"Who is it that makes this decision?"

"I want him to doubt his own life and make him regret appearing in this world!"

Perona put her hands on her hips and pouted.

The change before and after the naval headquarters made her very happy.

Nami pouted and said sarcastically, "This is what is called... a navy that represents justice!"

"The two faces of them really let me see."

Leiju stroked the hair on her forehead, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, if they want to deal with us, let them come!"

"Anyway... From the beginning, we never trusted the Navy."

"We never expected these navies led by Porusalino to be of any help to us."

"But if they want to make trouble, we can definitely make them pay!"

There was a faint murderous intent in Leiju's beautiful eyes.

Since joining the Chris Pirates, she has not been on the battlefield for a long time! And this operation of the navy has also successfully angered Reiju.

Betty spit out a puff of smoke and said lightly: "Speaking of which, the navy led by Polsalino cannot be underestimated in combat effectiveness."

"In addition to... Polsalino, the... Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, at least...... there are eight Vice Admirals."

"And according to the news, the people who came this time are all elite lieutenant generals like Ghost Spider."

"If they are really determined to deal with us, it will still bring a lot of trouble."

Arrita carried a huge mace and stepped out: "Even if the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters come, we will not be afraid of them."

"Besides, that... ghost spider, it's just Chris's defeated general."

"For a vice-admiral like him, having a few more won't help."

"Our squad leaders are not vegetarians either!"

Al Rita narrowed her eyes slightly and snorted coldly, "If there is a chance, I would also like to meet them in person for a while."

"I also want to personally experience what kind of strength the Vice Admiral has."

During this time, Al Rita has been practicing hard.

And during this period, she also got the guidance of Chris.

Therefore, Al Rita's strength has also been greatly improved.

Now, she still has a lot of confidence in herself.

Makino, who was on the side, said gently: "We are now...not afraid of the navy in front of us."

"But what we need to guard against is that this navy has colluded with the Kingdom of Pudora."

"If they cooperate with each other and attack us back and forth, it will make us passive."

Makino's words were recognized by the others, and everyone nodded.

Once the navy and the Kingdom of Pudora attacked from front to back, they had to take care of each other.

Empress Boyahan Cook said calmly: "If we are worried about their attack, we can leave some people behind to guard the Chris."

"This will ensure that our rear remains in a safe situation."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

457: Confirmed, Hawkeye vs Kiwi!This is Hawkeye's determination!

Everyone's worries are not without reason, after all, Polsalino is a genuine Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

If he really took advantage of the fierce battle between the Chris Pirates and the Pudola Kingdom, and attacked from the rear... For the Chris Pirates, this would definitely be a big trouble.

At this moment, Hawk-Eyed Mihawk, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke up.

His falcon-like eyes shot a gleam of light, and said lightly: "Let me handle this matter!"

"The King's Qiwuhai and the Navy have always been in a cooperative relationship, they are just targeting Chris."

"My face, I think Polusalino still has to give it."

"If Polsalino is going to attack the Chris Pirates, I will stop him personally."

"I don't believe that the Navy Headquarters will be desperate to tear up their faces with all the kings under the Qiwuhai."

Hawkeye Mihawk's expression was indifferent, and he could not see any change.

He then continued: "If Polsalino insists on shooting, I will not sit idly by...

. "

"If you believe me, I will definitely block Polsalino outside the Kingdom of Pudora!"

Hawk-Eyed Mihawk's tone was always filled with awe-inspiring domineering arrogance.

He convinced everyone that as long as he was there, Polusalino would never accomplish anything.

Lafitte pressed his hat and laughed softly: "Then there is Mr. Loomihawk!"

"As long as we stop Polsalino, we will be able to fight ahead with peace of mind."

Cavendish was full of admiration and said excitedly: "As expected of the world's greatest swordsman, he is indeed domineering!"

"There are not many people in this sea who dare to say that they will stop Admiral Polsalino in person!"

Crow pushed his glasses lightly and muttered: "The strength of the admiral of the Navy Headquarters is definitely not as weak as we imagined."

"There have always been rumors in the outside world that the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters has the strength to fight the Four Emperors!"

"Such rumors are not just groundless."

"Even if the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters does not reach the super strength of the Four Emperors, it will definitely not be too different."

"At the very least, it is impossible for the Four Emperors to be a general in seconds!"

Bartolomeo wore a green cockscomb head and smiled disdainfully: "Rusalino seems to be the weakest of the three naval admirals."

"And even if he is not weak, Hawkeye Mihawk is also an existence with the level of four emperors."

"Anyway, Mihawk can stop Polsalino."

Hawkins said with a dead face, "I just calculated it."

"The chance of Mihawk successfully blocking Polusalino is as high as: [-]%%%!"

"And the chances of Polsalino defeating Mihawk are zero percent!"

"So even if there are any accidents or variables, Mihawk will at least be able to tie with Polsalino."

With a pair of dead fish eyes, Hawkins said without emotion: "You don't need to worry about anything at all."

"The strength of Hawkeye Mihawk is absolutely worthy of our trust."

The team leaders' trust in Hawkeye Mihawk's strength, on the one hand, comes from Mihawk's legendary reputation.

The world's greatest swordsman, who once competed with the red-haired Shanks.

Such a person, it is hard not to believe his strength.

On the other hand, since seeing Hawkeye Mihawk and Chris tied in swordsmanship, everyone has no doubts.

The squad leaders know how powerful Chris is.

Although Chris does not reveal his swordsmanship on weekdays, his talent is enchanting in the eyes of everyone.

So the squad leaders have no doubts about Chris's swordsmanship.

Absolutely reached the extreme! That's...that's...their trust in Chris.

So Hawkeye Mihawk can be tied with Chris in swordsmanship, which has already explained everything.

Chris looked at Mihawk with a smile, nodded and said: "Mihawk intercepts Polusalino, there is absolutely no problem."

"To beat Mihawk...it's a very difficult thing."

"At least............I think that Polsalino definitely does not have such a strength."

Hearing Chris' words, the other squad leaders stopped talking.

They will always choose to believe - Chris's judgment.

Chris continued at Mihawk: "The Navy, it's up to you - Mihawk!"

"If Polsalino intends to go to war across the board, I will send someone to support it immediately."

"But I believe that with you around, Polsalino should not act rashly."

For this mission, he offended Hawkeye Mihawk, and even offended all the kings under Qiwuhai.

Chris felt that Polsalino would not have made such an irrational choice.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared in the distance! The direction the pirate ship was heading was... straight towards the Chris!

458: Apu finally arrived, this squad leader is a bit strong!

In the distance, a pirate ship sailed slowly.

Under the gazes of everyone, getting closer...Nami looked at the pirate ship from a distance and muttered: "This pirate ship... looks so strange. "

"They didn't fly the pirate flag!"

Hearing this, Bakara smiled indifferently and said, "That's right, this is Apu's ship!"

"Yesterday, Chris specially asked me to let Apu and the others be careful about the navy."

"So I told Apu them not to fly the flag of the Chris Pirates."

Nami nodded in surprise.

Perona floated in the air, holding her little face and pouting: "After so long, Apu and the others are here."

"I've waited so long that I don't have any interest!"

"Let's spare Apu and the others this time!"

Perona looked listless, and it seemed that she was indeed exhausted from waiting too long.

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