With Giannis making such a statement, the depression in the hearts of the other ministers turned into anger at this moment.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kelpo said sharply: "I suggest, immediately.

Let's go to war!"

"With our current state, we can completely compete with the Chris Pirates!"

The Minister of Culture, Ricky Davis, also agreed very much, agreeing: "The Chris Pirates rely on nothing more than... Chris!"

"And our Pudora Kingdom, with so many masters, is afraid that we won't be able to restrain a Chris"

"Chris is so arrogant and arrogant, we must not let him continue to be arrogant!"

Education Minister Arenas snorted and said, "If we do nothing today, it means we are showing weakness."

"Now, what will happen next to the Chris Pirates?"

Arenas turned to look at King Uridon and pleaded, "Your Majesty, let's send troops!"

"Now is the time when morale is high, and this is a great time to fight!"

At this moment, outside the Puduola Palace, a noisy voice entered the palace.

All the people outside were shouting: "Destroy the Chris Pirates!"

"Attack the Chris Pirates!"

"Cut off Chris's head!"

One after another, it was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The ministers couldn't hold back their emotions when they heard this inspiring slogan.

The eyebrows of King Uridon were already gathered together at this moment, forming a deep ravine.

His heart began to sway a little.

Upon seeing this, Isaac, the commander-in-chief of the battle, poured a basin of cold water and said, "You can guarantee that we can solve the battle within a day."

"If you can't eliminate Kerry's main combat power today, wait until tomorrow when other kings appear under the Shichibukai..."

"Do you think that with our strength, we can still support it?"

The vice-captain of the battle, Huji, was also disdainful and said bluntly: "The people of the Seven Wuhai Alliance are the biggest threat."

"As long as seven of them are there, it's going to be a huge problem for us."

"Our existing masters, dealing with a Chris and an eagle-eyed Mihawk, are probably already stretched thin."

"Not to mention, there are five other people!"

Isaac and Huji saw the situation very clearly, and they knew that the focus of this war was on the Qiwuhai Alliance.

It is a rare scene that the princes and the seven Wuhai gather together and fight side by side.

No one knows what kind of power these seven... .a few of us can handle it."

"But the other people are not too easy to mess with."

Louis Caccio nodded, spread his hands and said, "The original Empress Boyahan Cook doesn't really need to worry, but now..."

"Since she re-entered the new world, Hancock's strength has been increasing."

"And what her strength is now, we don't know."

"For sure, she's become a pretty tricky being!"

Tristan, the captain of the Cavalry Pirates, licked his lips and murmured, "Except... Moonlight Moria we can meet..."

"Other people, I'm afraid everyone is not sure."

These three people are already the three most powerful among the captains of the pirate group.

If none of them are sure, let alone others.

For a time, a worried mood and atmosphere enveloped the entire hall.

Seeing the gloomy expressions on everyone's face, King Uridon couldn't help shaking his head.

He suddenly said in a deep voice, "Chris provokes us, doesn't he just want us to keep calling people?"

"Since he gave this opportunity, let's show him!"

King Uridon seemed to make up his mind suddenly.

He turned his head to look at Giannis and asked, "Giannis, didn't you say that some people's mouths have become loose these days?"

"Take this opportunity to lobby them quickly."

Hearing this, Giannis nodded happily.

In the past few days, several big pirates have indeed contacted him.

Although he didn't express his attitude directly, it was also very ambiguous.

King Uridon felt that there must be some tricks hidden in such a sudden performance at this time.

So this matter has not continued.

Now, Uridon can't take care of that much anymore.

All he wants now is - to destroy the Chris Pirates! King Uridon turned his head and told the Chancellor of the Exchequer Kyle Pope: "Remember, this time, I will do whatever it takes!"

450: The aid of the kingdom of Puduola, this is a big pirate!

King Uridon looked solemn, with a bit of cold blood in his eyes.

Although he is a little older now, he still maintains the ruthlessness of the past.

Uriton sneered and said disdainfully: "Since Chris has invited members of the Qiwuhai Alliance to help out."

"Then the battle on our side, naturally, cannot be defeated."

"Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of contacts in Pudora Kingdom!"

Last time, Pudora Kingdom was in a hurry and could only summon these pirate groups headed by Middle Camino.

However, these...... are far from the real network strength of Pudora Kingdom.

If it wasn't for the tight time last time and they didn't fully understand the situation, it would not have been possible to end the external contact in such a hurry.

Some of the real powerhouses they know are mostly dragons, and it is difficult to contact them.

But now, the Kingdom of Pudora has reconnected with these people.

King Uridon glanced at Giannis and asked, "Who are the people who took the initiative to contact us this time?"

Hearing this, Giannis quickly replied: "The ones who took the initiative to contact us include the Wizard Pirates, the Old Ghost Pirates, and the One-Eyed Pirates."

"These three 3 pirates have all been to our Pudola Kingdom before."

"Their relationship with us has always been pretty good."

Huci smiled strangely, and said lightly sarcastically: "These three pirate groups, when they were looking for them before, were pushy and blocked."

"Now that I take the initiative to contact us, I think I suddenly recognized the situation!"

"As expected of a big pirate galloping into the new world, he really knows how to navigate the wind!"

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kelpo also smiled indifferently and said casually: "These people are like this, they are changing."

"Last time we offered such a generous payment, they all refused."

"Now I suddenly want to come to help, I really don't know what medicine they sell in the gourd."

King Uridon waved his hand and murmured: "No matter what medicine they sell in the gourd, no matter why they suddenly change their minds."

"As long as you are willing to come to help me Puduo, you must treat each other with courtesy!"

"Giannis, you are in charge of docking, these three 3 pirates, let them come over tomorrow!"

Giannis nodded heavily and said with a smile: We are not far from us right now."

"I believe that these pirate groups will be able to rush over this evening, this morning."

King Uridon nodded with satisfaction, his brows stretched a lot.

The Minister of Culture, Ricky Davis, frowned and said, "It is naturally a good thing that the three 3 Pirates are willing to help us."

"But as far as I know, their strength is not particularly strong."

"Even if they come, I'm afraid they won't be able to compete with the Qiwuhai Alliance."

Several other ministers also nodded, expressing concern.

On the other hand, the captain of the Silver Bear Pirates, Morant West, said generously: "These three 3 pirates are comparable in strength to ours."

"To tell the truth, we are not the opponents of the King's Qiwuhai."

"Even if it is the weakest Moonlight Moria in everyone's impression, we may be hard to resist."

"This is still in the case of Moonlight Moria, whose strength has declined after being seriously injured!"

Moonlight Moria attacked Kaido and learned a lesson from many people in the New World.

It is precisely because of this that Moonlight Moria stays in the Devil's Triangle all the year round.

Its own strength has not returned to its peak state for a long time.

People like Morantesey and Tobias are indeed well-known pirates.

But compared with Moonlight Moriah, the quality is still a little worse.

Captain Siakam of the Frozen Pirates shrugged and said, "I can deal with a pair of Moonlight Morias!"

"However, I'm not entirely sure."

"Though the three pirates can't play a key role, they are used to deal with the captain of the Chris Pirates..."

"They should still be able to do it!"

Captain Evil Bradley of the Triumph Pirates said directly: "I also received some news here."

"There are several small and well-known pirate groups that just happened to appear in the waters around Pudora Kingdom at this moment."

"If the Kingdom of Puduola is interested, I can get in touch for you!"

Hearing this, King Uriton nodded without hesitation: "Then there is Captain Lloyd Bradley!"

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