of this young man more than once."

"The latest one should be the news about him uniting with the world government and attacking the kingdom of Pudora."

All the officers nodded.

Chris made a lot of big moves one after another, and it was hard not to attract everyone's attention.

Imazuna took a sip of red wine and said with a smile, "Chris is just a newcomer in the Seven Martial Seas under the King, and his qualifications are still relatively low."

"The other kings, the Seven Wuhais, why did they choose to go to sea again because of him?"

His eyes full of suspicion were placed on the Bartholomew Bear.

This was something he couldn't understand.

Imazuna didn't know what kind of magic power Chris had.

He can actually stir up the whole universe by himself! Bartholomew bear still expressionless, said coldly: "The specific reason, I don't know very well."

"I just heard from the navy that Chris led the formation of something called the Qibukai Alliance."

"I think that Boyahan Cook and others are going to sea again, and they are inseparable from the so-called Qiwuhai Alliance!"

Ashilo smiled and asked softly, "Sir Xiong, what is this Seven Martial Sea Alliance?"

"Is there any connection with the Qiwuhai system under the king?"

Bartholomew shook his head lightly, and said coldly, "I don't know much about the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"I just heard that the World Government is very jealous of Chris because of this."

Hearing this, the cadres of the revolutionary army were slightly surprised.

They looked at each other and felt a little surprised.

There must be a lot of involvement in things that can make the world government fearful.

Bany Qiao frowned slightly and asked curiously, "Sir Xiong, since it is the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"The members must include all the people in the seven seas under the king, why are you not among them?"

"Impossible, your true identity has been exposed."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the conference room suddenly turned their heads and glanced at Banicio.

Then they all stared at the Bartholomew Bear.

The latter sneered and said indifferently: "My identity cannot be revealed."

"If it were exposed, I would have been pursued and killed by the World Government. After all, I know too many things about them."

Bartholomew paused slightly and continued: "According to the information I got, Hawkeye Mihawk did not join the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"So I thought, it's just not the time."

"If Chris can see me, he will naturally invite me to join the Qibukai Alliance."

Kerlan pouted and said, "This Chris doesn't seem to have a moment of leisure."

"While attacking the Pudola Kingdom, and at the same time forming the Qiwuhai Alliance, I really don't know what he's going to do."

The dragon crossed his hands and murmured, "This matter needs to be investigated in the future."

"Be sure to find out what the Qiwuhai Alliance is."

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