Send someone out to convey the message.

Now no one doubts whether the old blacksmith Smart will return.

As long as King Uridon apologizes, Smart will definitely appear as soon as possible.

Isaac, the commander-in-chief of the battle, said indifferently: "If everything goes well, we will have Rodman the worm and Smart the old blacksmith!"

"With the addition of these two people, we don't need to worry too much about the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"With our strength in strength, we can fill the gap."

The so-called two fists are invincible to four hands, and the biggest advantage of the Pudora Kingdom today is that it has a large number of troops! At this time, Giannis smiled mysteriously: "Just now, I got a new news!"

"I think everyone will be very happy after hearing the news."

Culture Secretary Ricky Davis urged: "Giannis, tell me what the news is"

Giannis didn't make a fool of himself, and said directly: "Our people have successfully contacted the Troubled Pirates and the Bull Pirates!"

"These two pirate groups are willing to come to help our Pudora Kingdom!"

Hearing this, Hu Ji said with a slight surprise: "It's really not easy for these two pirate groups to contact each other!"

"I remember at the beginning, they were the first people we contacted."

"The news has not come until now!"

Isaac smiled lightly and said, "A good meal is not afraid of being late."

"When contacting them at this critical moment, I finally did not miss the opportunity."

Elvir Bradley said in surprise: "It's actually these two pirate groups"

"Their strength is also very powerful!"

"Compared to the Big Bug Pirates and the Blacksmith Pirates, they are not weak!"

Morantessi sneered and said, "Your news is too late!"

"Do you know how much the Bull Pirates captain's bounty is?"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

453: Join the Great Pirate!The Kingdom of Pudora has summoned the strongest force!

Hearing Morant West's questioning, Evil Bradley also frowned.

He said with a slightly skeptical tone: "The captain of the Bull Pirates, Mirotic, hasn't his bounty been changed all the time?"

"I remember his bounty has been kept at five hundred and forty million five baileys for many years."

"And recently, I haven't heard anything else from him."

Tank Pirate Captain Tobias also looked at Morant West in doubt, and said, "The Bull Pirates have been keeping a low profile for the past few years."

"Mirotic doesn't seem to...have any movement."

Not only these two people, but many people present had the same doubts.

They didn't receive any news at all.

Morantessi sneered and said: "The latest reward order has come down, and Mirotic's reward amount has also been increased."

"Now, the captain of the Bull Pirates, Mirotic - the reward amount has reached 7 million [-] Bailey!"

"A whole increase... [-] million Baileys!"

Hearing this news, Evil Bradley and others were all shocked.

Even Middle Camino and Luis Caccio, who had always been relatively calm, were a little uneasy at the moment.

Middle Camino narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself: "I never expected that Mirotic would actually break through the [-] million Bailey mark!"

"Suddenly, the reward amount has increased so much!"

In the world of pirates, the bounty amount is an important indicator to evaluate a pirate's strength.

Therefore, many pirates are also proud of receiving high bounties from the World Government.

So many people have been constantly pursuing and getting a high bounty.

And in the circle of pirates in the New World, there is also an unwritten rule.

[-] million Baileys, [-] million Baileys, [-] million Baileys, [-] billion Baileys and [-] billion Baileys are all a threshold respectively.

The bounty reached [-] million Baileys but it was [-] million Baileys, all of them belonged to the "newcomers who could have a place in the new world,"

Although these people are not weak, but in the new world of Daji, they are not too important people at all.

Similar to Morantesey and others, although they are famous, they will not be concerned and feared by too many people.

And once the bounty exceeds [-] million Baileys, similar to Middle Camino and others, it belongs to a small overlord! In this Pudora Kingdom meeting, it is obvious that Morantsi and others are very interested in their fear and respect.

As for the pirates whose bounty can exceed [-] million Baileys, they are already famous people! There are not many such pirates in the whole new world.

Whenever the bounty exceeds [-] million Bailey, they are basically the overlords of the dominant side! Even the Four Emperors Pirates will not provoke them at will.

Middle Camino looked surprised and said: "It is possible to be given such a high bounty by the World Government."

"The Bull Pirates must have done something big."

Louis Caccio also clicked his tongue twice and said: "There is no parallel import of any reward that can exceed [-] million Bailey."

"It's just... Miroch has come to this step silently, which is a little unexpected."

Morantessi smiled eccentrically, and said mysteriously: "It is also a coincidence that I was able to know this news in advance."

"Now if we go to sea, the news must have spread all over the sea."

"It is said that the Bull Pirates attacked the Big Mom Pirates, and Mirotic confronted one of Big Mom's generals!"

"Although Mirotic was not able to defeat the star in the end, the two were almost evenly divided."

"And in the end, the Bull Pirates were able to retreat!"

Hearing this, Tristan raised his eyebrows and said, "The generals under the Auntie Pirates are all real masters."

"It is said that each of them has a bounty of more than [-] million Bailey!"

Isaac, the commander-in-chief of the battle, said directly: "The Big Mom Pirates have a total of four generals, three males and one female."

"The weakest star among them is Snug, but his bounty has also reached [-] million Bailey."

"And the strongest Katakuri, the bounty has reached a terrifying 5 [-] Bailey!"

Hearing this number, the eyes of everyone present trembled slightly.

The big pirates with a bounty of more than one billion baileys, they have never seen people here! Generally, pirates of this level belong to the existence second only to the four emperors.

The Big Mom Pirates once invaded the Kingdom of Pudora, so Isaac was familiar with them.

Isaac continued: "The other two, one called Cracker, have a bounty of 8 million [-] baileys."

"There's another named Smoochy, and the bounty is as high as: 9 million [-] Baileys!"

He glanced at Moranteci and said indifferently: "Mirotic beat it, it should be the Cracker."

454: Chris, you don't regret it!

Isaac looked indifferent and said casually: "With Mirotic's strength, it should be difficult for Star Snag to restrain him."

"Since Mirotic didn't take advantage in the end, and the bounty was just over [-] million Bailey."

"Then what he has a high probability of encountering is... the Star Cracker."

The vice-captain of the battle, Hu Chi rubbed his temples and chuckled: "Xingxing Li, this is also a ruthless character!"

"Mirotic can tie him, his strength is evident!"

"Such a Milotti can definitely be compared to the King's Shichibukai!"

Culture Minister Ricky Davis heard the words, and immediately said with joy: "In that case, we should invite him over as soon as possible!"

"With Rodman the big bug, Smart the old blacksmith, and Mirotic the bull, we can completely match the Qibukai Alliance in momentum!"

"Chris's most proud of the Shichibukai Alliance will not threaten us!"

Giannis also showed a smug smile on his face, reminding: "Don't forget, in addition to... the Bull Pirates, we also have the Trouble Pirates!"

"The captain of the Troubled Pirates is also an existence whose strength cannot be underestimated!"

Hearing the name of this pirate group, Middle Camino couldn't help frowning.

There was also a hint of disgust in his eyes.

Middle Camino curled his lips and said, "That... troublesome woman is really haunted!"

Louis Caccio looked at Middle Camino with interest and smiled eccentrically.

He asked curiously: "It seems that you have quite a relationship with this troublesome pirate group!"

"I heard that the captain of the Troubled Pirates, Haria Zina, is a very mysterious woman!"

Tank Pirate Captain Tobias also said with a smile: "It is said that few people have seen her true face."

"Even on the World Government's bounty, she wears a black mask."

"I don't know if this Hariazina is a beautiful... or an ugly girl"

Everyone looked at Middle Camino, intentionally or unintentionally, who couldn't help but feel a little hairy.

Middle Camino shook his head helplessly and explained, "Not long ago, we had a battle with the Troubled Pirates."

"I just didn't expect to hear the breath again so soon."

"I didn't even think that we might fight side by side in the battle of Pudora Kingdom..."

It can be seen that Middle Camino is very helpless.

He was a little tired of this Haryana.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kelbo raised his eyebrows and said, "Since the Trouble Pirates dare to fight with the Predator Pirates, it shows that they are good."

"This Harriet should be a trustworthy expert."

For some reason, everyone looked at Middle Camino in unison.

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