In Hancock's beautiful eyes, there was a hint of firmness.

Bonnie was a little surprised, she didn't expect that Hancock would respect herself so much.

In this regard, her heart was also slightly warmed.

Bonnie stroked the hair in front of her forehead and grinned: "Actually, there is no need to hide this secret from everyone now."

"This secret has been hidden before because we belong to the subordinate of the king, Qiwuhai."

"No matter what, we also have an inextricable relationship with the world government."

"I'm also worried that once this secret is leaked out, it will endanger the safety of that person's life."

"But now, there is no need to worry about all this!"

Bonnie looked at everyone and continued: "Actually... I concealed my true identity from everyone before!"

Hearing this, Sandasonia frowned slightly and said, "What's the situation?"

"Don't tell me your name isn't Bonnie"

Bonnie shook her head with a smile, and said softly, "My name is indeed Bonnie, and I didn't deceive everyone on this point."

"It's just...I'm not some kind of merchant's daughter..."

"My father, his name...every one of you, know it!"

Marigold pondered and asked, "So... your father is a big pirate."

"Could it be that your father is one of the four emperors?"

"So you have been hiding your identity for fear of causing him any trouble."

Betty took a light sip of the cigarette and said lightly: "Since you are already the fourth emperor, how can you be afraid of trouble finding your door?"

"If I guess correctly, Bonnie's father was a revolutionary."

"And the identity he announced to the public is probably a member of the World Government, that's right."

Hearing this, Bonnie and Hancock were a little surprised.

Betty's analysis is basically completely correct.

Bonnie nodded and continued: "Yes, my father... is indeed a revolutionary army!"

"Furthermore, the identity he announced to the public is under the command of the World Government - the King's Qiwuhai!"

"My father is... the tyrant of King Qiyi - Bartholomew Bear!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole living room fell into a short period of time.

Before this, there had never been a single person, Ni and Bartholomew, linked together.

Because these two people, no matter how you look at them, don't seem to have anything to do with each other.

Nami and the others were all stunned, standing there motionless.

After a while, they all opened their mouths in surprise.

Nami frowned slightly and said in surprise, "Boney, your father is actually the Bartholomew Bear!"

"It's too incredible"

"I always thought that this guy called a tyrant would have no relatives."

"It now seems that the name of this tyrant may also have some other hidden secrets in it!"

During the time they spent with Bonnie, Nami and the others were able to understand Bonnie's character.

It's impossible for someone as warm as Bonnie to have a murderous father.

So Bartholomey bears the name of a tyrant, and it must be a misnomer.

Leiju rubbed her delicate chin and said in surprise, "So the Bartholomew bear we've been looking for is your father."

"You two, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a father and daughter!"

Kerla stood aside and laughed softly: "Master Bear and Bonnie have been separated a long time ago."

"Master Xiong has always been dressed like that."

"Actually... this is also a disguise!"

Baccarat tucked her hair together, smiled and said, "I never thought that Bartholomew Bear would be a member of the Revolutionary Army!"

"No wonder Bonnie has been hiding this secret all this time. If it ever leaked out, it would be incredible."

"If the world government knows about this, the bartholomew bear may be in danger!"

Makino's eyes wandered and he said softly: "But now, we have reached a cooperative relationship with the Revolutionary Army."

"So Bonnie, there's no need to keep hiding this secret."

"I have to say that the identity of the Bartholomex bear is hidden deep enough."

"If we didn't know Bonnie, I'm afraid we can only know this secret until the World Government or the Revolutionary Army is destroyed."

Sandasonia nodded and said, "Bartholomex has always been the one who best cooperates with the world government, under the monarch Shichibukai."

"We didn't understand him very well before, but now we finally understand."

"It turns out that he wants to use this method to win the trust of the world government, and then obtain more information."

Marie Groud laughed softly: "The revolutionary army is really a big hand, and they have placed such a big man in the world government."

"If they knew the truth, they would probably vomit blood with anger!"

Carana held her long sword in one hand, sneered, and said, "The... idiots of the World Government will not know this secret."

"From today, the true identity of the Bartholomew Bear will become one of the top secrets in the Revolutionary Army and the Chris camp."

"With people like us guarding this secret, no matter how powerful the world government is, it will be difficult to know this secret!"

Karana said these words to Bonnie and to everyone present.

Now that such a secret is known, everyone is obliged to protect it.

Everyone also looked at each other and nodded firmly.

Olibu took a sip of the red wine and smiled lightly: "The little guy Bartholomew has become a big man now!"

"I didn't know that before, he was a revolutionary army!"

"It's really hidden deep enough!"

She gave Bonnie a meaningful look, and then said, "Since the Bartholomew Bear is a revolutionary army."

"And Chris has reached a partnership with the Revolutionary Army!"

"Then, I think the Shichibukai Alliance led by Chris, Bartholomew has also joined."

Hancock took a pair of long legs, took a few steps forward, and sat down gracefully.

Her eyes trembled slightly, and her red lips opened slightly: "It's natural, there is no reason why the Bartholomew Bear should not join the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"The establishment of the Qiwuhai Alliance is a general trend, and the Bartholomew Bear will naturally not go against the trend."

Hearing this, Nami had a look of joy on her face, and she said a little excitedly: "So, the last king, the Qiwuhai, has also joined!"

"Has Chris's Qiwuhai Alliance been officially established?"

With a faint smile on Bonnie's face, she said softly, "Yes, the Qiwuhai Alliance, all members have returned!"

"This organization that is enough to shock the world has finally been successfully formed!"

Bakara pulled her hair together and smiled softly: "I didn't expect that the Qiwuhai Alliance was formed so quickly!"

"I still remember when Chris brought it up, we couldn't believe it."

"But today, this behemoth has quietly completed its formation!"

Leiju stroked the hair in front of her forehead, nodded and said, "Yes, it's only less than a year."

"All the kings of Qiwuhai have joined in, especially the addition of Hawkeye Mihawk and Bartholomew, which is really surprising!"

"I thought I would spend a lot of time on the two of them."

"Unexpectedly, the joining of these two will be so easy!"

Nami and the others also nodded.

They have always thought that Hawkeye Mihawk and Bartholomew bear are eccentric, so it is not easy to communicate.

However, the final result was that Hawkeye Mihawk came to the door himself.

And the Bartholomew bear made it simpler, and the problem was solved with just one phone call! Al Rita waved her hand and said generously: "If Chris wasn't there, everything would not have been so easy."

"All the joining of the King's Qiwuhai are all for Chris's face."

"Without him, the so-called Qiwuhai Alliance would not have been born."

Makino's eyes rolled, and he said with a sweet smile: "The idea of ​​the Seven Seas Alliance was originally proposed by Chris."

"In this world, apart from... Chris, I'm afraid there will be no other people who have... such a bold idea!"

"Sometimes, vision is really a very important thing!"

Perona flew around in the air and said with a smile: "I don't know anything else, I only know that Chris is very strong!"

"What he wants to do, so far, has not failed!"

"In short, following behind Chris, we can witness many miracles!"

Kerla had also taken her seat at the moment, and she lightly held her delicate face.

"To be honest, before Chris, I never thought that the Revolutionary Army would cooperate with the Pirates."

"Pirates go to sea, either for fame and fortune, or for money."

"And the appearance of Chris made our revolutionary army re-acquainted with pirates!"

Kikyo's face showed a slight smile: "Look, Captain Chris, it will definitely change this era."

"He will be the leader of this era!"

Margaret clicked her tongue twice, and said, "The opening of this era will begin with the official establishment of the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"Although there has been a lot of rumors now, the matter of the Qiwuhai Alliance has never been announced."

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