"Chris will never be soft-hearted in the face of people who are weaker than himself."

Everyone knows Chris very well, and his decisive killing is also what Doflamingo fears.

Nami and the others couldn't help but admired Chris' domineering spirit.

At this moment, Chris has picked up the phone again.

He called Bartholomew directly.

Baldigo, Revolutionary Army Headquarters.

At this time, the core cadres of the revolutionary army were meeting in the conference room.

Long sat in the first place with his eyes closed, quietly listening to the reports of the others.

Axilu, the commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army, raised her red lips slightly, and reported: "In the past few days, we have successively won three 3 countries."

"They are Linghe Kingdom, Zarut Kingdom and Freebe Kingdom in the East China Sea."

"Although they are not powerful countries, their strategic position in the East China Sea is still quite important."

With a faint smile on her face, Ashilo said, "After winning these three countries, it will be of great significance to our layout in the entire East China Sea."

As the commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army, Ashil is quite satisfied with the result of this assault.

According to the previous plan of the Revolutionary Army, it will take at least a year to win these three countries.......

The most important reason is that these three countries are geographically very special.

They are located in the communication fortresses between the countries in the East China Sea.

It is precisely because of this that if the revolutionary army attacks these three places, it is bound to be targeted by other countries.

Imazuna gently shook the red wine glass in her hand and exclaimed: "This blitz is really beautiful!"

"It's not just that the East China Sea countries were caught off guard, the world government probably didn't expect it!"

Baniccio pouted and said, "Not only the government, but even our southern army didn't respond."

"After attacking these three countries, our revolutionary army is equivalent to mastering the traffic connection in the East China Sea."

"This is definitely our biggest victory this year!"

Teri Kildeo smiled and said, "I was also shocked when Ashilo showed me her plan."

"I didn't expect her to be so courageous."

"What I didn't expect was that it only took her two days to complete a plan with a success rate of less than [-]%..."

"It's done!"

Between the lines of Telekildeo, he made no secret of his admiration for Ashil.

Long also said at the moment: "Axilu did a good job this time!"

"Now, the situation of the revolutionary army in the East China Sea has completely opened up."

"The rest of you, don't be left too much by Ashilo!"

As he said that, Long also inadvertently beat Banicio and the others.

Bagnicho sneered and said casually: "Thanks to Tocris, the world situation is now in a delicate situation."

"In the South China Sea, civil unrest has broken out in many countries."

"Our people have quietly sneaked into these countries, just waiting for the day when their people fully awaken!"

Unlike the Ashiros, Banyjo does not like the direct use of force.

He is very good at awakening the oppressed people in his own unique way.

By sending his own men, by infiltrating the mind, Bagnio can take a country almost effortlessly.

He relies largely on... the strength of the native inhabitants of that country.

Bartholomew raised his eyebrows when he heard Reese's name.

With no expression on his face, he said indifferently, "It's been almost three days since Kerr pulled over."

"There doesn't seem to be any movement on Chris's side."

"This battle of the world's attention is really anxious to wait!"

Terikirdeo nodded and said with a smile: "Kelra sent back news yesterday, and she is very adaptable there."

"Now she's fully integrated into the Chris Pirates!"

"And she said that in the past few days, the Chris Pirates have been listening to the information of Pudora Kingdom."

"It can be seen that Chris attaches great importance to this war."

The dragon crossed his fingers, put it on the table, and asked casually: "Has Kerla... said, when is Chris going to fight?"

"If it continues like this, I'm afraid there will be some accidents."

Dragon values ​​the .. Chris Pirates very much, after all, this is a very important ally of the Revolutionary Army.

He didn't want any accident to happen to the Chris Pirates.

Everyone, today this book will be updated 45 times, and the update is guaranteed to be powerful.

That..., the new book Marco, the black beard has come, and the end of the battle is about to start, the wonderful thing is not to be missed, everyone, please go and subscribe to the author, please, please

398: Qibukai is all in place, Chris wants to show his muscles to the world!

No wait: Teligirdeo spoke, and Haku took over.

"Kerla said it should be within a day or two."

"Now their intelligence gathering is almost complete."

"As soon as Chris gives an order, they can launch a general attack."

Haku took over the job of Kerla, and it was also very quick to get started.

And the contact work between Kerla and this side is also mainly responsible for Haku.

Hearing this, Long nodded slightly, feeling a little more at ease.

Sabo squeezed his hat and said with a smile: "To be honest, I was waiting very impatiently for this war."

"I especially want to see the true strength of the Chris Pirates."

"I heard that the captains of the Chris Pirates have various abilities."

"It's a pity that I can't come to the scene in person,,, I can only read the reports in the newspapers."

Sabo sighed slightly, feeling a little pity.

Imazuna smiled and said, "You can contact Chris and tell him that you want to be involved in this war."

"I don't think Chris would object."

"That way, you can observe their battles up close."

Sabo shrugged and pouted, "I really want to go to this fight!"

"Unfortunately, if Chris doesn't speak, I'm embarrassed to ask Ying."

"After all, Chris himself said last time that he doesn't need help just yet."

"If necessary, he will take the initiative to contact us."

"I'm waiting for this call, but the flowers are all thanks!"

Sabo's expression couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and it was obvious that he really wanted to participate.

At this moment, the voice of a phone bug suddenly rang.

"Bumble! Bumble! Bumble! Bumble!"

Everyone looked at the sound, and found that the sound came from the arms of the Bartholomew Bear.

A Xilu's eyes twitched slightly, and there was a gleam in her eyes.

"At this time... who will contact Mr. Xiong?"

"The Navy still says... Chris"

Of course, Ashilo's heart is more inclined to - Chris.

Under the expectation of everyone, Bartholomew directly took out the phone bug and answered it successfully.

"Bear, it's me - Kerry"

A familiar voice came from among the phone bugs.

After Sabo and others heard it, they were all overjoyed.

Bartholomew's face changed slightly.

He still said lightly, "Chris, what's the matter?"

"It's your side, do you need any help?"

Chris smiled indifferently and said softly: "Yes, I do have something here, I want to trouble you."

"I need you to leave immediately and come to Pudora Kingdom!"

Hearing this, Long narrowed his eyes slightly and hurriedly asked, "Chris, what happened?"

"Did something happen to you over there?"

Long was a little nervous, and he really didn't want to hear any bad news.

Chris shook his head and said indifferently, "No surprise."

"It's just that I temporarily changed my mind."

"I hope that in this battle of Pudola Kingdom, the king's seven seas can all appear!"

"Jinpei and Moriah are coming soon, and Doflamingo should be on his way."

"So, now the bear is left alone!"

Hearing these things, the cadres of the revolutionary army were very surprised.

Looking at everyone's doubtful eyes, Terikirdeo spread his hands and said, "I really don't know anything!"

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