
“I am a person with the ability of the Snake Fruit, Ancient Species, and Titanoboa form!”

“The body is very flexible!”

Seeing that he could not dodge the opponent’s attack,

Weilin was no longer prepared to dodge. He raised his fist wrapped in armed domineering energy and punched the oncoming fist directly.


With an explosion of air A sound rang out in front of the two of them, and Weilin was knocked back by the opponent.

Feeling the power coming from his fist,

Weilin was also a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that the opponent’s fruit had such a terrifying increase in physical fitness.

Just then After Weilin was knocked out,

Franco also charged towards Weilin with a grin.

Every step he took caused the ground to shake.

Franco couldn’t see Weilin, who was as high as his belly. , and punched him.

In response to Franco’s attack,

Weilin punched him together.

As the power in the two people’s bodies poured into their fists, a strong energy burst out in front of them instantly. Opening up, the squeezing layers of the ground beneath them were shattered.

Seeing that his power could not gain the upper hand, and there were no plants on the island for him to absorb,

Verin had no choice but to combine a small golden pill with After taking a small purple pill, two small pills made by Jessica entered his stomach.

Weilin’s body immediately expanded rapidly, and his height also increased from more than three meters to more than six meters. High.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Weilin rushed towards Franco who was closest to him. He quickly appeared in front of him, and before he could react, he punched him in the abdomen..

As a powerful force exploded in front of him,

Franco’s eyes suddenly bulged, and he was blasted back.

Seeing the huge figure flying out,

Weilin shouted to Euros above his head. Get up


Hearing Weilin’s call,

Eurolos immediately used countless wind blades to attack Franco.

A huge stone tornado!

As the ability of the fluttering fruit was activated, countless rocks floated wherever Eurolos passed.

, driven by Euros, it started to spin violently. It directly wrapped Franco, who was knocked away by Verin, and immediately Franco was hit by huge rocks and kept spinning.

Harry saw Franco Brother was controlled, he suddenly became anxious and wanted to rescue the other party.

“hehe! Have I been underestimated?”

Seeing that Hardy wanted to leave, several thick vines suddenly grew under Verin’s feet and trapped Harry’s snake tail firmly in place.

Seeing that he could not move even half a minute,

Hardy suddenly became furious.

“Get out of here!”

He turned around and punched Weilin.

“It is simply a fantasy to think of defeating me based on your strength!”

“Let me show you the difference in strength between a lieutenant general and a quasi-general!”

Weilin waved his fist and punched directly towards the opponent.

Giant Spirit Fist!

The moment the two fist shadows collided,

Weilin’s fist instantly expanded to the size of twenty meters, and he hit Harry with one punch. Withdrew.

Harry, who flew out quickly, was pulled back by the vines tied to his tail.

Looking at Harry who bounced back,

Weilin’s eyes showed excitement.

He punched the opponent away again.

With Kramer, who was fighting with Ellia, quickly noticed the movement nearby.

When he saw Franco and Harry being suppressed by Verin, he suddenly felt like a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth.

At this time , , he was already hesitating whether to leave here first and report the news to Lord Bright.

Just when he was in a trance,

Ellia immediately seized the opportunity, summoned the strength of her whole body and punched Kramer. On his body.

As her powerful power exploded,

Kramer suddenly felt a huge force coming from him, and he was directly blown away.

Even though his whole body was wrapped in armed domineering energy, he also suffered some minor injuries.

Very Soon he realized that this beautiful woman had actually lifted a boulder tens of meters in size and threw it towards him.

This made the corners of his eyes tremble.

He was sure that this woman was definitely a Devil Fruit user. , it is impossible for a normal person to have such a powerful force.

Looking at the boulders falling from the sky, Kramer instantly flew up, concentrated all his strength and domineering power on his fists, and blasted away the flying rocks with one punch. The middle split open on all sides.

Seeing that her attack was actually resisted by the other party,

Ellia also felt how difficult the other party was.

The pirates she usually chased were not at the same level as the other party.

This made her even more cautious.

Soon she was keenly aware that the other party was rushing towards her while stepping on the rocks falling from the sky.


Ellia snorted coldly, stepped on the ground and rushed towards Kramer, fighting with him. On another battlefield,

Fati also led the Atelias Pirates. The crew and Robot Zero fought with the pirates of the Iron Wall Pirates.

At this time, several Robot Zeros had been destroyed by the elite pirates of the opposing pirate group, but these robots were gradually As long as they are not scrapped to a certain extent, these robots will recover themselves.

Fati looked at this scene, and she did not feel any distress. This time she brought Robot Zero into the battlefield, originally to collect more robots. Combat data and combat performance.

When Fati saw one of her sisters in danger, she rushed out instantly and knocked a pirate away with one punch.

Then she continued to direct the battle.

As time went on As time went by, the casualties of the Iron Wall Pirates also began to gradually increase.

On the battlefield where Weilin was, Harry, who was facing Weilin alone, had been beaten by Weilin so hard that the scales on his body began to fall off.

Some vines had even become entangled. After entering Harry’s huge body, it began to swallow up Harry’s life energy.

Harry, who continued to resist Verin’s attacks, soon discovered that his physical strength was rapidly being depleted.

“what have you done!”

Harry looked at Verin with a horrified look on his face and let out an angry roar.

Soon his body transformed into a complete beast.

As his body expanded rapidly, it was restrained around him. The vines were instantly broken by the tremendous force he used.

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