The Pudora Kingdom is full of the desire to fight for Kerry, and they all want to destroy the Kris Pirates.

Somewhere in the Purdora Kingdom, the bosses of several weapon shops gathered together.

They took all the weapons in their shop to the center of the market.

One of them directly thought about the surrounding propaganda: "In order to resist the attack of the Chris Pirates together, all weapons are provided for free!"

"Anyone who is willing to fight with the Kingdom's army can come here and take whatever weapon they like!"

"Let's unite together and completely defeat the Chris Pirates!"

Soon, the place was full of people, and one after another, they received the weapons that they had in hand.

Similar situations have begun to appear in many places in the Kingdom of Puduola.

In such a country with strong folk customs, it is very easy to gather civil forces.

Now walking on the streets of Puduola Kingdom, you can see everyone with weapons.

Almost every household stopped their daily work and prepared for battle! Pudora Kingdom, somewhere near the deep mountains.

The fierce tiger Boris has just come out of the deep mountains and is going to find a pub to drink.

He saw that the people outside were preparing weapons one after another, with a menacing look.

Only after inquiring did I find out that all this happened today.

The violent tiger Boris shook his head with a smile, and sneered: "This Chris, does he hope to arouse the anger of the Pudora Kingdom?"

"I want to destroy the confidence of the entire Pudora Kingdom people in one fell swoop"

"Haha, it's a little too self-sufficient!"

After gathering information from various sources, Boris the Tiger quickly guessed Chris's true intentions.

Now the emotions of the people in the entire Pudora Kingdom have indeed been successfully mobilized.

But Boris the Tiger doesn't think that the Chris Pirates can defeat the Pudola Kingdom in this state! He has been in this country for so many years, and he can no longer understand the power of the people in this country.

He knows very well that once these people run wild, they will become a very terrifying force! The violent tiger Boris murmured: "Chris, Chris, you are.... A good abacus!"

"It's a pity that you underestimated the heritage of the Pudola Kingdom!"

"If you want to break the self-confidence of the whole country, some idiots are dreaming!"

At the same time, in another deep mountain in the Kingdom of Puduola.

Wang Zhi and Ba Jin, Weibull's mother and son, they have already learned about the outside world......all the news.

As for Chris's plan, they are naturally well aware of it.

Ba Jin smiled disdainfully, and said, "This Chris, I really don't know how high the sky is!"

"Sure enough, it's still too young!"

446: Weibull is furious, he must kill Chris!Urgently hold a meeting to discuss the Chris Pirates!

Ba Jin shook his head and said, "It seems that Chris still can't see the form clearly."

"Does he really think that the Kingdom of Puduola could be conquered by him so easily?"

"He doesn't really think that he is better than the World Government and the Big Mom Pirates, right?"

Ba Jin was very surprised by Chris' actions today.

Suddenly, she felt as if she had overestimated Chris before.

As a person of the older generation, Ba Jin naturally understands more about the power of the Puduola Kingdom.

This country is powerful, and the people in this country are all powerful, and all can take up arms to resist the enemy.

If you want to attack this country, you must kill all the people here! Otherwise, even if you temporarily occupy the Kingdom of Pudora, it will be overthrown later.

Moreover, the reason why people like Wang Zhi and Boris the Tiger chose to live in seclusion in the Kingdom of Puduola is not just because the Kingdom of Puduola is not a member of the World Government.

More importantly, this country has a very strong ability to resist foreign enemies! Wang Zhi's eyes were bright, and he casually fiddled with a pile of charcoal fires, chuckling: "Now these... juniors , it really doesn't matter what you do!"

"Now that Chris is high-spirited and the teenager is proud, it is inevitable that there will be some stupid tricks!"

"Want to conquer the kingdom of Pudora... easier said than done"

Wang Zhi's tone was indifferent, and in this insipidity was mixed with his contempt for Chris.

In Wang Zhi's eyes, Chris is... a stinking yellow-mouthed child.

Only an impulsive young man can do something like hitting a stone with an egg! Ba Jin's face showed a gloating expression and said, "Let Chris continue to be a hero!"

"Now the people of the entire Pudora Kingdom have taken up their weapons!"

"Faced with such a group of people, it's time for the Chris Pirates to take a bite!"

Ba Jin has long coveted the gold and silver treasures of the Chris Pirates, and naturally hoped that they would have a bad life.

If this time, the Chris Pirates can be directly defeated by the Kingdom of Pudola... So if you want to get these treasures, isn't it a matter of grasping it, and it seems that the development of things is moving in the direction of her heart. ...Wang Zhi raised his head and glanced out the window, faint.

Now, this Chris is indeed the brightest person in the sea."

"I can hear from him almost every day!"

"However, if you don't have the strength to receive this attention and adoration, it is destined to be a flash in the pan!"

Today's events made Wang Zhi feel that Chris's temperament is average.

Even if he was lucky enough to pass the Puduola Kingdom, he would definitely not go far.

Weibull sat beside him, his face gloomy.

He said angrily: "Humph! Chris, this nasty guy!"

"My limelight was all stolen by that guy Chris!"

The more Weibull thought about it, the more angry he felt, and he said viciously: "No, this is absolutely unbearable!"

"I must personally - kill Chris!"

"As long as I can kill that... nasty guy with my own hands, I will definitely be able to get the world's attention!"

"At that time, I was the brightest star in the whole world!"

In Weibull's eyes, there was a fierce light.

At this time, the kingdom of Puduola, the palace hall.

Culture Minister Ricky Davis and others arrived here one after another, as well as the captains of the major pirate groups headed by Middle Camino.

All the important figures in the Puduola Kingdom gathered in the palace hall at this time.

After a long time, King Uridon arrived belatedly.

With a gloomy expression on his face, King Yuri sat silently on his seat.

For a time, the entire palace hall was filled with chills.

All the people were very worried and silent at the moment.

The news about the approaching Chris Pirates was notified to each of them early in the morning.

Almost everyone has realized the seriousness of the problem.

After a while, King Uridon groaned and said, "Everyone already knows that."

"It seems that the Chris Pirates can't stand it anymore."

"We must also make some necessary responses now."

Culture Secretary Ricky Davies said softly: "Your Majesty, it is fortunate to have people like Bette Dency inspired."

"Now all the people in our country have taken up arms."

"This is undoubtedly a great thing for us!"

Saying that, a faint smile appeared on Ricky Davis' face.

However, Isaac, the commander-in-chief of the battle, said coldly: "Others don't know, don't you know?"

"Those people in Bait Dengxi were just sent by His Majesty the King to stabilize the hearts of the people."

"The current situation is extremely serious for us."

"Just relying on these....the citizens, is far from enough!"

Minister Giannis also nodded and said solemnly: "According to the information, the Chris Pirates will attack us tomorrow."

"And... the other kings, Qiwuhai, will all gather tomorrow."

"It now seems that the Chris Pirates are...obviously provoking us!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

447: Isaac's Analysis!The king was very angry and wanted to lead an army to attack Chris!

Minister Giannis looked indignant and said, "This Chris, the provocation is too obvious."

"We can't help but make some responses!"

Everyone knows that the official attack of the Chris Pirates must be tomorrow.

So today, when Chris made such a show, the meaning is very obvious.

Now it is not only these people in the Pudola Kingdom who are aware of it, but also some forces that are always paying attention to the trends here.

Anyone with a little bit of wisdom knows that Chris is a blatant provocation.

And if the Kingdom of Pudora does not respond, it will undoubtedly be a loss in front of the whole world! The vice-captain of the battle, Huji, let out a long sigh and said solemnly: "At this time, we will make any decisions. The reaction is inappropriate."

"Whether it's tit-for-tat with the Chris Pirates, or sending troops directly, it's impossible!"

"All our combat deployments are in preparation for tomorrow's battle."

"If we start a war rashly now, all our previous deployments will be in vain. In a hurry, the battle effect will not be too ideal."

Anyone who leads a war knows that it is the most taboo to send troops hastily before the war begins.

Even if the general leading the team has a sure-fire strategy in mind, the soldiers cannot be prepared.

Isaac, Huci and others have already arranged their own tactics and army distribution.

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