"Captain Chris, when exactly does he plan to let the Qibukai Alliance completely appear in front of the world?"

Hancock put down the glass gently, stared straight ahead, and said softly, "It's almost there!"

"As long as the kingdom of Pudora can be successfully captured this time, Chris will have his own country."

"At that time, the world government will have much less control over him."

"At that time, it was... the time when the Seven Wuhai Alliance was officially launched!"

Betty spit out a few smoke rings, and said indifferently: "Everything is under Chris's control."

"From our departure to the present, everything is going according to Chris's plan."

"Nothing has ever escaped the control of Chris, and things in the Kingdom of Pudora will definitely be the same!"

"We shall finally... FINALLY WIN!"

Nami glanced out the window casually, and said lightly: "Kingdom of Pudora, the Chris Pirates have arrived!"

"Are you... ready?"

Guys, the results of this book are a bit poor! The author has recently started writing a new book, which will be released in the next two days, and will let you know when the time comes.

As for this book, it will be updated every day, but the focus will be on the new book, I hope everyone can understand, thank you.

In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is revising this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading is happy every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


352: The Kingdom of Pudora has gathered a large number of warriors, even close to the level of the Four Emperors!

The Kingdom of Pudora, the royal palace.

In the palace, the princes, nobles and generals of the Puduola Kingdom gathered here.

In Nuoda's palace, there is not a single vacant seat at this moment.

Almost all the people with heads and faces in the Kingdom of Puduola sat here.

Taking a closer look, some unfamiliar faces were mixed in among these people.

Uridon, the king of Pudora Kingdom, sat on the throne with a hint of melancholy in his face.

His confidant, Giannis, waited beside him and whispered to him, "Your Majesty, everyone is here."

"Although this number is far less than we expected, everyone who came here is a big-headed person."

"At this time, people who have no real ability will definitely not dare to come to us and swim in this muddy water."

King Uridon's eyes glanced at the faces below, and he couldn't help but sighed slightly: "It's really rare that they are willing to come here!"

"If it wasn't for the strength of the Chris Pirates, why would our Pudola Kingdom have to spend so much trouble?"

Giannis also had a slightly helpless look on his face, and said, "This is something that can't be helped."

"Our intelligence was not very accurate before, so our understanding of the Chris Pirates was still not deep enough."

"Now, in a hurry, it is not easy to call these people here."

It turned out that as time went by, the Pudora Kingdom collected more and more information about the Chris Pirates.

And through this information, King Uridon and others have a deeper and deeper understanding of the Chris Pirates.

They gradually discovered that the Chris Pirates were not as simple as they thought.

Uridon murmured to himself: "I never thought that the combat power of the Chris Pirates would be so powerful!"

"Those squad leaders have actually defeated Moonlight Moriah, Sylde Guild and the like, their strength should not be underestimated."

"The most hateful thing is that Empress Boya Hancook and Hawkeye Mihawk actually have to step in!"

"The addition of these two kings under the Qiwuhai really gave me some headaches."

According to the latest intelligence, Uridon learned a lot of facts.

Whether it's the true strength of the Chris Pirates, or the other forces behind the Chris Pirates.

It made him feel some pressure.

So in desperation, King Uridon mobilized all resources and called for assistance from all sides.

And their main target is... some great pirates who have cooperated with Pudora Kingdom.

At this moment, the strange faces that appeared in the palace were all the pirates who were invited to help Pudora Kingdom.

The officials of the Pudola Kingdom and the pirates who came to help.... sat opposite each other.

At this moment, the officials in the palace were whispering something.

Culture Minister Ricky Davis said with a faint smile: "These people dare to come here at this time, nothing else, their courage is commendable!"

"Now there are rumors in the outside world that the Chris Pirates already possess the strength of the Four Emperors Pirates."

"Because of this rumor, many of the pirates we invited did not dare to show up!"

Looking at these people, Chancellor of the Exchequer Kelbo shook his head and sighed: "Pirates are just pirates after all!"

"It doesn't matter what kind of relationship we have with them before, what kind of cooperation we have done."

"What they think in their hearts is still profit first!"

Kyle Pop wrinkled slightly: "It's the same with the... pirates sitting across from us."

"Do you think that they came here purely out of favor?"

Education Minister Arenas looked at Kyle Pope curiously and asked, "How can we say that there is still something that cannot be done between us and them?"

"But these... Pirates are willing to take risks to come here and ask for some rewards, it's normal!"

Hearing this, Kyle Pop snorted and said, "If you just ask for some remuneration, then it's easy to say!"

"It's only natural that people come to help."

"However, these guys actually took advantage of the danger, and the lion opened his mouth!"

"In addition to asking for compensation this time, they also took a fancy to many resources in our country!"

As the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kyle Pope naturally understands this very well.

Originally, he was grateful and admired for these pirates who came to help.

But when he learned about these... pirates' conditions, he immediately.

Very disappointed with these people.

Ricky Davis pressed: 'Fancy our nation's resources'

"What do you mean...a lot of our minerals, we will have to share with them in the future"

Kyle Pope nodded blankly: "It's not just minerals, as long as it's our country's characteristic resources, they want them all!"

"So I said, these guys...really greedy!"

After learning about this, Arenas and Ricky Davis were also a little outraged.

They thought that these people were willing to come because of their previous friendship.

Education Minister Arenas curled his lips and said: "Almost half of the pirates on the opposite side have received our assistance."

"If it wasn't for us to help, they would be here again"

"I didn't expect that when our Puduola Kingdom was in crisis, he would take advantage of the dangers of others!"

Ricky Davis also shrugged helplessly and said, "What can be done about people's hearts?"

"If you want to blame, you can only blame the strength of the thief. It is too powerful and completely beyond our expectations!"

"The end result is..., cheap these guys."

As he spoke, a trace of contempt flashed across his eyes.

The kingdom of Puduola is martial, and its folk customs are sturdy.

At the same time, they also emphasize chivalry.

These.... Pirates' current practices obviously do not meet the chivalrous requirements in their hearts.

Ricky Davis, the culture secretary, is a little sad at the moment.

Just when Ricky Davis and others were angry, there was a cold snort beside them.

Isaac, the commander-in-chief of the battle, snorted and said coldly: "What's the use of talking about this now?"

"It's not easy for these people to be willing to come here at this time."

"Do you think that our country's own strength alone can completely resist the attack of the Chris Pirates?"

The vice-captain of the battle, Huji also nodded, and also said coldly: "If you have the same combat power as them, you don't need to call them here."

"If you don't have that kind of strength, don't continue talking about it here!"

The vice-captain Hu Ci's tone was very tough, which directly made Ricky Davis and others speechless.

Arenas, Kyle Pope and the others could only curl their lips.

Although they are also proficient in the way of battle, their strength is limited after all, and they cannot be compared with these.......big pirates.

Therefore, they can't refute anything for Huji's anger.

Moreover, in the Kingdom of Pudora, strength determines the status and the right to speak.

Apart from...King Uridon, Isaac and Tiger are undoubtedly the two most powerful people in the palace.

As soon as the two of them spoke, the others stopped talking.

King Uridon suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "On behalf of all the people of Pudora Kingdom, I welcome the arrival of all captains!"

"Everyone can help at this critical moment, and I am grateful!"

Having said that, King Uridon drank the wine in his hand to express his feelings.

Seeing this, Isaac, Huci and others also got up one after another.

The crowd raised their glasses and drank them all.

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