Xiao Beika's mind was simple and didn't think much at all, she said with a smile: "Grandpa, you are a very busy person, just go ahead and do it.

  With me and my aunt here, that's enough

  King Liku nodded and glanced at the two of them with deep meaning. The vicissitudes of life showed a amiable and amiable line. Let's chat with you young people, I'll go back to work first.After speaking, without any hesitation, he walked directly to the door with a crunch, the wooden door slowly closed, and King Liku stood at the door with a look of hope in his eyes and prayed secretly in his heart, thinking: "Violet , Lumbecca, you have to cheer up.

  No matter which one of you, being Chris' woman is a huge help to Liku

  Chris is so young and his strength is so powerful, he must be a big man in the future.

  It is your honor and a great joy to be his woman.

  King Liku frowned, with a determined look on his old face, and said to himself, "If Chris wants, it's not a problem to let them both marry him.

  Such a powerful young man must be firmly grasped in his hands and must not be missed.

  As long as Chris becomes my daughter, he will definitely help Dressrosa and bring great benefits to the country

  That's right, I have to talk to the two of them when I look back, and explain that I must become the woman of Chris, King Riku, with a smile on his face, very happy, and strode forward into the room.

  At this time, Violet had already fully reacted, and she finally knew why King Liku did this. This is the woman Ming who planned to make her Chris! !

  Father, father, are you so anxious to send your daughter out?

  Violet secretly complained about King Lishou, he had never seen a father who did this, how could he put his daughter on another man?

  Well, she just complained, well not very angry

  Mei Mu glanced at Chris, she was still very satisfied with this man at a young age, with such a strong strength, and with such a handsome appearance and a calm and composed personality. Overly domineering.However, as a strong man, it is understandable that Chris would behave like this. Is he really my real son?Violet really wanted to take a 0K pose in front of his eyes and peep into Chris's inner thoughts.

  But she doesn't dare, it's just an idea

  Actually, Chris is stronger than Doflamingo, if he peeps rashly, he will definitely be noticed by him.

  At that time, it will be a big trouble, and it will definitely let Chris Chris, I want to see this map, can you let me see it together?

  At this time, Becca looked at Chris, her beautiful eyes were shining, her face was extremely beautiful, she showed a look of anticipation, and she asked.

  Chris was about to open the black box and said calmly, "After you can finish speaking, just open the box and take out the old and simple map inside. Thank you, Lord Chris.

  Becca's beautiful eyes lit up, a sweet smile appeared on her pretty face, and she said happily, "I knew, Lord Chris, you are the best.

  Without further ado, he quickly stood up and walked quickly to Chris's side. He was very excited. Violet pulled up his black and beautiful hair, smiled and said, "I'll take a look together. After all, this has been around for more than 800 years." The map is definitely seen by the whole world. "

  Slowly stood up, took noble and elegant steps, and came to Chris's side. Is this the map pointing to the tree of evil fruits?

  Becca stood beside Chris Fang, bent down slightly, and her slim and attractive figure suddenly appeared.

  Long pink hair, delicate and perfect face, without any acne, it is really beautiful to wear. The route is very complicated.

  Violet also stood beside Chris, bent over to look at the map, cum on Liu Yeju, and whispered that this figure was much better than Rebecca's black and beautiful hair. The exquisite five palaces, coupled with her status as a dancer, how slender her figure is, can't be described at all.

  Must be mind-blowing, no doubt about that

  complexity is inevitable

  Chris crossed his legs and held the map in both hands. He watched carefully and said calmly without blinking.

  A place no one has ever reached

  In this life, I will conquer there, and I will succeed in uncovering the mystery of the Devil Fruit Tree!

  Although the tone is flat, but there is no doubt about it

  It shook the hearts of both of them.

  Nbecca looked at Chris, her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, and on the verge of being beautiful and fair, there was a sweet joker, and she nodded heavily.

  Lord Chris, I am sure you will do it. "From childhood to adulthood, you are the most powerful man I have ever met.

  What others can't do, you can definitely do, I firmly believe that.

  Violet gathered her black and beautiful hair and looked at Chris with a different emotion in her eyes.

  With a dignified and gentle smile on her pretty face, she nodded and said in agreement, "(bcah) I think so too.

  Lord Chris, your strength is so powerful, I believe that in this world, there will be no more powerful young people than you.

  Coupled with the lucky fruit of Sister Baccarat, she will always bring you good luck and let you do things smoothly

  Violet blinked Chen's bright eyes, smiled and said, "So, you can definitely do it, come on, Lord Chris.

  Hearing the praise and encouragement from the two of them, Chris rarely showed a faint smile, put away the map and said a word.

  ok, i'm satisfied

  Next, let's talk about our cooperation.

  Hearing him mention the business, the two of them reacted instantly and said in unison: "Okay, Lord Chris didn't hesitate, sat down quickly and entered the topic.

  Chris looked at the two of them, his eyes were indifferent, and he said calmly: "At most two years, I will help you solve Doflamingo and completely liberate Driusrosa.

  After that, whether we will continue to cooperate, wait until then and talk about your ideas, including the requirements, let's discuss hearing this, Violet and Nabecca, both showed a look of relief. They waited for so long, that is to wait for this sentence

  Now that Chris has made a promise, then everything will not be a problem in two years, Doflamingo, must die!

  They really admire Chris' strength too much, and they won't doubt anything at all.

  Rebecca was naive and lively, she held up her little hand, and said with great excitement: This damn Doflamingo is finally finished, hee hee hee

  Violet nodded, looked at Chris carefully, and said with a sweet smile: "As long as Lord Chris takes action, he will definitely not survive.

  Dressrosa, I'm finally going to turn over. This is really gratifying, Mr. Chris. We have no other requirements, but wait for the time to come. That's all. In the next two years, we will be completely hidden. , no longer fight against Doflamingo, and wait for your arrival with peace of mind.

  Violet blinked Chen Meimei's eyes and smiled sweetly, "Also, Lord Chris, if we encounter trouble here next

  At that time, can we call you for help?Don't worry, we won't call you unless we have to.

  Chris nodded slightly, and said calmly as always: Yes.

  If you have no other requirements, so be it

  After speaking, I stood up and prepared to leave here

  Violet and Nabecca knew that Chris was going to leave, so they quickly stood up, and their beautiful eyes fell on him.

  man, you are leaving

  Li Beika's eyes widened, without blinking, she said curiously, "I really want to see how you reject space.

  I didn't notice when you came just now.This time, I must see it clearly, I won't miss a single bit

  Violet nodded and stared at Bryony as well, with a serious expression on her pretty face, and said the same to me.

  This is a shuttle space, something that no one has ever been able to do before, be sure to see clearly that Chris ignored them and spit out two words to himself, "As soon as you leave, the world disappears in place, and you can never find him again. figure

114: Violet makes a decision to go after Chris!


  very shaky

  Violet and Rebecca instantly widened their beautiful eyes, staring blankly at the place where Chris stood just now, a look of horror.

  I couldn't react at all, I was scared stupid! !

  Unbelievable, Chris's exclusion space is too powerful. The room was quiet, and there was no sound for a long time.


  Hebeka stared blankly ahead, with a look of surprise on her beautiful and fair face, and murmured, "This is the so-called exclusionary space, it's scary.

  Lord Chris, he is really amazing. I admire him so much. Villette slapped his head, and his pretty eyelids were covered with complicated looks. Although he knew that what he said was stupid, he knew that it was a time. It's another thing to see.

  Such a bizarre thing, who would dare to believe it, there are people who can travel through space. Sure enough, Chris is the strongest, he will definitely be able to defeat Doflamingo and save Dressrosa.

  Violet clenched a small fist and said excitedly: "Two years, at most two years, we will be able to live a good life, and we will no longer have to suffer so much.

  Damn Duo24 "Brother Flamen, your doomsday is coming, then I will kill you with my own hands to take revenge for your mother. The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please download it here. After deleting it within [-] hours, please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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  Rebecca nodded heavily, and said, "Me too, I will also take revenge at that time, so I can't spare this bastard lightly."

  When he encounters a man as powerful as Chris, he will definitely lose miserably. There is no other possibility. Becca looked at Violet, blinked her beautiful eyes, and asked with a smile: "Auntie, what do you think of Chris? How are people?

  Violet sat on the chair, with Erlang's legs on his wings, noble and elegant, graceful and luxurious. Of course, he is very powerful, very good. Anyway, since childhood, I have never seen a better man than him, really It's too powerful. Violet held her chin in her hand, looked up and down at Becca, smiled and said, "Why, do you have any thoughts about him?"

  Not to mention, you are not too different in age, it is indeed very suitable, how about, do you want my aunt to help you pull the strings and let the two of you come together? You see Chris is so handsome, powerful, and so stable Mature, will definitely be able to become a big man in the future.Violet was about to continue speaking when Rebecca made a sound and hit her directly.The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

Fei Lu's novel internal group 1142529731

More wonderful Feilu novels are in the hands of the group owner

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  Recommended Becca rolled her eyes at her, snorted, and said angrily how old I am, how can I talk to someone, auntie, don't talk nonsense

  As for you, you are in your twenties, you really should hurry up and not delay it any longer.

  Rebecca touched her delicate chin, blinked her eyes with a sly look, and said with a smile, auntie, I think you and Chris are very married, why don't you try to chat with him about me Feel it, the two of you must be very suitable, and you will definitely be able to come together and live a happy and beautiful life. With such a powerful uncle as Chris, it is very interesting to think about it. How wonderful that at that time, who would dare to bully Me, and how lined up when I go out.

  Becca moved her body forward a little, and she was full of excitement, and said quickly: "How is it, auntie, what I said makes sense, right?

  Don't hesitate, just settle down, starting from today, you will pursue Chris, hehe, at this moment, there is a knock on the door, only to hear King Ku respectfully say: "Lord Chris, I can come in. ?

  Rebecca and Violet looked at each other and laughed together. Father, come in.

  Violet looked in the direction of the door and said something with a smile.

  Nabecca shrugged her shoulders and said with a sigh: "Father, the king really respects Chris, I feel that the style of painting is a bit weird.

  King Liku came over and smiled amiably, "This is respect for the strong, there is nothing strange in the sea, never look at age, everything speaks with strength.

  How long has Reese been gone?

  Violet tucked her hair together and said with a slight smile, "It's not too long, just a few minutes. Father, I have already negotiated with Chris, and he will definitely solve Brother Doflaming within two years. "So for the next period of time, we will still hide and wait for the arrival in two years with peace of mind.

  "What do you think, Father?

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