Seeing Harry grow to a size of thirteen meters,

Verin also had a headache.

As expected of the Iron Wall Pirates, each of their cadres were very difficult to deal with.

But Harry was not so lucky when he met Verin.

Forest giant!

As the fruit’s ability was activated,

Weilin’s body immediately began to expand.

His body didn’t stop until it expanded to a size of twenty meters.

Looking at the giant python in front of him,

Weilin controlled the countless palms behind him to crush him.

Seeing Weilin launching such a fierce attack,

Harry’s huge snake eyes shrank and turned his head, wanting to escape from here.

“Want to run?”

“Suppress me!”

After seeing Harry trying to escape,

Verin’s eyes became extremely sharp.

With a casual move, he saw thick vines burst out of the ground and wrapped around Harry, tying his body tightly.

No matter how hard the opponent struggled, he could not escape the net that Verin had woven for him.

As Harry continued to struggle, the ground beneath him was shattered by his beatings. Observe the field carefully Kramer, who was in a difficult situation, saw that Harry was being controlled by Verin.

He was originally hesitant about escaping, but he immediately made up his mind and rushed towards the port without anyone else.

When he saw someone trying to escape,

Verin He immediately controlled a vine and chased the opponent.

Seeing that Weilin wanted to keep him,

Kramer snorted coldly and smashed the vines entangled by Weilin with one punch.

After Weilin was After resisting the attack,

Kramer left here without looking back.

He wanted to pass the news back to the Iron Wall Pirates.

Seeing the other party fleeing,

Verin did not continue to attack the other party, but All the energy was focused on Harry.

Looking at Harry who was still struggling fiercely, the golden rays emanating from the sun gradually condensed into a large sword exuding golden light in Verin’s hands.

Al Baff’s Spear: Weiguo!

As Weilin swung his sword, a thick golden shock wave immediately blasted towards Harry’s body.

Soon, the Weiguo sword energy with strong penetrating power destroyed the hard scales outside Harry’s body. It penetrated, directly blasting a blood hole in the center of his body.

After receiving this fierce attack from Verin,

Harry felt extremely painful, and couldn’t help but let out a series of sharp wails.

Looking at Harry With a miserable look,

Weilin did not show any sympathy on his face, because in the pirate world where pirates are rampant, being weak is the original sin.

This is especially true in the rough new world.

The weak can only rely on the strong, otherwise We can only wait for destruction.

After all, it is impossible for everyone to be Wang Lufei, with such a strong background as support.

Seeing that the other party entered a weak state,

Weilin immediately controlled the vines to absorb his life force, and with the life force With the loss of energy,

Harry was gradually unable to maintain his animal form.

After absorbing most of the opponent’s life force,

Verin stopped moving and threw the opponent to Ellia.

“Take him back to the Asuka!”

After confessing to Ellia,

Verin rushed towards where Franco was.

He was ready to end this battle completely.

When Verin came to where Eurolos and Franco were, After entering the battlefield, he saw Euros spinning rapidly.

And Franco was shrouded in the center, constantly being hit by the boulders.

At this time, the scales outside his body were hit by the boulders. It shattered into pieces, and blood continued to flow out of the wounds on his body, which looked very miserable.

Seeing that Franco was almost unconscious from the smash,

Verin had no choice but to shout towards Euros.

“Euros, you can stop!”

Hearing his father’s cry,

Eurolos breathed a sigh of relief. Launching such a huge hurricane was also very taxing on him.

Soon Eurolos shrank his figure and flew towards Weilin, a little angry. Panting, he lay on Weilin’s shoulder and looked at Weilin expectantly.

Seeing the other person’s appearance,

Weilin couldn’t help but laugh and rubbed his head and praised him.

“What a great job!”


Hearing Weilin’s compliment,

Eurolos immediately fell into a silly smile with a happy face.

Seeing the other person’s appearance, Weilin was also a little helpless.

He walked towards Franco, who was struggling to get up, and kicked him Kicked the opponent on the head and knocked him unconscious.

As a vine pierced his body, his figure quickly shriveled up.

After absorbing half of the opponent’s life energy,

Weilin lifted the He left here and walked towards the crew of the Atrias Pirates.

After settling the matter here,

Verin and his party also embarked on the return journey.

On the Asuka,

Verin thought Thinking about it, he directly picked up the phone bug and dialed Locks’ number.

Bulu Bulu ~

Soon the phone bug in front of Weilin started ringing.


“I didn’t expect that Wei Lin would call me when he had time!”

“what’s the matter?”

Hearing Rox’s arrogant laughter coming from the mouth of the phone bug,

Weilin couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his eyes.

He looked into the phone bug’s eyes, and his expression immediately became serious.

As Weilin’s expression changed On

Honeycomb Island, the expression of the phone bug in Locks’ hand became serious.

Seeing Weilin’s serious expression,

Locks couldn’t help but stop laughing and looked at the phone bug in his hand seriously.

“Captain Locks!”

“The Iron Wall Pirates may not be able to hold back anymore!”

“Just now the cadres of the Iron Wall Pirates ambushed me!”

“However, I captured two people!”

After hearing Weilin’s words,

Rocks also fell into silence, and he also thought about the other party’s plan.

However, when he thought about the other party’s loss of two cadres, and the fact that his own side had gained strength, it was already different from what it used to be.

More The main thing is that after obtaining the Dark Fruit, he has practiced Overlord Color Coil to a good level after two years of practice.

And he is already in his thirties, so he must speed up the unification of the new world.

When I think of it , Here,

Rocks was also getting ready to make some moves.

On the Asuka, just when Welin was getting bored waiting,

Rocks’ voice came out from the phone bug.

“It’s time for us to get active too!”

“You should continue to be stationed in the waters of Cake Island!”

“Wait for my news!”

As the call between the two ended,

Weilin also understood what the other party meant, which made him a little excited.

Now that he has figured out some overlord color entanglement techniques, he also hopes to be able to compete with more powerful people. The enemy fought to absorb some of each other’s experience.

A month later,

Steel Island.

After a month of traveling,

Kramer also rushed back to Steel Island and met with their captain, Bright.

In the hall on the top of a steel tower on Steel Island,

Bu Wright saw Kramer coming back alone, which made him frown. He suddenly had a bad feeling.

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