Pluto Rayleigh, known as the right hand of One Piece by the world, is definitely not in vain, and his strength is at the legendary level.

Even though he is old, his physical condition is still perfect, and he can display the ultimate combat effectiveness.

It was also because of this that he was able to resist the strength of his six-door opener and keep up with his terrifying physical speed.

And this, but the previous Golden Lion Shiji couldn't do it.

"You still have the strongest state!"

"The Day Tiger who once fought Roger!"

"If you can't even wait for that form, the old man will be disappointed!"

Raleigh said aloud.

"Is it the strongest?"

Jiang Liu grinned.


They swung their knives again, then backed away with their feet dragging the ground, creating distance.

"Hoo hoo!"

Lei Li saw sweat on his forehead, blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, and his mental strength had already condensed to the limit. In such a state, his physical strength and energy were being consumed rapidly.

On the other hand, under the increase of fighting spirit, there will be no fear, no pain, no fatigue, just like a **** of war who is getting stronger with each battle.

The current state is at the peak and strongest moment.

"What a horrible fellow!"

"If you want to spend hard, you can only rely on the state at this moment."

"It will be exhausted until I am exhausted!"

Riley sighed inwardly.

Only when facing Jiang Liu, will he deeply feel the strength and terror of the other party.

But at this moment, a more abundant and powerful breath shook the void, and a crazy voice came from the front.

"Eight Door Dunjia!"

"The seventh door, open the startled door!"

Lei Li's eyes were fixed, and his heart sank slightly.

"Are you going to do your best?"

Chapter 139 I will see you off

"Eight Door Dunjia."

"The legend is that Jiang Liu was inspired by the six styles and created a new body technique."

"The six styles are divided into shaving, haze feet, finger guns, moon steps, paper painting, and iron blocks."

"Only geniuses whose physique has reached the superhuman stage have the qualifications to acquire it."

"Jiang Liu's Bamen Dunjia is completely different, it is more similar to the return of life other than the Six Forms!"

"It's a kind of control over vitality, which can release one's own vitality through extreme stimulation, and complete an exaggerated physique increase."

Looking at the figure in the field whose aura suddenly surged, Huang Yuan's expression also became extremely solemn at this moment.

Not everyone in this world can see the so-called eight-door dunjia posture. Even he had never seen this appearance in the battle with Jiang Liu.

"I have only heard of legends before, but today I finally see it!"

The blue steam boiled around the river like smog, and the terrifying atmosphere would make one's heart tremble even if viewed from a distance.

"Monster-level physique, Jiang Liu in this state, I don't know if Bigumamu can compete with the famous Kaido?"

Huang Yuan murmured.

"So, can the real day tiger see it?"

His eyes moved, staring at the figure in the field.

I saw Jiang Liu's momentum soaring, his face looked a little hideous under the blue steam, the mist around him was boiling, and the terrifying high temperature made the temperature in the air rise.

Suddenly, contrary to everyone's expectations, Jiang Liu sheathed the long knife in his hand.

"What do you mean? He doesn't use a knife anymore?"

Zhan Taowan said in surprise, with a look of incomprehension.

Lei Li, the Pluto who was standing opposite Jiang Liu, did not change his expression, but the look in his eyes became more dignified.

"Everyone knows you are a great swordsman."

"But only those who have fought against you will know that your strongest is physical skills!"

"Long knives will limit your combat power."

With a soft voice, the long knife in Lei Li's hand trembled, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a domineering aura filled the air.

Afterwards, his body was slightly lightened, and his heart was solemn.

"I'm going to do my best!"

"This battle!"

Muttering, Lei Li's eyes flickered, and a look of madness also passed by.

Facing a crazy person like Jiang Liu, if he wanted to fight him, he had to also make himself crazy.

Otherwise, as long as there is a little bit of fear and fear, it will make oneself feel timid, and you will lose instantly in the confrontation of will.

In such a situation, it will be a losing game.

"Time flies, twenty years in a flash."

"You and I used to be magnificent and stand upright in the world to overthrow, but now, we are already old guys in the world!"


"The so-called legends, in their eyes, are all guys who should have passed away long ago."

Jiang Liu's voice came, and the blue mist around him boiled more and more.

"You are different from us, Jiang Liu!"

"Now you are in your prime, at your peak!"

Rayleigh said in a low voice.

Yes, although the other party was at the same height as them twenty years ago, Jiang Liu was too young.

When you are young, even twenty years ago, your age is still in the prime of life.


"Maybe, but my heart is old."

Jiang Liu sighed softly.

"The acquaintances in my eyes ended one by one, and the world was given over to a new guy."

"Guys who used to be nothing in the eyes have started to appear on the stage. How do you feel?"

Lei Li looked calm. Although he was surprised why the other party said such words suddenly, he replied patiently.

"This is the way the world is, old people leave the stage and newcomers come on stage."

"Times are constantly changing, and this is the world!"

Jiang Liu laughed loudly: "You want to open it very much!"

"But in my eyes, all of you familiar faces, whether they are enemies or friends, just leave the scene one by one."

"It really makes me feel complicated!"

"Compared to being defeated by the so-called newcomers and juniors in the future, the curtain ended sadly."

"Instead, it would be better to be defeated by my subordinates, and you will feel better in your heart!"

Lei Li was stunned: "Is this why you acted on me on such a sensitive occasion as the Chambord Islands?"

"If you don't fight, you'll be old, Raleigh!"

"You are, and so is Whitebeard. Even if you are strong, you are already very old!"

Jiang Liu sighed softly.


As soon as the words fell, the body was also shaken, and he took a step forward.

At this step, there was a faint roar of a tiger in the void, his hands slowly clenched into fists, and the energy of a tiger emerged.

"I'll see you off!"

Lei Li's eyes were fixed. Seeing the other party's appearance, he was also ready for more intense battles to come.


"Then let me see the so-called day tiger!"

Jiang Liu grinned loudly, and stepped out in three steps, his momentum was like a tiger descending the mountain, and the ground shook with his steps.

"Boom boom boom!"

After three steps, his figure suddenly rushed forward, pulled, and turned into a blue streamer, which could not be seen clearly by the naked eye.

As he strode wildly, the ground was covered with flying sand and rocks, and a huge chasm was plowed in the place he passed by.

Rayleigh's body disappeared at the same time.

"Day Tiger!"

There was a low voice mixed with the roar of a tiger.

Then, everyone saw Jiang Liu, who was running at a high speed, waving his fists out.


The tiger-shaped shock wave rushed towards Leili in an instant.

The latter's long knife was shaken, and he swung it out. At this moment, the overlord's domineering aura swirled around his body, making his aura even stronger.


The slash instantly split the shock wave, and the next second, the two figures quickly approached and collided fiercely.

Jiang Liu jumped up, swooped down, and waved his fists.


The air pressure in the air suddenly increased at this moment, and the terrifying pressure covered the figure on the ground.

Raleigh looked up sharply, his eyes glaring.


The domineering color burst out.

The long knife in his hand also swung upwards with an inexplicably powerful aura.


In the next second, the fist collided with the blade, stirring up dark lightning, which staggered and rushed to the surroundings, triggering continuous explosions.

"Is the overlord's color entangled?"

"You have also used your ability to press the bottom of the box!"


Jiang Liu laughed loudly.

On his arm, the wound quickly appeared, and the blood flowed, but almost instantly, it recovered again.

The figure suddenly retreated, flipped and flipped, and in a blink of an eye, the head was on the ground, and the right foot was slicing the air, and a terrifying breath lingered on it.


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