Karp raised his eyebrows and laughed softly: "What you want to say is - Rox!"

"To be honest, I often wonder if Chris and Rocks are the same person!"

"The paths the two of them took are too similar."

"It's just... Chris is much stronger than Rocks at the time!"

As the person who destroyed the Rocks Pirates with his own hands, the name Rocks means a lot to Karp.

This opponent is also the most important one in Karp's life.

He has to admit that the current Chris is much better than the Rocks.

Staff Officer Crane nodded slightly and murmured, "Polusalino is now just like your character back then."

"Only now, it seems that he can't find someone to replace Roger!"

The demise of the Rocks Pirates was caused by the collaboration between Garp and the Roger Pirates.

Now the world government is once again preparing to destroy a similar pirate group.

But the... miracle of that year, I am afraid it is difficult to achieve! Sengoku's expression gradually returned to normal, he said casually: "Fortunately, the other members of the Chris Pirates are relatively immature."

"The Pudora Kingdom should be able to come up with a lineup that can compete with each other."

"And the agency has already begun to act."

"The navy and the Kingdom of Pudora join forces, and this is not something that anyone can resist."

"I think, Wang Zhi, Isaac and Polusalino can get rid of Chris together!"

Garp and the crane staff both nodded in agreement.

Karp and the others still know the strengths of Wang Zhi, Isaac and Polsalino.

Once these three people are able to join forces, even the four emperor-level characters must be handled with care.

Staff Officer Crane sighed slightly and muttered to himself: "It's just...hope, no accident will happen!"

"The only thing I'm worried about is..., Hawkeye Mihawk is completely involved."

"If he chooses to stand against the world government, the matter is dangerous."

"It means that we have one more opponent, the fourth emperor level opponent."

"Do we need to, let the agency remind Mihawk and let him understand our plan in advance."

Warring States touched the lamb on the desk, and said casually: "When Polsalino appears opposite them, Mihawk should understand."

"At that time, he also had to make a choice."

Warring States suddenly chuckled and said lightly: "If Mihawk insists on helping Chris, there is no way out."

"Then we'll have to... even Mihawk to clean up!"

Garp chewed the senbei and noticed that Sengoku's eyes were full of killing intent.

As a partner of the Warring States Period for many years, Garp rarely sees this kind of performance in the Warring States Period.

Warring States is still smiling: "Anyway... Now Chris's Qiwuhai Alliance has been completely established."

"And the Empress Boyahan Cook, who can be completely sure, has become the most loyal person in the Chris camp!"

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, let's try it out, what kind of reaction will the other Kings and the Seven Martial Seas react."

"Your Majesty's Seven Martial Seas, it's time to rectify it!"

This is the first one, and there is another one in the morning.

Everyone, please vote for the new book in the past, don't forget it, please.

Automatically subscribe to another one, and the author will work harder to code.

386: Finally arrived in the Kingdom of Pudora, and the battle is ready to begin!

The Qiwuhai system under the king has been implemented for many years, and these seven people also occupy their respective positions.

Over time, all kinds of problems have also appeared in the King's Seven Martial Seas.

For example, Crocodile, who was previously replaced by Chris, occupied the kingdom of Alabasta for a long time, and seriously violated the laws of the world government.

In addition, the world government has naturally noticed some of the problems of other people.

It's just that due to the influence of the king's Qiwuhai, they have never acted rashly in the Warring States Period.

This time, it happened to be a perfect opportunity.

The Warring States can finally take this opportunity to conduct a comprehensive rectification of the king's lower Qiwuhai.

Even if you don't abolish these Qiwuhai, you can beat them.

So whether or not Chris can be removed this time is also a very critical matter for Sengoku.

Karp frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I think you should be more cautious about this matter."

"After all, the influence of these few people under the King's Seven Martial Seas in the entire world is also extraordinary."

"If it's not handled properly, it's likely to cause more unnecessary trouble."

Staff Officer Crane also nodded and persuaded: "Our goal now is... Chris and the Chris Pirates."

"As long as I can handle this matter, I think it's fine."

"As for Hawkeye Mihawk and the others, if they also oppose the World Government together, it will not be too late to find a way to deal with it later."

The Warring States' expression was very indifferent, and he said casually: "Anyway... Now in the Seven Wuhai under the king, only Mihawk and Boyahan Cook are there."

"To deal with the two of them, our current combat power should still be enough."

"Depending on the situation, others shouldn't come here."

"As long as they get rid of Chris, they will naturally pack up their little minds."

Sengoku believes that as long as Polsalino can get rid of Chris smoothly, others will follow suit.

in spite of....

Whether the so-called Qiwuhai Alliance has been established, when Chris dies, everything will be over.

The rest of the people will never turn against the World Government for the sake of a dead person! In the New World, the Chris has been staying here for two days near the Kingdom of Puduola, and there is no action yet.

In the past two days, the members of Chrishai have been practicing seriously.

In the Chris training room, Chris, as always, is practicing meticulously.

Since the last time he competed with Hawkeye Mihawk, he has spent a long time focusing on swordsmanship.


He wanted to thoroughly understand the insights he had gained in that battle! In the rest area on the side of the training room, Hancock and the others sat gracefully by the side, admiring Chris's practice.

Bonnie gently stirred the drink in the cup with a straw, and said with a smile: "Chris's swordsmanship.

, seems to be getting better and better."

"Although I haven't seen him really do it, but after looking at it in the past two days, I always feel that it is a little different!"

There was an indescribable feeling in Bonnie's heart.

She only vaguely felt that Chris's swordsmanship in the process of cultivation.

, with a slight change.

Olibu's eyes were burning, and he nodded: "Indeed, I feel it too."

"Compared with two days ago, there is something more in Chris's eyes."

"The strongest swordsman I've ever seen, is Hawkeye Mihawk."

"So I can't say what kind of state Chris is in now."

Hearing this, Hancock couldn't help but feel a burst of joy.

With a faint smile on her brows, she smiled and said, "This shows Chris's swordsmanship.

, In these two days, I got a promotion."

"The war is coming, which is really great news for us."

Nami's face also showed two small dimples: "Chris's swordsmanship.

, but it can kill thousands of troops!"

"Now that he has been promoted again, when the battle starts, our pressure will be much less!"

The battle with the Kingdom of Pudora is just around the corner, and the improvement in the strength of the main general is undoubtedly the best news.

This subtle change of Chris also brought great self-confidence to Hancock and others.

Perona didn't dance in the air at this time, but sat quietly on the sofa.

Enjoying the sunshine, she asked softly, "We've been here for two days and we haven't done anything."

"Chris he...how the hell did he plan"

"When will we officially start war with the Kingdom of Puduola"

Baccarat folded her crimson hair and said softly, "It's not that you haven't done anything!"

"On the one hand, we are recharged, and on the other hand, we are also exploring the depths of the kingdom of Puduola."

"Since it's a big war, it's natural to know ourselves and the enemy, so we can do it all at once!"

A slight smile appeared in Leijiu's delicate eyes: "In the past two days, our spies have been returning one after another."

"If there are no problems, the battle will begin soon!"

Everyone, let’s subscribe for another one! Now it’s 231, let’s see if we can break through 232 today, thank you everyone! That…, the plot writers should speed up as much as possible, everyone, please support! Have you read the new books? Ah Feilu reminds you: three things about reading

387: The sudden call, the Qiwuhai Alliance, is about to arrive on the battlefield!

The current Chris Pirates are all recharging their batteries.

in spite of....

Whether it was the squad leader or Nami and the others, they were all waiting for Chris's order.

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