However, Becca nodded again and again and agreed, "Yes, yes, since Chris said so, there must be no problem.

  Grandpa, let's just relax and have a good rest for two years, okay? You have been busy dealing with things recently, and you haven't been with me much. If this happens, I will be angry. King Liku sat on the chair and said with a smile. : "Take a two-year break, this is no problem, I can promise you that there is absolutely no problem with Chris' help anyway, I am very relieved about this, and now I will talk about other things. King Liku looks at the two of them with vicissitudes on their faces. He showed a serious expression and said solemnly: "How powerful Chris is, you must know this.

  He is too important to us, we must hold it firmly in our hands and maintain the relationship.

  And if you want to maintain a relationship, marriage is undoubtedly the best way. Violet and Rebecca, I plan to let one of you marry Chris and become his woman. King Liku said with a look of hope: "As long as there is someone Married to Chris, then he will definitely help us all the time. Dressero will definitely develop rapidly.

  Okay, the two of you, let's have a good chat and discuss it.

  Having said this, King Liku stood up, turned his back on the two of them, and sighed and said, "If you really don't like Chris, then treat it as if I didn't say it.

  However, sometimes it is impossible to make a little sacrifice for the sake of the country. Sigh... After finishing speaking, he shook his head and strode towards the door. Quiet.

  The room fell into silence for a while

  Just now, the two of them were actually joking, making fun of each other. They didn't mean it at all. But now, Liku Wang Wanran turned their jokes into reality. It's too incredible.

  I thought my father would not say these words, but I didn't expect it would be better to speak up, alas~-

  Violet rubbed her forehead and sighed, her pretty face showing a helpless look when Becca hadn't reacted from what King Liku said.Hearing Violet's words again, he was even more puzzled.

  He frowned and asked inexplicably, "Auntie, did you find something?

  Also, how could Grandpa say such things?We have all cooperated with Chris, why do we need Wen to marry?

  Grandpa is doing something wrong, he said something wrong.

  Violet shook his head and said with a wry smile: "You, haven't you understood yet? Just now, the father was not busy with business at all, he deliberately walked away.

  for what?Don't you just want us to be alone with Chris and create conditions for the two of us. You really think he has something to do, how is that possible?

  Becca is a smart woman, she knew what was going on as soon as she heard it, and she got a little angry. , let him give up the thoughts and feelings just now, how can he force it, this is too much.

  Pian Becca looked at Violet and said angrily: "Auntie, we absolutely cannot agree, we must strictly refuse to look at Becca's cute appearance, Violet smiled and waved his hand: "I don't want you to think so. It's so serious, it's actually pretty good.For such an excellent young man as Chris, many women must like him, there is no doubt about this.

  As for me, I am actually quite interested in him, and I plan to get to know him well and try to get along with him.

  Violet tucked her hair together, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said jokingly, "Don't tell me, you don't like him, my aunt knows, you must like him too, that's right.

  Nebecca snorted and said angrily, "I just think he's very powerful, I admire him very much, how can I like his auntie, please don't talk nonsense, I don't have such thoughts. The face asked curiously: "Auntie, you really like Chris, are you kidding? "

  5.3 Violet shook his head lightly, smiled bitterly and said, "I can't tell, anyway, I have a good impression of him. I'll try to get along with him later. Let's take a look at the situation then. Rebecca's beautiful eyes lit up, very It is excitement, not a try, but a certain success.

  Auntie, let Chris be my uncle, don't hesitate, you must chase him hard, come on!Violet rolled her eyes at her and said angrily, "Don't mix it up, my aunt will make the decision by herself. I've been out for a while, it's time to go back, so as not to arouse Doflamingo's suspicion. After speaking, she stood up, walked towards the door with elegant and noble steps, and cheered, auntie, make sure to catch Chris, and becca looked at Violet's back swelling with beautiful eyes. With a sly color, Xiao Di made a joke, especially innocent and cute

  Violet snorted, didn't say anything, just opened the door and left here

115: Hancock made a name in the new world and became a role model for all women!

  Four days later.

  Chris, in the training room

  Arrita, I don't know what's going on, every time I stay with you, it seems like I touch your skin, Karina looks at her, her beautiful eyes express her envy, and she murmurs: "I see Among the people who have passed, you have the best skin, you are really beautiful

  Perona flew around in the air, nodded her head, and was equally envious, "Yes, yes, the princess likes this skin too, halie ha ha Ming

  Since Arrita got on the boat, everyone has been the same, except for admiration or envy.

  Nami looked at her, blinked her big eyes, and said with a slight smile: As a woman, Al Rita really succeeded. Al Rita rolled her eyes at them and said angrily, "I've said it several times, this is the case. It is the credit of the slippery fruit, what do you admire so much?

  In the past, I was fat, freckled, a proper ugly girl, ugly and beautiful, and looked at the busy man in front of me, and made an elegant and generous smile on the delicate adventure. Thanks Chris, he helped me

  It turned out that because of Chris's bounty, the number of pirates in the East China Sea increased. In a battle, Al Rita was defeated, and she reached the slippery fruit on her way.

  After that, she became so beautiful and her skin was amazing.

  Then, a few days ago, I met the Chris at sea. Needless to say, it must be the effect of the fruit of evil on the ship, but it is really enviable. I really want to have such a good 12 sweetheart. The queen touched Al Rita's jade hand, shook her head, her pretty face was full of emotion, and said this skin, stains, I don't know how to describe it, I really want too much. Yes.

  Betty took a breath, and she rarely showed a hint of hope. Although the old lady didn't care much about her appearance, if she could have such good skin.

  The old lady will definitely be very happy, every day is in a good mood and happy.

  Mei Gang stroked her pale blond hair and said with a smile: "Let's put it this way, only Xia is a woman and will envy Al Rita, this is inevitable.

  The door nodded, turned to Al Rita on the right, and joked: "Don't say it, I like you even when you are so beautiful.

  Al Rita, how about it, let's sleep together in the future, okay? Makino frowned, smiled gently, and said very gently: "There are many people who want to sleep with her, but I'm afraid you don't have one. This opportunity.

  Ke Ya nodded again and again, with a pure and sweet smile, "Yes, I just wanted to sleep with Sister Arrita, and she agreed too.

  Sister Allippe, isn't it?

  Arrita touched Keya's hair, and said with a smile, "Who made you so cute, my sister likes you very much, so I'll give you this chance.

  Leiju ignored their conversation, looked at Baccarat, and said something in a generous manner.

  Boya-Hancock, it's so fast

  We are still in the East China Sea and have not entered the great waterway.But she has already entered the new world. The most important thing is that she has also made a name. It's really amazing. Baccarat looked at the newspaper and saw the picture above. She is the number one beauty in the world. The newspaper was gently put down, her crimson hair tucked together, and she smiled and said, "After the last setback, she has changed her face and practiced hard.

  Now her strength has definitely become much stronger. She is no longer the arrogant woman she used to be, and she defeated the giant tiger, Tie Green, just after entering the new world.This is the real big pirate with a bounty of up to [-] million Bailey.

  Qiwu Hai Boya Yi Han Cook, she really deserves this title now, the Queen Sweetheart sneered, with a mocking look on her pretty face, she said directly: "Who said this man has no strength?

  Obviously not strong enough to dare to covet her beauty, and want to have this woman, she is an idiot.

  This kind of man, it is best to be killed as soon as possible.

  Betty took a breath and said calmly as always: "It can't be said that he is too weak, it should be Boya... Hancock has a domineering queen, and also has a strong heart, where can she go in the future? One step is unimaginable

  Carmen shrugged Lingxiang's shoulders with admiration on her pretty face, and said with a smile: "She has become a role model for many women, and everyone admires her.

  Joining her team is a kind of honor, and there will definitely be more and more people who will go to her and strengthen her strength.

  Nuoqi nodded high, Yingying smiled, and praised, "Seriously, being a woman, to be able to reach her level, there is no regret in life.

  The US Gang smiled and said: "Yes, even after a few decades, her name will still be circulated in the sea, which is inevitable.

  After all, women themselves are disadvantaged groups, innate conditions are not destined to be too strong. She can be obedient to her own efforts and make great achievements. It is really worthy of all women to learn. With fair hair, he wrapped his arms around him, smiled gracefully and said, "Yes, I am right as well.If I meet her, I will definitely choose to join and fight with her.

  Not for anything else, but also a woman, you must give her a support, it is really not easy.

  Nami looked at them, blinked her big eyes, and laughed, "I'm so tickled by what you said, I really want to witness her peerless demeanor right now.

  At this moment, an alarm sounded from outside the door.

  The square is the town of Rogge, we are going to enter the great waterway!The voice in front was much louder than usual, and the tone was very excited. It spread all over the place. When I heard the alarm sound from outside, the girls hurriedly stopped, and all the faces showed excitement. full face

  Karina's beautiful eyes were bright and she said very happily: "Here we are, after so many days of sailing, we are finally going to enter the great waterway, di di he

  Happy, so happy, hahahahaha

  Perona danced in the air and let out a silver bell laughter.

  Makino smiled slightly, still so gentle and generous, "Everyone is very happy, so am I, I really want to set foot in that mysterious sea.

  Carmen nodded, smiled sweetly and said, "We're fine, the outside must be very excited now. Nami held up her little head, her pretty face showed a firm look, and said in a firm tone: "Next, I will definitely We will monitor the weather well, and we must conquer this dangerous sea.

  You absolutely can, no problem. Nuoqi patted her on the shoulder and encouraged her with a smile. At this moment, Chris stopped practicing and said calmly, "Go, go to Rogge Town and finish talking, then walk directly to the door.

  The girls froze for a moment, looked at each other, and couldn't believe it.

  After all, Chris is a cultivator, so why would he want to waste time? But they think about it and understand what's going on.

  Yeah, this is the last place

  Al Rita shrugged her shoulders and said casually: Chris must take it seriously, just leave a beautiful sweetheart with her hair and a sweet smile, "Rogge Town is the hometown of One Piece, Chris is sure I want to go shopping

  After all, we are the sea, if we don't go to Rogue Town

  It doesn't always feel perfect.

  Betty spit out the smoke from her mouth and said lightly: "Okay, let's go out, I would like to see what is different about this town where it begins and ends." go

  On the deck

  I saw it, I saw it, that is Rogge Town, haha, the hometown of One Piece 750, I am here.

  Hurry, hurry, drive faster, and rush directly into the great channel!

  Your sister, it's rare to come to Rogge Town, so you must go up and get some wool.

  Stop talking, come, jump up, and twist it all for Lao Tzu. Hearing the cheers and shouts of the crew below, Bashas couldn't help but roared and finally came to the last stop, Weihahahaha

  Poison cocked his chair and said with a weird smile: "Since we are going to enter the great waterway, why not make a scene to pick up all the people in Suige Town and poison them to death, hehe Ajin waved his fist and tried to cultivate domineering. , said indifferently: "After landing on the island, be sure to wander around and pay tribute to the hometown of Yilei One Piece Roger.

  Luo looked at Hawkins, still so cold, "We'll go to the execution stand together later to see Roger's burial place.

  Roger, who opened the era of great wealth, his hometown is indeed worth visiting. Hawkins nodded and responded in a low tone.

  Crow habitually pushed his glasses, and said calmly and rationally: "Rogge Town is too famous, Xiao Ding is very much here.

  There's no shortage of strong newcomers here, and if I'm guessing right, we'll definitely have new members on board when we leave Rogue.

  Lafayette turned his cane, smiled slightly, and said politely, "You analyzed it very well, I don't think your guess will go wrong.

  In the four seas, all pirates who want to enter the great waterway, if they have the conditions, will come here to chat, and then rush into the great front road.

  Therefore, there must be a lot of newcomers in this place.

116: You stupid woman, Dusky!

  The naval base, inside an office.

  There are two people here, a man and a woman, it is Colonel Smog, and Colonel Dasqi. Recently, there are more and more pirates in the East China Sea. Dasqi is wearing a pair of brown glasses. He looked at the information, and said something with emotion on his beautiful and refined face.

  All of this was done because of that bastard Chris, who really wanted to catch him. If he hadn't taken the lead, how would those good people go out to sea and rush to the great waterway.

  After all, the first reward of [-] million Bailey is really shocking. This is in the world, but it has never happened before.

  Dasqi turned to look at Sig, and she blinked her beautiful eyes with a puzzled look on her face, and asked~ Mr. Colonel, you said that Chris has not yet entered the Great Aviation Pass, why is the reward so high?

  Until now, I still haven't figured it out.Do you know why the headquarters is doing this? Colonel Smoker is an old smoker, leaning on the chair with a cigar in his mouth, and said impatiently: "I've told you how many times, don't say it every time. a lot

  You said so much, how can I answer, can you have a brain, ha!

  Dasqi is a natural idiot, very pure and kind, put his hands together, sincerely apologize, and say something sorry, Colonel, I will pay attention to it in the future, Colonel, can you please let me ask a few questions Answer it?

  Why does Chris put the bounty so high?Is there any purpose for this department to do this? "

  Dusqi's eyes were resolute, and she said in a serious tone: "No matter what, Chris must be caught, and he can't be allowed to continue.

  "Although he has a high bounty, he is definitely not your opponent, Colonel. I'm not wrong. Colonel Shouger spit out the smoke from his mouth, glared at Dasqi, and said very dissatisfiedly: 'You The woman is really helpless

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