"I have not received this information about Jinbei and Moriah."

"I was also very surprised by their sudden appearance."

Everyone didn't quite think that Chris actually wanted to gather all the kings and the seven seas together.

Chris continued without expression: "Taking advantage of this opportunity, I want all the Shichibukai to appear in this place."

"The Qiwuhai Alliance needs to appear in front of the world on such a stage."

"In this way, we can perfectly show the world the strength and cohesion of our Qiwuhai Alliance."

"It means a lot to us."

Bartholomew nodded and said softly: "The unity within the Qiwuhai Alliance really needs to be shown to outsiders."

"When the seven of us appear together in front of the whole world, everyone will be jealous of the Qiwuhai Alliance."

The biggest problem with the King's Qiwuhai is...the seven of them have no cohesion with each other.

They are only fighting alone, and they do not have a very strong deterrent.

At the very least, the powerful pirates in the new world will not take the King's Xia Qiwuhai in their eyes.

But none of the forces under the united King Qiwuhai dared to despise them.

Even the Whitebeards must take it seriously.

Chris said indifferently: "Bear, I need you to appear in Pudora Kingdom at this time the day after tomorrow."

Ladies and gentlemen, there are still two or three changes later, at least 5 changes today.

The new book Marco, have you all read it? And this book, the automatic subscription has always been 234.

Can you have another one, please, everyone!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

399: Tyrant Bear agreed, and Chris amazed the world!

Chris was expressionless and said indifferently: "I have already set the time for the official war to be the day after tomorrow."

"So, you just need to get here on time before the war starts."

"At this time the day after tomorrow, the people of the Seven Martial Sea Alliance will all arrive!"

Hearing this, the Bartholomew bear also nodded casually and said, "Your plan is indeed quite amazing."

"The King's Qiwuhai gathered in the Pudola Kingdom, which in itself is... an explosive news."

"It's just that the seven of us will fight there. Even if we don't fight, it will be enough to shock the people of Pudora Kingdom."

The prestige of Qiwuhai under the king is still very powerful.

Seven people appear together, which is something that has never happened before.

Chris raised his eyebrows and said casually: "Actually, I didn't have to ask you to come here. I want you to take action."

"Calling all of you here is nothing more than... a show."

"As you said, as long as the seven of us appear in front of the public together, the deterrent effect will be extraordinary."

"At least.... From the momentum, it is enough to suppress those people in the Kingdom of Puduola."

Chris paused for a moment, then continued: "My request to the few of you is... It doesn't matter if you do your best."

"I just need you to show up, and that's enough!"

"To deal with these people from the Pudora Kingdom, a Chris Pirates... is enough!"

Chris's plan is very simple, that is, the seven people who are under the king's seven Wuhai will appear in front of the world in the form of a fit.

On the one hand, this is a great opportunity for the Qiwuhai Alliance to officially face the public.

On the other hand, this is enough to announce to the outside world that he is Chris's powerful appeal! There is no doubt that Chris hopes to use this opportunity to show his muscles to the world.

Not only his own personal strength, but more importantly, his own appeal and the forces behind terror.

Chris never planned to use the power of King Shichibukai to help himself take down the Kingdom of Pudora.

He still has very strong confidence in his Chris Pirates.

What's more, this is also the most important training opportunity for the Chris Pirates! Bartholomew's eyes did not show any emotional fluctuations: "I understand, Chris."

"Don't worry, at this time the day after tomorrow, I will definitely be on the Reese."

The Bartholomew Bear suddenly fell silent, and then said, "Besides, since I'm gone."

"I won't stand idly by."

"After the battle, I will follow your command throughout."

"As long as there is a need for me, I will definitely do my best."

Bartholomex naturally understands that the Chris Pirates are powerful, and they are not afraid of Pudora Kingdom at all.

He could probably guess that Chris was planning to use this war to give his men a chance to fight.

Therefore, the Bartholomew Bear did not say that he would definitely help.

Just saying that if Chris needs anything, he can do it at any time.

After all, he can't take other people's chances.

Chris also understood the mind of the Bartholomew Bear, and said directly: "Let's leave these things until after the war!"

"If necessary, of course I won't be polite to you."

Chris's attitude towards the Bartholomew bears should not be too mild.

It was in stark contrast to the attitude towards Doflamingo.

The dragon tapped the table with his finger and said indifferently: "Chris, the situation of the revolutionary army in the East China Sea has been opened."

"It won't take long, I believe that the layout of the revolutionary army in the East China Sea will be fully implemented."

"If you have any ideas, you can contact us at any time."

Hearing this, Chris couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Chris was still a little surprised by the actions of the Revolutionary Army.

He did not expect that the revolutionary army would open up the situation in the East China Sea so quickly.

This will be very beneficial for their future cooperation layout.

He said casually: "I don't have any ideas for now, just follow your own plan."

"My energy now is to focus on the war against the Kingdom of Puduola."

"When the war here is over, I will think about it carefully."

Axilu's red lips slightly opened, and she said with a sweet smile: "Captain Chris, we are all looking forward to this war very much."

"This war will be very exciting!"

"I'm really looking forward to what the squad leaders of the Chris Pirates will do!"

Banyjo was also very excited and said happily: "I'm more curious about Chris's layout."

"When I think about it, Chris will definitely be destroyed. Generally, he will directly take the Kingdom of Pudora!"

"Especially the move of the king's Qiwuhai, thinking about it makes people bloody."

"When have we seen the situation where these seven people fit together?"

"If nothing else, at this time the day after tomorrow, the whole world will be shocked!"

There will be another update in the afternoon, everyone will wait.

That..., I originally wanted to start a war, but after thinking about it, Chris will show his strength to the world through this battle, so I wrote the story of the Qibukai Alliance, I hope everyone understands.

400: Sabo's admiration for Chris!Looking forward to Chris, playing the loudest battle!

Sabo pouted and said hesitantly, "I'm so looking forward to Chris's shot!"

"I've only heard a few things in the newspapers or in the rumors, but these.... are definitely not as exciting as the ones I saw in person."

He summoned up his courage and asked, "Chris, can I follow Lord Bear to the Kingdom of Pudola?"

"I really want to be there,,, to watch this wonderful war."

Chris shook his head and directly refused: "You better stay at the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo!"

"This time is not the time for you to appear."

"The news of the cooperation between our two parties cannot be leaked yet."

"As the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, once you appear in my camp, it will inevitably cause some unnecessary suspicion and trouble."

Sabo's personal identity is too special.

He is equivalent to the spokesperson of the Revolutionary Army, and every move represents the thoughts of the Revolutionary Army.

As long as he appears, it means that the revolutionary army is doing something.

Chris knew very well that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at the war with Pudora Kingdom.

In addition to... the major pirate forces, there are also many national organizations, as well as the close attention of the world government.

Chris does not intend to let the outside world know about the relationship between the Revolutionary Army and the Chris Pirates.

Sabo's expression couldn't help but feel a little lonely for Chris's ruthless rejection.

But Sabo understands very well, Chris's...concerns.

Now their cooperation is a highly confidential matter, and it really shouldn't be revealed too early.

Otherwise, it is bound to be severely targeted by the world government.

If it is not done well, it may lead to a war ahead of time.

Just as Sabo sighed softly, Chris said: "If you want to watch the war of the Chris Pirates, there will be opportunities in the future."

"It doesn't have to be in a hurry...!"

"And the strength of my squad leaders will improve step by step."

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