"Capture Pluto Rayleigh!"

"It's really a heart-stirring mission!"

Aokiji said softly.

The two warships were moving almost at the same time, heading towards the Chambord Islands.

At this moment, the strongest combat power of the Navy Headquarters was moved by this sudden war.

Chambord Islands.

"Go now, Ro!"

"Your companion, I will send someone to notify them."

"The other two generals in the navy have been dispatched and are heading towards the Chambord Islands!"

"At this moment, all the pirates on this island are on the run!"

Corazon's expression was extremely serious.


"The other two generals are here too?!"

"Is it because of the old man in the auction house?"

Luo was shocked.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately bid farewell to Corazon, and headed for the place where his ship was.

After sending Luo away, Corazon took a deep breath, then looked up at the sky with a solemn expression.

"It really triggered a big event!"

"Uncle Jiang Liu!"

"But this kind of style is you!"

On the other side, two figures shrouded in black robes gradually approached the place where the battle was fierce.

Circles of violently colliding ripples radiated from the top of their heads. The strong wind blew their robes, and the air seemed to be twisting.

"What an astonishing battle!"

Kaku said in shock.

They were still nearly a thousand meters away from the battlefield, but the terrifying aura was already extremely frightening, and the heart was trembling at this moment.

"This is a battle between the strongest in the world!"

"Represents the strongest Japanese navy ever!"

"Rayleigh, the king of the underworld representing the right hand of the king among pirates!"

Rob Lucci said softly.

"He seems very sure that he can defeat Pluto?"

"But at present, although the battle between the two is terrifying, it seems to be evenly matched."

Kaku blinked.

"Just watch quietly."

Lu Qi said in a deep voice, staring at the field with his eyes, constantly colliding, stretching, drawing countless figures of light and shadow, with a dignified expression.

"We're just here to collect the corpse!"

Kaku sighed.

"I heard that the two generals of the Navy Headquarters have already set off and are heading here!"

"Can we really **** Pluto Rayleigh from their hands?"

Rob Lucci's tone was calm.

"The strength of the numbered person is not inferior to that of the general."

Chapter 138 Fierce Battle


The billowing air waves radiated out, and the ripples rolled over the ground like ocean waves, oscillating further away.

A figure wrapped in vigor flew out, hitting the ground and exploding a large amount of dust, but it was only a breath away.

"call out!"

As if the light was pulling, the void twisted, and the figure rushed out again, pulling out phantoms on the ground, and came to another figure again, swinging the long knife.


There was another shock, electric currents shot out, thunder roared in the sky, and strong winds howled, creating ripples all over the sky.

"Is this your strongest augmentation transformation state?"


Rayleigh said solemnly, and said in a deep voice.

Holding a knife in his right hand, he was doing his best to resist the terrifying force from the opposite side.

"Crack, wipe!"

Under such a force confrontation, the ground under his feet was even shattered and sunken.

"Sure enough, it's as powerful as a monster!"

"Even, even surpassing the physique of the giants!"

The two long knives collided, and after a stalemate for a few breaths, the two retreated instantly, crushing the ground.

The breeze blows and the space distorts.

The two people who had already withdrawn hundreds of meters, their eyes were piercing, bursting with endless light, and the next second they held their long knives tightly and swayed up again.

Running, jumping, when the distance was 50 meters, the two jumped into the air, the long knife in their right hand cut the air, and swung out suddenly.


The space shook, and the two arc-shaped slashing waves collided fiercely.


After a breath, the sky of Chambord Island shook, and the swirling dark clouds were affected by the slash, shattered and cracked, and the electric light interlaced inside.

But such a shocking scene still did not affect their battle.

Their figures in the air flickered, and they were approaching again, and the two long knives collided again.


The sound of gold and iron was crisp, and the shock wave of circle ripples swept to the four directions again.



Jiang Liu's loud laughter shook the world, and his aura had reached its peak, his beard and hair stirred, and the green energy turned into electric current, flickering around him endlessly.

At this moment, he was in a terrifyingly powerful state.

It turned around, backed up again, and then pulled again, coming to Lei Li from another direction, and swung the long knife down.

"Come again! Come again!"

Jiang Liu laughed wildly, falling into madness.

Lei Li's eyes were serious, he raised his knife to block, and blocked the opponent's attacks one by one.

But his heart became more and more heavy. With the increase in fighting spirit, Jiang Liu, who gradually entered the strongest state, became stronger with each blow.

Unlike the opponent, his peak state will not last for too long.

A battle of equal strength is not suitable for him, and he will even lose without a doubt.

"Was it defeated by you?"

"This is really an unacceptable result!"

"Even if the old man is old."

Muttering in his heart, Lei Li raised his head and saw Jiang Liu, who looked crazy with his feet stepping on the air one after another, swung his knife and slashed towards him again.

With his eyes fixed, he also let out a low growl, and raised the knife and swung it away.


The majestic power swept over, and above the two long knives, there seemed to be a golden cherry blossom breath flying and entangled.

After a breath, Lei Li's body shook and fell from the sky, Jiang Liu's body was also shaken to a higher place.


Stepping on the ground with both feet, knees slightly bent, all the strength of the knife just now was removed, and a stream of blood oozed from the corner of Lei Li's mouth.

With his body as the center, the ground with a radius of several thousand meters rolled up like waves, pushing towards further distances, rumbling.

"The power is stronger!"

"And this is not the strongest form!"

Lei Li's eyes were fixed, and his right hand clenched the long knife again.

As one of the three great generals of the previous era, Jiang Liu's code name was Day Tiger, but in this image, the iconic tiger-shaped vigor has not yet appeared.

Only after the day tiger appeared, this man was at his strongest state.

"If you can't stop your state at this time."

"That would be ridiculous!"

Taking a breath, Rayleigh stepped on the ground with both knees, jumped up suddenly, and rushed to the sky.

Its figure turned into a streamer, and after a few flashes, it was already in front of the figure that was also swooping down.

"I just like your head-to-head fighting spirit!"

"Pluto Rayleigh!"

Jiang Liu grinned ferociously.

The long knife vibrated, domineering entwined, and collided again.


The figures of the two flew upside down again and landed heavily on the ground.


This time, they were thousands of meters apart, and the surrounding ground had already been turned into ruins. Drago, Huang Yuan and others had already withdrawn from the battlefield and watched the battle from afar.

In the next second, the two pairs of pupils collided, and without hesitation, they swung the long knife in their hands.

"call out!"

Two huge flying slashes cut through the ground, charged towards each other, and then collided fiercely, canceling each other out.

At the same time, the two figures had already stepped forward and also collided with each other.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

They kept hitting and backing away.

The violent vigor and coercion filled the air of the entire island. While moving around, clouds of dust and dirt were splashed.


What's even more strange is that the entire island and the nearby sea area are raining heavily, but not a single drop of rain falls in the area where they are located.

"It can block an attack like mine!"

"I can only say that it is you, Raleigh!"

Jiang Liu kept swinging his knife, his figure was erratic, and he attacked.

The same is true for the opponent, terrifying speed, powerful strength, excellent reflexes, and the world's top swordsmanship.

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