When the cadres reacted, they were all pleasantly surprised. They could feel that this fierce and overbearing aura was not inferior to the aura exuded by the red hair when they boarded the ship.

"It is said that Jiang Liu possesses the terrifying ability to greatly increase the strength of others."

"In this way, the power of Ace."

Marco's eyes flickered and a smile appeared on his face.

Obviously, Ace's strength has greatly increased, and he has abilities that he has not mastered before, or to a level that cannot be achieved.

Jiang Liu must be behind him, making great efforts.

"I heard that the Bigumum Pirates and the Kaido Pirates are all about to move, and even launched an attack on us in recent days?"

Ace's face was slightly condensed, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes, they all want to take advantage of our current weakness and annex our power."

Marco nodded.

This younger brother is indeed different, and has the tendency to become a king.

"Ace, become the captain first!"

"That's right, Ace, and you are the only one left to be our new captain."

"Ascend to the captain's position, lead us, and bring down those ambitious guys!"

A voice with a smile came, and what Ace originally wanted to say was interrupted. He looked up, and a pair of expressions of joy, excitement, and excitement came into his eyes.


"Papa's captain's cap, you will inherit it!"

At this time, Marco handed over a hat and put it on for him himself.

Ace stood there in a daze, watching Joz hand the huge naginata Cong Yunche into his hand.

"From today, you are the new captain!"

"Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, it's you, Ace!"

Joz said in a low voice.

Holding Cong Yunqie in his hand, Ace took a deep breath. He felt tremendous pressure at this moment. Although he had already prepared for it, when this moment came, he still felt dazed and hesitant for a while.

But soon, his expression became firm.

"Thank you brothers and sisters!"

Suddenly, Ace raised Cong Yunqie in his hand.

"Then, let me issue the first captain's order!"

"Call our men!"

"Next, prepare to fight!"

"Whether it's Bigumam or Kaido, they took it and took it."

"Take them all back!"

Chapter 254 Needs Development


In an instant, the Moby Dick boiled. All the cadres looked excited and roared loudly.

During this period of time, the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates can be said to be low, the territory has been attacked and seized again and again, and battles on the sea have occurred from time to time.

Many people in the entire pirate group were a little flustered and confused, not knowing how to deal with this situation.

Until this moment, Ace returned, became the new captain, and gave orders.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!"

"Let them know what kind of pirates the Whitebeard Pirates are!"

Ace shouted loudly, his eyes sharp and cold.

He learned the news that his father was still alive from Jiang Liu's mouth, and he also contacted him through the phone bug given by the other party later.

The final result is that the current location of Dad is unknown, and at the same time, the other party is unwilling to appear in the world again.

"Let's just pretend that Dad is really dead, Ace!"

"The next world is yours!"

Dad's laughter echoed in his ears, Ace took a deep breath, watching the boiling and enthusiastic atmosphere on the boat.

That's why he came back here and took over as captain without hesitation. Dad's expectations and his own dreams blend together at this moment, making him full of confidence and hope for the future.

"Since you want to do it, do it big!"

"Whether it's the Kaido Pirates or the Bigumamu Pirates, let them go where they came from!"

"If their captain comes!"

Ace stared coldly.

"I'll let them know that the Whitebeard Pirates are still the Whitebeard Pirates!"

From the moment the captain issued the order, the entire Whitebeard Pirates began to mobilize their forces.

As one of the four emperors of the New World, the Pirates, in addition to the powerful strength of Whitebeard, their power, territory, and troops under their command are all extremely impressive.

Those who participated in the war on the top may account for most of the troops, but when they return to their own territory, the remaining troops are gathered together, which is also a huge number.

On that day, a large number of warships were ready with ammunition, and the shells began to set off.

The sea breeze blows, and the battleships engraved with the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates line up in a fan shape, driving mightily.

This scene shocked the eyes of countless people.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are making a big move!"

"This is the first time they have dispatched since the war on the top!"

"The target seems to be the other two Four Emperors."

At the same time, there were many voices within the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Made, I've wanted to **** them for a long time, and I finally waited for this moment!"

"Let them know how powerful we are, even if there is no father, the Whitebeard Pirates are not an existence that can be bullied!"

"I heard that it was the order from the new captain Ace. It's really bold. I'm going to launch an attack on the two Four Emperors at the same time."

"I'm starting to like him. It's worth our efforts to save him from the navy!"

Voices came out one after another, and many people had already had opinions on the other two Four Emperors who had been making frequent moves recently and kept attacking them.

Ace's succession, the first order issued, made them feel refreshed.

On the other side, Dressrosa.

On the sea tens of miles away from the island, warships patrolled back and forth, and a tense atmosphere filled the air.

The Kingdom, which has just won a large amount of land, undoubtedly has a lot of things to do at this time, and the atmosphere is naturally very tense and serious.

Dozens of warships form a unique, twisted chain, sailing in this sea area every day according to a fixed direction, in order to maintain the tranquility of the kingdom's sea area.

"The recruitment of soldiers is also in progress, and the civilians in the Kingdom have responded positively."

"The new batch of soldiers is also undergoing intensive training, and I believe they will come in handy in the near future."

"It's just that the army's logistics and economic expenditure are big problems, and they can't keep up with the rapidly developing domestic situation."

Daz Bowness said softly.

In front of them is the bustling Dressrosa port, with a large number of passing ships. After Jiang Liu spread the news, the population of this kingdom increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. People from other places are migrating.

"In the final analysis, it is because the land area is not enough. If it is a continental kingdom as large as Alabasta, the population is completely feasible."

Taking a puff of smoke, Crocodile said lightly.

"Dressrosa, it's still too young!"

Daz Bowness nodded.

They belong to the Royal Army, and they have often participated in the discussion meetings of domestic officials recently, and their knowledge has increased a lot.

It was also for this reason that the Kingdom had just sent troops to occupy other territories and develop them.

The purpose of Jiangliu is to form a cluster of star-dotted islands and create such a multi-island kingdom.

If one island is not enough, multiple islands should be integrated.

The connection between each other is carried out by ships and fixed safe routes.

"Right now, the biggest problem is the lack of money."

"If you have money, you can recruit more troops and labor, and carry out island reclamation and construction work!"

Crocodile sighed.

In a short period of time, he completed his transformation at a rapid speed. He has grown into a professional soldier of the kingdom, and he has also begun to pay attention to the development of the country.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly shone on the sea in front of him, which made him startled.

"what is that?"

As soon as the words fell, the phone bug in Daz Bowness's arms rang.

"Moshi moshi."

Daz Bowness connected quickly.

"Your Majesty has returned, bringing back a huge ship, my God, it looks like an island!"

Hearing this, Daz Bowness couldn't help being stunned, and Crocodile next to him was also slightly stunned.

"It's the Golden City!"

"That ship is the ship of the Golden Emperor, the largest entertainment city in the world!"

At this moment, excited words came from the phone bug.

"Your Majesty has subdued the Golden Emperor!"

This is undoubtedly explosive news. Everyone knows that the Golden Emperor Tezolo is rich, and the power under his command is also unimaginably huge. Money can motivate most people in the world, even experts can buy it to serve themselves .

Taking a sip of the cigar in his mouth, the corners of Crocodile's mouth curled up visible to the naked eye.

"It seems that our kingdom is going to another level!"

The arrival of the Golden Emperor represents a large amount of funds, and this is what Dressrosa is most in short supply.

The kingdom built the army of sea, land and air, the golden lion was in charge of the air force, he was in charge of the army, and Enilo was in charge of the navy.

At this time, the navy is obviously the most important and has the most troops.

For example, his army and Golden Lion's air force are far inferior in number. Even the vast majority have to make way for the navy.

"Our army also needs to develop!"

Crocodile murmured.

Since he served as a general, and he was the first general of the kingdom, he wanted to do a good job of him.

Looking into the distance, Crocodile was also amazed at the huge golden ship, which was getting closer and closer, and could see its whole picture clearly.

At this moment, his eyes are full of wealth.

Chapter 255 Colleague Relationship

Dressrosa, on the sea in front of the harbor.

It was golden, and it was a bright golden color in the eyes. The passers-by stopped at this moment, opened their mouths and looked ahead.

A huge golden ship with a length of 10,000 meters floated on the sea like an island.

Even the sea water was reflected golden at this moment, and the fish looked at the huge monster in panic and curiosity.

As the giant ship approached, melodious music sounded.

"For this country, and our Majesty, present a song sung by me with all my heart!"

A loud voice came out, followed by singing.

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