"Besides that, I can give you a year off."

"During the vacation period, as long as you don't want to, I won't send you any tasks."

Hearing this, Polusalino raised his eyebrows.

He did not expect that the iron rooster of the Warring States Period would offer himself such generous conditions! Eight billion Baileys, that is a considerable amount.

Although the world government is not short of money at all, but to spend [-] billion baileys, it is considered to be bleeding.

But Polsalino still hesitated: "This is really not a question of money!"

"You should know very well how dangerous this is!"

"Chris's personal strength is definitely the existence of the four emperors."

"Fight against him, and if you are not careful, you will be killed!"

The Warring States face remained unchanged, and he said directly: "Ten billion baileys, two years of vacation!"

Everyone, Kizaru has also participated in the battle, and the battle in the Kingdom of Puduola will be very exciting.

Everyone, please subscribe automatically, the author will speed up the code, and start the battle! There are also new book tickets, everyone will vote in the past, please please.


384: The salary is in place, and he is willing to accept the task. He promises to go all out to win Chris!

"Ten billion baileys, two years of vacation!"

When the Warring States said this, his face was indifferent, seemingly calm as water.

In fact, he was already gnashing his teeth in his heart, accumulating anger.

The Navy Headquarters has the largest financial support from the world government.

It can be said that in the whole world government system, the navy is the richest institution.

These [-] billion Baileys are indeed not a big deal for the Navy Headquarters.

But for.. the Warring States period, it was the first of its kind.

He has never been so generous, giving such a big reward for a task.

Wanting to face the questioning of the Five Old Stars in the future, the Warring States period couldn't help but twitch in the corners of his eyes.

"Polusalino, this is the best condition I can offer."

"You don't have to go any further!"

In the tone of the Warring States period, there was gradually a threat.

On the other side of the phone bug, Porusalino opened his eyes wide in surprise, a little disbelieving his ears.

He did not expect that this time in the Warring States period, he would be so willing.

It can be seen that he is very determined to get rid of Chris.

Polsalino also pursed his lips and said with a reluctant tone: "Hey!"

"I really didn't expect that, Marshal of the Warring States Period, you would be so concerned about this matter."

"My immediate boss takes it so seriously, and I can't let it go any more."

Saying that, Polsalino suddenly said seriously: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, don't worry, I will do my best to complete this matter!"

"Even if I fight this old life, I will take Chris down!"

The three of the Warring States Period heard the words and looked at each other.

There was a hint of helplessness in the eyes of the three people.

To deal with this guy Polsalino, he still had to use his ultimate move.

Sengoku's voice was low, and he replied: "You just understand!"

"This mission is very important to the Navy headquarters and to the world government."

"I hope you can take it seriously and be sure to take down Chris and the Chris Pirates in one fell swoop."

Warring States paused for a moment, then continued: I promise your conditions, you can rest assured."

"When you come back, I will definitely honor:!"

With a look of joy on his face, Polsalino said with a tsk tsk: "Although the Warring States Grand Marshal, don't worry!"

"I am an admiral, but I have a name!"

"People outside always think that the strength of the Admiral is actually average."

"This time, I will let those people know what the strength of a true admiral is!"

The corner of Polsalino's mouth raised a confident smile.

This sentence also made the Warring States feel very at ease.

He knew very well how powerful Polsalino, who was serious, was.

The three admirals of the navy are known as the highest combat power of the navy, and this sentence is not just a legend.

Warring States nodded lightly, just hummed, and then hung up the phone.

Staff Officer Crane tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and said, "This guy Polsalino really doesn't see a rabbit and doesn't throw an eagle!"

"After hearing such a generous reward, I immediately became serious."

"Speaking of which, this philistine's mouth doesn't look like it was taught by Zefa!"

While speaking, Staff Officer Crane set his eyes on Garp, who was beside him.

Coincidentally, Sengoku also stared at Garp with a weird smile.

Seeing these two people looking at him with strange eyes, Garp couldn't help frowning slightly.

He pouted and said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Am I in your heart, just... such a philistine person?"

"To tell the truth, this guy's bargaining look is exactly the same as when you were young!"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

Garp looked at Sengoku with malicious intent, and shook his head with a smile.

Seeing this, the Warring States also spread their hands in embarrassment.

He really couldn't refute anything about this testimony.

Sengoku shrugged and said helplessly: "This guy Polsalino has always been this lazy."

"Since Zefa relegated to the second line, Polsalino seems to be a different person, and he doesn't care much about anything."

"Sakaski has always been determined to be the next Admiral of the Navy."

"But he... doesn't seem to be interested in power or official position!"

This is also the reason why the Sengoku and the others have nothing to do with Polsalino.

They really can't imagine what this guy wants.

Staff Officer He curled his lips and said, "I don't know what's the use of him asking for so much money."

"In my impression, he doesn't seem to be a guy who likes money either."

Garp picked up a senbei and laughed loudly: "I don't think what he cares about is this tens of billions of Baileys."

"It's from the Warring States period - a two-year vacation period!"

"Actually, the boy Polsalino is still very smart!"

The automatic subscription is now 231, and finally exceeded 230. The author is very happy, so happy.

So I added another chapter to express my thoughts.

There will be two shifts tomorrow morning, so today will be the first.

Have you voted for the new book? Please vote in the past. Thank you Feilu for reminding you: three things about reading

385: In this battle, Hawkeye Mihawk is a variable!Chris is more dangerous than Locks!

Hearing Garp complimenting Polsalino, the two of Sengoku both expressed their doubts.

Looking at the puzzled expressions of the two people, Karp said lightly: "Polusalino is trying to gain greater benefits for himself."

"After doing this, he can rest at ease, and he doesn't need to be involved in any of the next things."

"in spite of....

Will the plan to clear Chris this time succeed in the end..."

"In the next few years, the world will not think that it is as peaceful as it is today!"

Garp's deep eyes seemed to see a glimpse of the future.

He saw very clearly that the decision of the World Government to remove Chris this time would have a great impact.

And now above the sea, it is already turbulent.

Bad, it's just a fuse.

The eyes of the Warring States also gradually became more serious.

He said in a deep voice: "A year ago, I would never have thought of it."

"The change in the pattern of this world is actually related to a young man who is under the age of 20."

"The appearance of Chris is indeed an important factor in the change of the world."

Thinking back to when Chris was just emerging, Sengoku couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

At that time, none of them thought that this young man would be the person who is the most troublesome to them now.

Staff Officer Crane glanced down at the information in his hand, it was about the Chris Pirates—the latest information! She flipped through a few pages at random and sighed: "In just one year, the Chris Pirates are already talented people. Jeez."

"These... newcomers under his hands, any one of them is a rare genius!"

"Now he reminds me of a person back then..."

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