"The essence of a pirate is... treacherous!"

"If he pretends to surrender, but secretly still intends to oppose the world government, it is also entirely possible."

Eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing snorted softly and said, "When will we need to be so timid?"

"Can't we control a Chris by our means?"

"Obviously, we have the capital to kill Chris."

"However, I think killing Chris is a last resort."

"In this situation, Chris's threat to us is far from the step to get rid of him!"

Wu Laoxing's tone became: very tough, and his attitude was also very clear.

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing also looked ashen, and said solemnly: "It's better to recruit AnChris first."

"Once he really refuses strictly, or finds something wrong with him after recruiting security, he can still be removed."

"I still think it's a bit too pity to get rid of Chris and the Chris Pirates so easily."

"After all, it is very rare for the World Government to recruit someone as powerful as Chris."

The bald five old star slowly sheathed the long knife and muttered, "Why don't you understand?"

"Chris's actions have already shown his attitude."

"Clearly he was deliberately opposed to the world government!"

"The real purpose of his formation of the Qiwuhai Alliance is to win over other people."

"The alliance forces he chose are also targeted!"

Gentlemen, it will be updated in the morning, and then it will be later.

Not much more to say, continue to write new books, if the new book is on the shelves another day, I may tell you the title of the book and slip away.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

The author's new book, Fungus Pirate, Travels into Marco, a must-see!

Ladies and gentlemen, the title of the new book: "The beginning of the war, I am the pirate Marco".

Pseudonym: I'm Little Brother.

If you are too lazy to type, search for "Marco"

Three words, you can also find the author's new book.

The new book has written 4 words, enough for everyone to read.

I didn't want to talk to everyone, but since a new book has been opened, let's talk about it.

This book is wonderful, everyone should go and read it.

Guaranteed you will like it.

See the underlined version small

378: There are too many differences between the five old stars, consider reporting to Lord Yimu!

The bald-headed five old star looked gloomy, and said coldly: "Whether it is the kingdom of Alabasta, or the kingdom of giants, Elbaf."

"Or Fishman Island. The common point of these forces is that they are dissatisfied with the World Government."

"Before, because of Crocodile, the kingdom of Alabasta was full of complaints against the World Government."

"Elbaf, the country of giants, they have always ignored the world government."

"As for Fishman Island, the grievances between the World Government and them are even more entangled."

The five bald-headed stars talked eloquently and carefully analyzed the attitudes of these forces towards the world government.

He wanted to let several other people see clearly the meaning behind Chris's choice.

The bald-headed five old stars murmured: "Now...you should understand, right?"

"From the beginning, Chris's purpose was probably not that simple."

The blond five old star said with a look of indifference, "Although we don't have any evidence now."

"But I have a hunch - Chris, from the beginning, was... for the world government."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't go to great lengths to win over these forces."

"And most importantly, he's trying to master Poseidon and history."

"These things are even more threatening than his powerful personal strength!"

The long-haired and white-bearded Five Old Stars, who had been silent for a long time, also stroked their own beards at this moment.

He pondered and said lightly, "I agree with the two of you on this matter."

"It's better to get rid of him as soon as possible than to... win over someone who can't be controlled."

"Chris is an uncontrollable factor, and the future will bring us a lot of unexpected things."

"It might be good for us, but it could also be big trouble for us."

The five old star with long hair and white beard crossed his hands on his chest and said solemnly: "My suggestion, get rid of Chris!"

Hearing this, the curly-haired five old star's complexion became a little ugly.

Until now, none of the reasons put forward by the blond five old stars and the others have persuaded him.

He still hopes that he can keep Chris, and he can use it later.

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing looked gloomy and said solemnly: "Although what you said is not without reason."

"But I still insist, I can't."

"On the one hand, I think he is useful to our strategic layout."

"On the other hand, he is now a world figure, and he is more likely to be the strongest existence in the Qiwuhai under the king."

"Getting rid of him rashly will inevitably cause some unnecessary turmoil."

He raised his head and glanced at the other three, and said indifferently: "All in all, the gains outweigh the losses!"

Wu Laoxing with eight-character beard also sighed deeply, shook his head and said, "You can't just look at what's in front of you when you're doing big things."

"Chris has a certain threat, but I think it's still: within control."

"There's no need at all, just deal with him now."

These two five old stars are still stubborn and have no intention of making any concessions.

Seeing this, the five old stars with long hair and white beard said helplessly: "Since there are serious differences between the five of us on this matter."

"I suggest that this matter be reported to Lord Im!"

As soon as you say this, immediately.

Aroused the surprise of the other four 44 five old stars.

They frowned at the same time and looked at the Five Old Stars with long hair and white beards.

The five old stars with long hair and white beard said to themselves: "Master Yimu will definitely have the most correct judgment on this matter."

"At that time, we just need to do things according to his instructions, and all problems will be solved."

Eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing spread his hands and said indifferently: "I have no opinion."

"Anyway... the five of us have discussed it for so long, and we haven't come to a conclusion yet."

"It's also a good way to let Lord Yimu decide."

However, the five old stars with curly hair immediately sternly refused: "I don't think this is necessary!"

"This matter is not a big deal, and there is no need to trouble Mr. Yim at all."

"The five of us can decide for ourselves!"

The bald-headed five old star also pushed his eyes and said with a soft laugh: "I am afraid that such a small matter will be laughed at by Lord Yimu."

"Five of us old guys, actually got into trouble on the body of a little guy!"

"Anyway... I don't think it's necessary to report it to Lord Yim."

The blond five old stars also nodded, and said expressionlessly: "Lord Yimu has been busy with other things during this time."

"And what he cares about has always been a family."

"He's not interested in things like Chris."

"So we still, don't bother him."

The long-haired and white-bearded Five Old Stars shrugged and said with a smile, "If that's the case, then it's up to the five of us."

"What decides this matter...the final direction!"

He looked around and looked into the eyes of several other people: "This time, we still follow the usual practice."

"Vote to decide, final result!"

That..., everyone, the author has opened a new book, I hope everyone can go and read it, thank you everyone.

There are two more updates in the evening. I hope everyone will support the new book in the past. This book will be updated hard.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

379: The Five Old Stars finally make a decision to kill Chris!

There are often differences of opinion among the five old stars.

And whenever a few of them are unable to convince each other.

The five old stars will choose and vote to finally solve the problem.

The voting rules are also very simple, the minority obeys the majority, and the one with the most votes wins.

The five old stars with long hair and white beard asked: "Vote, you all agree?"

The rest of the people also nodded without any objection.

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