A roaring tiger shaped impact appeared faintly.

In the next second, Jiang Liu flipped over suddenly, his right foot roared down, and kicked Lei Li below again.


The ground shook, Lei Li's whole body shook, his pupils constricted, and the long knife in his hand trembled.

"I will too!"

Jiang Liu's voice came, and the right foot was pressed down again, and the violent domineering arrogance boiled and exploded at this moment.


Lei Li's feet exploded again, his feet sank, and the mud covered the crook of his calf.

Chapter 140 What a Power

Jiang Liu's kick was like a mountain being smashed down, causing Leili's half of his leg to sink into the mud.

Immediately after a pause, the ground cracked and shattered, and huge cracks appeared one after another.


The current surged, and the terrifying overlord-like aura collided fiercely at this moment.

The two legendary powerhouses who have cultivated their arrogance to the extreme, at this moment of fighting, their arrogance is almost constantly colliding.

After a few breaths, Leili stared suddenly and let out a low growl: "Ha!"

The long knife in his hand suddenly exerted strength, and the red light in his eyes flickered. The blade brushed against Jiang Liu's fist, and slashed away at another strange angle.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Liu swayed and dodged the knife.

His feet landed on the ground five or six hundred meters away from Leili, and the red light in his eyes also dissipated.

Overlord-color winding, armed-color armor, plus knowledge-color foreknowledge.

The battle between the two legends, within milliseconds, showed a master's incomparably precise control over his own skills and judgment of the situation.

"It's really scary, two legends."

Huang Yuan's eyes were serious, and he said softly.

The battle between the two in the arena, and the use of the three-color domineering spirit, made him tremble with fear.

"This kind of domineering state is not something that ordinary people can achieve!"

The armed color is domineering and high-level, the overlord color is entwined, and the knowledge-colored one can predict the future. These high-level domineering skills made him dreadful.

The Dorag black robe on the side shrouded his body, and his breath was as deep as an abyss, but it is also conceivable that he attaches great importance to this battle.

Suddenly, his body moved slightly, and his head turned to the other side.

"Are the generals all out?"

"It's really a spectacular scene!"

Muttering, Dorag's figure flickered.

In the next second, a gust of wind swept up, and his figure disappeared.

Huang Yuan still stood there, watching the ongoing battle in front of him with a solemn expression, and ignored Drago's departure at all.

At the same time, at the port of Chambord Islands.

Two figures stepped down, the cloak of justice behind them shaking with the wind.

"Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Akainu!"

"Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Aokiji!"

"The generals are all dispatched!"

"Is it for the battle of those two legends?"

The navy at the port, the civilians, and the pirates hiding around are all nervous at this moment, with a feeling of fright.

This scene was simply too shocking.

Headed by two generals of the Navy headquarters, behind them is a general of the headquarters with the rank of general on his shoulders, and a large number of elite navies rushing down from the warships.

"Before Whitebeard arrives, did you take action against Raleigh, the former vice-captain of the original Pirate King Roger?"

"The courage of the navy is also shocking!"

Someone was amazed.

The vice-captain of One Piece is by no means inferior to Roger, Whitebeard and others' world-class powerhouses. To attack such a legendary character would have to bear a huge price.

In the past, the Navy must have heard about the news that Raleigh the Pluto appeared in the Chambord Islands, but no one has ever acted like this.

To this day, all of this is probably because of the man who is fighting with him on the island.

As soon as he set foot on the Chambord Islands, Aokiji's complexion became serious. He looked up at the gloomy, rain-poured sky, and let out a long breath.

"There's a suffocating smell in the air."

"Such a terrifying sense of oppression can only be caused by a battle between the two of them."

Akainu looked cold and stepped forward: "Before dealing with Whitebeard, it would be a good idea to catch a Pluto Rayleigh."

"Just give a warning to the pirates in this world!"

The two generals walked towards the battlefield area with strides, and the momentum on their bodies was equally powerful and trembling.

The dense footsteps stepped on the accumulated water, splashing a large amount of water droplets, and the navy was moving quickly, rushing to the center of the battlefield.

And the closer they got to the battlefield, the heavier the oppressive aura above their heads became, like a mountain shrouded them, casting a shadow over their hearts.

"I heard that it's General Jiang Liu who is fighting Pluto Leili!"

"Such a scene really makes people tremble!"

"My heart can't help beating faster, and I even feel that the weapon in my hand has become heavy."

"It's domineering, the domineering and domineering looks of the two of them are colliding."

"This feeling of heart palpitations is unprecedented."

The marines all tensed up and looked forward. But even with such a clear perception, it is still impossible to see the scene ahead, because there is still a considerable distance from the battlefield.

"Below the general level, I am afraid that no one can get close to the edge of the battlefield."

"This is a war that only generals can watch and participate in!"

As the team moved forward, it got closer to the battlefield, and the navy below the general level was all on foot, and they could no longer move forward.


Suddenly, a wave of ripples spread, and Hai Hai's eyes turned white, and he fell unconscious on the ground.

"Continue to retreat! You can't bear the arrogance that pervades the air!"

Even the general-level officer was on the verge of collapse at this time, suppressing the discomfort.

"Damn, these two guys!"

"It's just the aftermath of domineering, can't we even bear it?"

"What a monster!"

His face was solemn, his eyelids twitched wildly, and the team began to retreat.

The feeling of dizziness and vomiting didn't get better until he retreated several thousand meters. At this time, they noticed that the walls in the block were already covered with fine cracks, showing a corrugated shape.

"It was all radiated by domineering and collided!"

"The domineering look of the king has reached the level of affecting the real thing!"

"The battle between those two people is simply not something we can participate in!"

At this moment, many people trembled and felt fear.

They didn't even see the scene on the battlefield, but they could already feel the terrifying strength of those two people.

I can't believe it, if we really face it, it will be such a scene.

"The spoiler is here."

There was something wrong with the atmosphere in the air, Lei Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.

"This is a battle between you and me!"


"I won't let anyone interfere with us!"

Jiang Liu shouted loudly.

He also felt the two figures approaching quickly not far ahead.

"That would be the best!"

Riley said softly.

His eyes froze, and he concentrated again, concentrating all his energy on the man in front of him.

In the next second, his body flashed, and he was already running fast.

At the same time, Jiang Liu also roared, bent down suddenly, and thrust his hands into the ground in front of him.

Then, his hands shook violently.

"Crack, wipe!"

Cracks spread rapidly on the ground, forming a ring shape, covering a radius of several kilometers in front of it.


Immediately afterwards, Jiang Liu raised his hands.

The ground with a radius of several thousand meters was pulled up with a bang, flew into the air, and smashed fiercely at Leili who was rushing towards him.

A huge shadow shrouded the front, and as far as the eye could see, it was a piece of land.

Lei Li's pupils shrank, and the position of the long knife in his hand changed.

"What a huge power!"

Chapter 141


Every inch of the ground was shattered, and at this moment, the air flow was suddenly lifted up a large piece of ground, and it was crushed and ran wildly.

A huge shadow covered in front of Rayleigh, occupying every corner of his sight.

"Crack, wipe!"

The sound of cracking sounded one after another, and every inch of the ground was rolled towards the sky at this moment.

From Jiang Liu's perspective, the ground was like a table, which he forcibly overturned.


Tens of millions of tons of ground, stones, and clods, driving the turf and trees, crashed and crushed at this moment.

Lei Li took a deep breath, his eyes were already serious and dignified, his knees were slightly bent, and the blade was entwined with a domineering color, shining fine electric sparks.

Suddenly, his figure disappeared, and his whole body was pulled into a flash of lightning in an instant.

Then, approaching at a very high speed, reaching the covered ground, the long knife in his hand suddenly swung out.


The delicate light of the knife flickered, whistling forward, and slashed towards the rolled-up earth.


A deafening sound resounded, and the land with a radius of several thousand meters shattered into countless tiny stones, which fell to the ground.

Smoke, gravel, flowers and plants obscured the line of sight.

Lei Li's feet stepped on the falling stones one after another, and he walked forward at a high speed.

He knew very well that Jiang Liu's attack could never be that simple, and there must be a backhand.

Suddenly, the air on one side shook violently, and the gravel in the void hundreds of meters away buzzed into powder, followed by a figure pulling towards him, winding towards him like a bolt of lightning.

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