"If you have any pirate friends you know, you can invite them over!"

"My Kingdom of Pudora promises that I will never treat them badly!"

At this time, Yuridon already had the determination to break the boat, and in order to defeat the Chris Pirates, he was willing to pay any price.

Even if it is to empty the treasury of the entire Pudora Kingdom! Minister Giannis suddenly mentioned: "Your Majesty, our intelligence agent, also made some discoveries."

"They saw the figure of the Big Bug Pirates!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

451: The strength of the old blacksmith is terrifying!This is the strong aid of the Pudora Kingdom!

"Big Bug Pirates"

"Did they show up?"

Hearing Giannis' words, Tank Pirate Captain Tobias immediately stood up excitedly.

It can be seen from his expression that this Big Bug Pirates is not an ordinary character.

The captains of the pirate regiments next to him also showed a bit of surprise on their faces.

Giannis continued: "There's absolutely nothing wrong with that!"

"The Big Bug Pirates did suddenly appear in this sea area."

"Although it is far away from us, it is also in the same sea."

Isaac, the commander-in-chief of the battle, squinted his eyes and muttered: "I didn't expect this guy to appear here."

"It is said that he has disappeared for many years!"

"Our Pudora Kingdom has not been in touch with him for more than ten years!"

King Uridon seemed to have fallen into memory, and said lightly: "This guy Rodman, the big bug, is indeed an interesting person."

"As early as ten years ago, he was already a hegemon."

"Now that he has appeared, it means that he heard about us."

Uridon directly ordered: "Giannis, immediately.

Send someone to contact Captain Rodman of the Bug Pirates!"

"Tell him that I, Uridon, invited him to come to the Kingdom of Puduola to reminisce!"

"If you can't invite him over, you and the people you sent out don't have to come back!"

King Uridon's attitude is also very tough, and it seems that he is also bound to win against the Big Bug Pirates.

Louis Caccio tapped the table with his fingers, and smiled faintly: "Rodman the big bug, he is indeed a master!"

"It would be a good thing for us if he is willing to come and join this fight."

"With his strength, he should be able to completely resist the Empress Boya Hancook!"

Rodman, the captain of the Big Bug Pirates, is also a strong man of the same era as Louis Caccio.

Although he has disappeared for so many years, no one will question his strength.

Ten years ago, his bounty had already reached tens of thousands of terrifying Baileys! After so many years, no one knows how strong he is now.

After receiving the order of King Uridon, Giannis hurriedly left the hall temporarily.

He is well aware of the importance of the Big Bug Pirates to... the Kingdom of Pudora and to... this war.

So he didn't dare to be slighted in the slightest.

Soon, Giannis found a few people he trusted the most and explained this extremely important matter to them.

In a short while, a group of men and horses quietly left the Puduola Palace with a lot of things.

In the palace hall, everyone is still discussing.

King Uridon said again: "The Big Bug Pirates are an important force for us."

"But just one big worm, Rodman, is not enough to make up for the power imbalance between us and the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"What other candidates do you have?"

The vice-captain of the battle, Huji raised his eyebrows and recommended: "Speaking of which, I'm here...... There is a candidate."

"This person... also has a great relationship with our Puduola Kingdom!"

Education Minister Arenas asked curiously: "Captain Hu, do we all know the person you are talking about?"

Huci smiled strangely, nodded and said, "Yes, everyone should know the person I want to recommend."

"He is... Born in the Kingdom of Pudora, and now the captain of the Blacksmith Pirates - the old blacksmith Smart!"

As soon as the name was uttered, the officials of Pudora Kingdom felt very familiar.

Strange to say, the Kingdom of Puduola is a martial country, but there are not many pirates born in the Kingdom of Puduola.

And this old blacksmith Smart is just... one of the very few! The vice-captain of the battle, Huci, continued: "Old blacksmith Smart's strength is no weaker than Rodman the big bug!"

"Just half a year ago, his reward amount had reached 6 million [-] Bailey."

"If he can be reached, I think he'd be more than willing to come back and help us."

Tristan was surprised and murmured: "It turns out that the famous old blacksmith Smart, his hometown is... the Kingdom of Pudora!"

"Since you have such a relationship, why didn't you find him in the first place?"

"His strength alone is equal to several of us!"

Middle Camino looked indifferent and said coldly: "If there were old blacksmith Smart here, we would not be as passive as we are now."

"At least.... our current paper strength can completely compete with the Chris Pirates."

Middle Camino and others, after hearing the name of the old blacksmith Smart, obviously have a lot of energy.

This also shows that the strength of the Blacksmith Pirates has long been recognized by the outside world.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kelpo spread his hands helplessly, shook his head and said, "To be honest, Captain Smart is the first person we have contacted!"

"But...he rejected us outright!"

452: All the hidden powerhouses want to kill Chris!This is bound to be a shocking battle!

Hearing this, all the captains of the pirate group present were not sure why.

They didn't understand why the old blacksmith Smart refused the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kyle Bo, hesitating, rolling his eyes, carefully glanced at King Uridon.

Kyle Pope didn't end up speaking any further.

On the contrary, King Uriton smiled and explained in person: "This Smart is... driven out by me!"

"He was my favorite blacksmith back then. Many of my swords were made by him for me."

"After I became the king of the Pudola Kingdom, this person relied on my trust and privately recast the sword that my father passed on to me..."

"In a fit of rage, I expelled him from the Pudola Kingdom."

"It is precisely because of this that he has no choice but to become a pirate!"

A relieved smile appeared on King Uriton's face, and he continued: "After so many years, I have forgiven him long ago."

"However, it seems that he is still brooding!"

After listening to this, the captains of the Pirates also understood the grievances and grievances involved.

Louis Caccio touched the hilt of his sword and said casually: "The bell must be tied!"

"If you want the old blacksmith Smart to come back to help the Kingdom of Pudora, I'm afraid your majesty the king... you need to bend over!"

Culture Secretary Ricky Davis waved his hand directly and retorted: "This is absolutely not possible!"

"His Majesty the King is the most honorable person, how could he condescend and apologize to an old blacksmith?"

"What's more, this matter was originally that... Smart's fault!"

Education Minister Arenas frowned and said, "It's really inappropriate to ask His Majesty the King to apologize."

"If this matter gets out, it will have a great impact on the royal family."

"The image of the royal family now also affects the support of the people of the entire Puduola Kingdom."

Tank Pirate Captain Tobias pouted and said sarcastically: "The country will be destroyed by others!"

"What's the use of face at this time?"

"Top players like the old blacksmith Smart are very important to our current situation!"

"Without him, who would you fight against Qiwuhai?"

Several ministers were speechless for a while.

King Uridon fell silent suddenly.

Without saying a word.

After pondering for dozens of seconds, he suddenly raised his head and said, "When the country survives, why not let me bend over?"

At this time, Giannis had returned to the main hall.

King Uridon immediately said again: "Giannis, where is the Blacksmith Pirates now?"

Giannis was slightly surprised at first, and then replied: "According to our information, the Blacksmith Pirates have actually been hovering nearby."

Hearing this, everyone was very clear in their hearts.

In the heart of the old blacksmith Smart, he was always thinking about the Kingdom of Pudora.

It's just that he didn't come back directly because of his unhappiness with King Uridon.

The corner of King Uridon's mouth also smiled slightly, and his expression was somewhat relieved.

He ordered: "Send my message to the Blacksmith Pirates and tell Smart..."

"Just say I, Uridon, want to talk to him in person!"

When he spoke, there was a bit of memory in Uridon's eyes.

After speaking, Giannis also immediately.

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