Once the war is launched in advance, the following army is likely to have a chaotic scene.

This is extraordinary for such a crucial war.

Education Minister Arenas frowned and murmured, "Then don't we just do nothing?"

"The Chris Pirates have already hit our door."

"Don't let the Chris Pirates run wild in front of us"

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kelpo also nodded and said righteously: "If you don't make the necessary response, it will be detrimental to our country's prestige!"

"The war is imminent, and this will have a great impact on the hearts of the people and the military!"

"This Chris, really gave a difficult problem!"

Several ministers looked at each other, and they all shook their heads helplessly. They had to admire, Chris, he moved very well! King Uridon was also full of sorrow, and looked up at Isaac.

He asked softly, "Isaac, what do you think we should do now?"

At the critical moment, King Uridon relied on and trusted the most, and he had to be the commander-in-chief of the battle, Isaac.

This is not only because of his strength, but also because he is the wisest person in the entire palace.

Isaac frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Chris's move is... wanting us to be in a dilemma."

"If we attack, we will fall into a trap, which is equivalent to a skirmish."

"And the other party is ready early, the situation is naturally beneficial to the Chris Pirates."

He spread out his hands, and then continued: "If we don't take action, we can't give some response."

"Not to mention how we are in the eyes of the outside world, but in the eyes of the people, we will all appear cowardly and timid."

"As a result, our people may lose some confidence in the government."

Culture Minister Ricky Davis raised his eyebrows and said softly: "Fortunately, His Majesty the King has foresight!"

"Sending Biden, Auden and others to give speeches in advance has stabilized the current situation."

"The attention of the people outside is now focused on the anger towards the Chris Pirates."

"In a short time, they shouldn't notice anything else."

Saying that, a slightly flattering smile appeared on Ricky Davis' face.

At this critical moment, he still will not miss any chance to please King Uridon.

And his face also aroused the dissatisfaction of Isaac and Huji.

Both of them glanced at Ricky Davis with contempt.

Isaac retracted his gaze and continued, "These are just two superficial problems."

"If you think about it carefully, you will know why Chris has to do this and come to provoke us."

"According to our intelligence, Chris is not of such a character."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

Hearing this, everyone also felt that it was very reasonable.

Captain Middle Camino said coldly: "This Chris's strength is top-notch, so it shouldn't be for a moment... a quick one."

"He must have some other purpose in doing this."

"But... angering our entire Pudora kingdom, what good is it for him?"

Evil Bradley frowned and murmured: "In the current situation, the people of Pudora Kingdom are all angry!"

"In this way, the overall combat power of Pudora Kingdom will be improved."

"What do you think, it's not a good thing for the Chris Pirates!"

Isaac shook his head and snorted coldly: "It's not that simple!"

448: Facing the power of Chris, the Kingdom of Pudola, call all the hidden pirates here!

Isaac, the commander-in-chief of the battle, squinted his eyes slightly and sneered: "Everyone still thinks Chris... is too simple."

"This person's mind and ambition are more complicated than we think!"

Louis Cacho touched his mechanical arm and asked, "Why?"

Everyone else looked at Isaac curiously, waiting for him to give his opinion.

Isaac said directly: "We learned from the beginning that after the Chris Pirates were going to attack the Kingdom of Pudora..."

"The first reaction of all of us is..., the Chris Pirates want to invade our territory and plunder our treasure!"

King Uriton and the other ministers nodded without any hesitation.

Minister Giannis also asked back: "Isn't that so?"

"Chris put so much effort into it, he just took a fancy to the rich resources and gold and silver treasures of our Pudora Kingdom."

"Otherwise, why would he bother so much?"

Isaac smiled disdainfully and said, "This is just our stereotype of pirates."

"We believe that pirates live for gold and silver treasures."

"And pirates at the level of Chris, in addition to... gold and silver treasures, naturally expand their power."

"I think everyone...that's what they think."

Saying that, Isaac's eyes swept across Middle Camino and other captains of the pirate group.

Tristan shrugged his shoulders directly, and said generously: "We go to sea just for these...!"

"Gold and silver treasures, and the respect of others, or... fear!"

The captain of the Silver Bear Pirates, Morant West, also smiled and said bluntly: "In this year, there are not many who really go out to sea for the name of One Piece!"

"Even if it's to become the Pirate King, it's not for the treasure that Roger left behind"

"To be honest, if it wasn't for the rich rewards given to us by the Kingdom of Pudora, we wouldn't have come to swim in this muddy water!"

This is the truth in the hearts of these pirate captains.

The wages of avarice is death.

Pirates have always been a very present.

Isaac nodded, then smiled strangely, and said, "This is the most common image of a pirate in our minds."

"But... Chris is no ordinary pirate."

"The Chris Pirates are also an ordinary pirate group."

"They want more than treasure and fame!"

Isaac paused, then said solemnly: "We got information before - Chris made a deal with the Navy."

"As long as he can capture our kingdom of Pudora, the world government will make him the king of a country!"

"That's when we should have thought that what Chris wants... is far from simple."

Louis Caccio said thoughtfully: "You mean, Chris really wants to set up his own country."

"And, he's not trying to take a turf and start from scratch."

"Chris wants to... directly take over the centuries-old efforts of the Pudola Royal Family!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone, including King Uridon, widened their eyes in shock.

For this guess, everyone feels very incredible.

But when you think about it, it does make some sense.

Education Minister Arenas couldn't help shaking his head and sneered: "This Chris, isn't it crazy?"

"Does he really think that our Pudora Kingdom can be taken over by an outsider so easily?"

"Does he know... how much effort I have made in the past generations of the royal family of the Pudola Kingdom to achieve today's achievements"

King Uridon looked gloomy, but remained silent.

No one knew what he was thinking.

Fortunately, Isaac said unabashedly: "It is precisely because of the difficulties that he has this blatant provocation."

"Chris is... deliberately provoking public anger, what he wants is that our Pudola Kingdom go all out!"

"As long as you can be dignified and upright, in a frontal battle, defeat the Pudola Kingdom, which is attacking with all its strength."

"Then the Chris Pirates have a high possibility of successfully conquering the people of Pudora Kingdom."

"Because at that time, the self-confidence of our people was destroyed by them."

Vice-captain Hu Ci rubbed his temples, shook his head and said, "Shangwu, this is the culture of our country."

"If the force of the Chris Pirates is strong enough, it is indeed possible for these people to... surrender to them."

Hearing this, all the ministers seemed to be suddenly discouraged.

They secretly looked at the king on the throne, Uridon's face, at this moment: very ugly.

His confidant minister Giannis rolled his eyes and said sharply: "This Chris, it's just too much!"

"He just didn't take our Pudora Kingdom in his eyes!"

"In my opinion, it doesn't matter if you ditch the deployment!"

"You can fight them directly!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

449: The Kingdom of Pudola, gather all the fighting forces, and prepare to fight to the death!

Giannis looked righteous and aggressive.

He said loudly: "Even if there is no specific tactical cooperation, the army of our Puduola Kingdom is strong enough!"

"In addition to the people who took up arms outside, it's not that we can't go to war directly!"

"Since Chris wants to defeat us in the strongest state, let him have a taste of being backlashed!"

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