After all, among the people present, only Middle Camino and Halia Zina had met and fought each other.

So he should know best.

Middle Camino bit the bullet and continued: "The captain of the Troubled Pirates, Haria Zina, offers a bounty of 5 million [-] Baileys."

"She is a superhuman type dust fruit person."

"The last time there was a conflict was because she wanted to pull me into her pirate group."

"Therefore, the two of us fought a lot..."

"The end result is... no one gets anyone, and then they break up!"

After hearing this, everyone's expressions were very wonderful.

Louis Caccio gently wiped his long knife and murmured: "It's a lot of courage to ask you to join in!"

"If there is a chance, I would like to get to know this Hariazina."

"However, neither of the two of you can get anyone, I'm still a little surprised."

For the strength of.. Middle Camino, Luis Caccio is quite recognized.

He believed that if he fought against him, there was a high probability that he would be suppressed all the time.

Middle Camino squinted his eyes and said coldly, "Haryazina's dust fruit is a bit strange..."

"Her ability has caused me a lot of trouble!"

King Uridon shook his head with a smile, and said, "In this way, this Hariazina is really a troublesome spirit!"

"But as long as there is absolute strength, I, the Kingdom of Pudola, are willing to invite help!"

Having said that, King Uridon ordered: "Giannis, hurry up and contact the captains of these two pirate groups."

"No matter what demands they make, try to meet them."

"I hope they can come to our Pudora Kingdom before the war starts tomorrow!"

This time, King Yuri suddenly had a lot of energy.

The captains of these four pirate groups are all strong supporters! With their presence, King Uridon will no longer be afraid of the Qiwuhai Alliance.

He smiled excitedly: "Chris, you asked us to call foreign aid..."

"Then I will do what you want!"

"I hope tomorrow, you won't regret it!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

455: On the deck, the squad leaders are talking and getting ready to attack one by one!

At this time, King Uridon suddenly became: very confident.

The big bug Rodman and others are... the helper he wanted most at the beginning.

At this critical moment, the four 44 pirates suddenly appeared, making him immediately.

ignited hope.

Now he began to have enough confidence to fight against the Chris Pirates and the Seven Seas Alliance! King Uridon looked out of the hall and murmured in the direction of the port: "Tomorrow, let's fight to the death!"

"Chris, you will definitely see the power of my Pudola Kingdom."

"And you will surely... regret your stupid behavior today!"

Chris's actions today really made King Uridon and others feel very unhappy.

They haven't seen such a provocative behavior for a long time... Two thirty in the afternoon, Chris.

From the morning until now, the Chris has been quietly parked on the sea.

The soldiers in the port of Pudora Kingdom were still in full force, daring not to relax.

However, on the Chris, everyone was very relaxed.

The squad leaders, Nami and the others all found a comfortable place and began to enjoy the most leisurely time before the war.

Fanka looked up and said with a smile: "Pudora Kingdom has sent another wave of people!"

"From this morning until now, this is the fourth group of people they have sent."

"It seems that the Kingdom of Pudora is still very active in looking for foreign aid."

Lafitte pressed his hat and smiled faintly: "The Kingdom of Pudora has plenty of troops, but the top combat power is insufficient."

"To fight against our Chris Pirates, it is absolutely impossible to win by the advantage of numbers."

Bartolomeo wore his cockscomb head and sneered: "Let them continue to look for foreign aid!"

"Unless they can find people like Whitebeard and Redhead Shanks, then everything will be useless."

"In the face of our Chris Pirates, general foreign aid is of no use at all."

Crow pushed his glasses and reminded calmly: "We received news that there are many powerful pirate groups near this sea area."

"Unsurprisingly, the Kingdom of Puduola wants to help... these people."

"To be honest, this is a long-established big pirate, and it may take a little effort to deal with him."

"If you don't do it right, you may capsize in the gutter!"

For Chloe's awakening, Ba didn't care and smiled.

He said nonchalantly: "The Kingdom of Pudora invited these...foreign aid to come over to deal with the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"Do they really think that King Qiwuhai can be defeated so easily?"

Luo Huai leaned against the railing with Guixiu in his arms and muttered: "The strength of the king's Qiwuhai is definitely not reflected in the bounty."

"If the Pudola Kingdom doesn't find a real master, it will basically be difficult to resist the King's Qiwuhai."

Because of Doflamingo, Luo has a deep understanding of Wangxia Qiwuhai.

He knew the horror of these people.

Except...Moonlight Moriah and Empress Boya Hancook, none of them should be underestimated.

What's more, now, the strength of these two people has also been greatly improved! At this moment, Chris suddenly came over.

Chris said to the crowd: "I got the news that this time the Navy headquarters sent Borusalino over with unknown intentions."

"On the surface, these navies are to cooperate with us to win the kingdom of Pudora."

"But...according to the secret information I got, these navies led by Porusalino are probably aimed at us."

"The Navy Headquarters, I'm afraid it wants to take this opportunity to exterminate our pirate group!"

Chris's words, immediately.

attracted people's attention.

Anilu digged his ears and said casually, "Polusalino... One of the three admirals of the navy, Kizaru."

"It is said that the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is very powerful, if he dares to attack our Chris Pirates."

"I want to meet him!"

Cavendish held his sword hilt and said coldly: "The world government is indeed hypocritical enough!"

"Dare to play two-faced with our Chris Pirates"

"Just the navy they brought, it's really not enough to see!"

There was a wise look in Crow's eyes, and he said casually: "The captain's information never seems to be at fault."

"And after so long, Polusalino has not made any contact with us."

"So this thing should be true."

"It seems that the Navy headquarters is determined to get rid of us this time!"

Bashas touched his fists and said viciously, "Wow, haha! One hit is also hit, and two hits are also hit!"

"If the Navy wants to deal with us, let them come!"

"Exactly, together with the Kingdom of Puduola, we cleaned them up together!"

"I have long seen these navies not pleasing to the eye!"

456: The squad leaders are discussing, the threat of Kizaru is too strong!

Bassas was gearing up, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

He is not afraid of the navy at all! Po showed a forbearance smile and said coldly, "I don't mind using my newly developed biochemical weapon on the navy first."

"Dare to attack the idea of ​​our Chris Pirates, I'm afraid the decision makers of the Navy Headquarters are dizzy!"

There was a hint of joy in Cariboo's eyes, and he said excitedly: "If they want to deal with us, I welcome them very much."

"My avatar fruit has been developed well now, but there is no object for me to use it!"

"The soldiers of Pudora Kingdom don't know how strong they are, but the strength of the ordinary navy is enough..."

"I also want to see how many navies can be defeated by a clone of mine"

The ghost man Ajin was expressionless, and said coldly: "In the end, it is the Navy headquarters that thinks our threat is not enough..."

"Since this is the case, we have to let them see and provoke our fate... no less than provoke the Four Emperor Pirates!"

"Teach them a good lesson, and they won't dare to provoke us easily in the future!"

The squad leaders were very angry about this.

But they didn't have any worries or timidity. Instead, they were gearing up and wanting to clean up with the navy! Baccara gathered her hair and frowned slightly: "This Navy headquarters is really changeable, it's only about a month before and after. time."

"They first supported us in attacking the Kingdom of Pudora, and now they will turn against us."

"It seems that we must overthrow this world government!"

Everyone has no doubts about Chris's intelligence.

Now they have fully determined that the Navy is ready to attack the Chris Pirates.

Perona flew around in the air and said angrily, "I'm really pissed off this princess!"

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