"Now we seriously doubt that the Qiwuhai Alliance has been successfully formed."

"And this unexpected organization may also be a very big threat to the world government."

There will be an update later, please wait a moment, the author is coding.

In addition, in fact, the author Jun has opened a new book, and he is also writing about pirates, so I won't say the title. Can you guess which book it is, the book that was opened yesterday.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

376: There are differences of opinion among the five old stars, and a fierce debate begins!

The five old stars with long hair and white beard said casually: "The Qiwuhai Alliance...Isn't it still the king under the Qiwuhai?"

"It's just changing the soup, not the medicine, what threat can there be?"

Eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing also pouted and said, "We already know about the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"And we also know that Doflamingo was the first to join the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"However, we agreed that the significance of this organization's existence is not great."

In the eyes of Warring States, there was a slight surprise.

According to Branu's report, he always believed that the first person to join the Qiwuhai Alliance was the Empress Boyahan Cook.

But the Warring States period would never doubt the intelligence on the Five Old Stars' side.

Because they have their own unique intelligence-gathering agency—! Those guys' business abilities are much stronger than those of Branno.

Warring States cleared his throat and said loudly: "The Qiwuhai Alliance and the Wangxia Qiwuhai seem to be the same, but they are actually different."

"The King's Qiwuhai is a system designed by the World Government, and members of the Qiwuhai are responsible for the World Government."

"However, the members of the Qiwuhai Alliance are responsible for themselves."

"So by comparison, each of them must do their best."

Sengoku shrugged slightly and continued: "I have to say, Chris's ideas are still very bold."

"He used his own method to combine seven people with different personalities."

"By making these people a community of interests, this alliance becomes: infinite cohesion."

Warring States' expression was a little strange, he shook his head gently and said, "The current Qiwuhai Alliance is not... loose."

"Once Chris wants to turn against the World Government, almost everyone else in this alliance will turn their guns."

"And that's...that's what worries us."

In the tone of the Warring States period, it seemed a little cautious.

The system of the Seven Martial Seas under the King itself was proposed by the Five Old Stars.

Now such a comparison is undoubtedly telling them that this system is unreasonable.

And the Qiwuhai Alliance is more advanced, so the Five Old Stars didn't react much to it.

The bald-headed five old star gently pushed his eyes and said lightly: "Okay, we all understand what you said."

"You go out first, the five of us need to have a good discussion!"

The other five old stars did not watch the Warring States period, but did their own things.

Seeing this, Warring States could only helplessly nodded.

Then he turned around and left the hall, walked outside the halls, and quietly waited for the final decision of the Five Old Stars.

After the Warring States left, the five bald old stars took the lead and said, "I agree with their demands to get rid of Chris."

"This person is now a huge threat to us."

"If we don't get rid of him as soon as possible, he will definitely cause us a lot of trouble in the future."

The blond five old star also squinted his eyes and said solemnly: "If he is just powerful, I don't think it's anything."

"But he has become entangled with Fishman Island and O'Hara Island, and I don't think this person can stay."

"It is quite possible that he has already known some secrets of the World Government."

Wu Laoxing with eight-character beard shook his head and retorted: "It is far from easy to know the secrets of the World Government."

"What Chris has learned now is nothing more than a scratch."

"The reason why we didn't send people to take back these . . . strayed around the world around the world."

"Isn't that because they don't have much value?"

In the eyes of Wu Laoxing with moustache, there was a little bit of pride.

The five of them know very well that the real useful history is scattered in the hands of some powerful people.

And these powerhouses, the possibility that they are willing to share history is almost zero percent.

So the eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing is not very worried about this.

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing also raised Erlang's legs, and said leisurely, "Right! Don't be so nervous."

"A mere remnant of O'Hara, she doesn't know anything."

"The things she and Chris can read together are only limited."

"So, the current Chris can't pose any threat to us."

He casually picked up a cup of coffee, took a sip, and said, "I still have that opinion, and I'll try to win over Chris."

"If Chris is available to us, that would be a huge plus for us."

"With his existence, it is enough to deter those... Four Emperors, so that they dare not act rashly."

The five old stars with curly hair are very optimistic about Chris, he thinks that Chris must exist at the level of the four emperors.

Therefore, he felt that it was a pity to get rid of Chris hastily.

The blond five old stars frowned, and didn't seem to agree.

The last update today, tomorrow morning, continue to update.

Counting, today also changed 3 to 4, enough.

Don't forget to subscribe automatically, everyone, let's go!

377: The five old stars have a fierce quarrel, and once again adopt the minority to obey the majority!

This point of view of the five old stars with curly hair has been put forward for the second time.

When he raised this point for the first time, the blond five old star changed his face slightly.

It's just that because of the Warring States period, he didn't want to argue with the curly-haired five old stars.

Now that the Warring States period was gone, he finally said, "You always make everything too simple!"

"Do you think the current Chris is something we can win over?"

"Recognize the reality, now Chris has come to the opposite side of the world government!"

The five old stars with blond hair had a sharp tone, and there was a bit of ferocity in their eyes.

He continued: "You didn't hear what Warring States said just now. The last decision made us lose the chance to win him over."

"And Chris is strong now, and the forces behind him are strong enough."

"What shall we do to win him over?"

The curly-haired five old star pondered for a moment, and then said: "In the end, Chris is just a pirate."

"Pirates go out to sea for the sake of fame."

"We offended him last time, and this time we can make up for it."

"Didn't he want to be king?"

The curly-haired five old star waved his hand and said boldly: "There are a large number of non-world government countries near the sea area where Pudora Kingdom is located."

"We can attack these places together and give them to Chris."

"Also, it is also possible to transfer the nearby World Government member countries to Chris."

"Anyway... those... small countries over there are just small characters."

In a few words, the five old stars with curly hair have clearly arranged the fate of these countries.

From this, it can be seen how big the real rights of the Five Old Stars are on weekdays! The curly-haired Five Old Stars continued: "We will give him an entire sea area and make him the biggest king in the world!"

"I don't think Chris won't be tempted by such a temptation."

The Eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing frowned slightly and said, "Although this is indeed a bit bigger, it's not impossible to do it."

"In exchange for a piece of the sea for Chris' loyalty, I think it's worth it!"

Now it is obvious that the curly-haired Wu Laoxing and the Hu Wu Laoxing have stood on one side. …

Both of them tended to win over Chris.

Because in this way, the world government can completely contain the Four Emperor Pirates.

Unless they join forces, all it takes is one Chris to keep them at bay.

In the glasses of the bald five old stars, there is a faint light shining.

While wiping the blade, he said: "Loyal... These two words are too extravagant for... pirates."

"The reason why the Qiwuhai system under the king has been reduced to this stage is not because these guys are not loyal enough!"

"They joined the Qiwuhai under the king just because they could get rid of the navy's pursuit."

"These seven people, when needed, basically won't do their best."

The bald five old star tilted his head and sneered: "So, I hope to use these sites to buy Chris's loyalty."

"It's a bit delusional."

"And doing so would be very damaging to the reputation of world governments."

The blond five old stars nodded solemnly and said: "To win Chris, you will definitely pay a great price."

"And even if we get lucky, we can't fully guarantee that Chris is... sincere."

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