At the port of Dressrosa, more people gathered here, all standing on tiptoe, looking curiously at the huge ship.

The luxurious and lively scenes on it have surprised many people.

"There are still such huge ships in the world?"

"That's the Golden Emperor, Tezolo, the richest guy in the world."

"He actually came to Dressrosa!"

Naturally, some people knew the famous Tezolo, and they were shocked by the arrival of the other party. And with this appearance, it is not easy to drive the whole ship over.

In the entertainment city.

Jiang Liu stood on the high platform, Fujitora, Kalifa, and Cavendish stood behind him. It can be seen that a large number of warships surround the huge golden ship.

This is because the ship is too big, and it is ten kilometers away across the sea, which is quite an exaggerated length.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, in the sky, a loud and clear sound came out.

Immediately afterwards, golden hair danced wildly, and a majestic figure descended from the sky.

Tezuolo's singing stopped suddenly, and he looked up at the other party, still with a smile on his face.

"Look, what kind of kid our Majesty has brought."

Shiji, the golden lion, floated down and landed in the bay covered with gold powder, at the same height as Tezolo.

"Your Excellency, is the famous Mr. Golden Lion Shiji?"

"It really lives up to its reputation, such a demeanor."

Tezolo held the microphone in his hand and said with a smile, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

He naturally recognized the man standing in front of him. One of the world's three legendary pirates, the famous Golden Lion Shiji.

Now, he is also under Jiang Liu's command.

On the other side, a flash of lightning flashed by, followed by thunder and lightning, and a young man with long earlobes twisted and walked out, standing in the air and looking down at him.

"Thor, Enel!"

Tezolo looked up again, looking at the man in the air.

The latter had no expression on his face, just glanced at him lightly, and scanned the entire giant ship.

"This ship, I like it very much!"

Then, Enilo said lightly.

"Mr. Eneru, you can come and play often."

Tezzolo grinned.

The first meeting with the subordinates of his new BOSS did not seem to be very harmonious. Although the two people in front of them didn't say much.

But he could still feel the atmosphere of rejection and doubt.

"It seems that Dressrosa will have another general!"

"Golden Emperor, Tezolo!"

"I hope your strength is in line with the rumors."

Golden Lion Shiji laughed.

"Mr. Skee will not be disappointed!"

Tezzolo smiled.

The two men in front of me are not ordinary characters, they are well-known in the world, their strength is equally powerful, and they can confront the general.

Similarly, they are also rebellious and difficult to get along with. It's really hard to imagine how Jiang Liu brought them into his hands.


"Mr. Tezolo, the financial officer I invited for the kingdom, he will be in charge of the kingdom's finances."

After a pause, Jiang Liu said again.

"Including income and expenditure, if you two guys want to get military expenses, it's better not to offend him."

Hearing this, Shiji the Golden Lion and Anilu were startled, and looked at Tezolo again.


"In charge of money?"

The expressions of the two of them changed slightly, and they didn't say anything anymore.

I know my own situation. As generals, they can be said to be poor and useless now. After all, the identity has changed, from a pirate, a **** to a general of the kingdom, and the way of making money in the past has to be changed now.

But under his hand, there are a lot of people to support.

It can be said that their current situation is very short of money.

"Yes, His Majesty Jiang Liu invited me to become the financial officer of the Kingdom of Dressrosa."

"This is a career that I am looking forward to very much."

Tezolo smiled and looked at the depths of the eyes of the two people in front of him, with a hint of ridicule.

Managing money is definitely a position of real power. Even a powerful general and a huge army need a lot of financial support.

"Ahem, cough, then, we will be colleagues from now on, welcome, welcome."

The golden lion grinned.

Tezolo responded with a smile.

Enel grinned, but couldn't laugh.

He had an inexplicable premonition that his future life might not be easy. This Kingdom Finance Officer seems to be not easy to deal with.

After a while, everyone set foot on the port of Dressrosa.


Wearing a pink feather coat and an inexplicable Doflamingo, he walked over.


He glanced at Jiang Liu first, and then turned his gaze to Tezolo.

"We haven't seen each other for many years, Tezolo!"

In the tone of emotion, there is a hint of other meaning.

After all, the other party's rise and current achievements are inseparable from their own, and there are even some grievances between the two parties.

However, to this day, all grievances and grievances have been settled.

"It's a pleasure to work with you in the future, Doflamingo!"

Tezzolo smiled.

Hearing such a response, Doflamingo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Interesting, you seem to be different from before!"

"People change all the time, don't they?"

"There are new goals, new beliefs, new changes."

Tezzolo laughed.

Suddenly, he turned his eyes and looked to the other side.

Two figures also came over, one of them was smiling with a cigar in his mouth, it was Crocodile.

"Nice to meet you, Tezolo!"

With a smile on his face, Crocodile stretched out his hand, showing extreme enthusiasm.

Tezolo froze for a moment, then extended his hand too.


The two hands were clasped together, Crocodile turned around, let go of his hands again, and stood beside Tezolo.

"Mr. Tezolo, it is a great pleasure to work with you!"

Crocodile laughed.

"In the future, I hope we can get along happily."

Tezolo nodded, and had a good impression of the kingdom's general, after all, he showed considerable enthusiasm as soon as he came.

"Certainly possible."

The friendly relationship between the two made the golden lion and Ainilu look bad beside them.

"This guy!"

Enel gritted his teeth.

After that, I saw the two of them hooking their shoulders together and leaving quickly.

"Dressrosa, there are many interesting things, I'll take you to see them."

Crocodile's voice came.

"That's thanks to Mr. Crocodile."

Tezzolo laughed.

"Eh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Seeing this scene, Doflamingo laughed softly.

Then, he walked towards the river.

"Caesar's place is almost ready."

"So, is this the scientific research department of our kingdom?"

Chapter 256 Sorry

As the development of the kingdom was on the right track, Doflamingo also keenly realized how great his uncle's ambitions were.

Generally speaking, the development of the kingdom is a parallel development of various comprehensive aspects. Such as economy, military, politics, diplomacy.

Only when all aspects are taken into consideration and the overall strength of the kingdom is enhanced, will it become a powerful country.

In fact, in this world, the development of most kingdoms can only take into account several aspects, but cannot achieve comprehensive development.

This is naturally related to complex factors such as politics, geography, and economy. The geography of the world with many islands and seas determines that no real powerful country can emerge. Coupled with the influence of the world government, navy, and pirates, it makes the kingdom even more difficult. The development of China is full of unknowns and difficulties.

However, Jiang Liu's orders in recent days have included many of these aspects, and they have the tendency to develop into a big country.

Even, what surprised Doflamingo was that the other party even had plans and ambitions for education, scientific research, and manufacturing industry.

This is interesting, it doesn't seem like you want to just satisfy your own selfish desires, or have an interest like the four emperors in the sea.

"Scientific Research Department? Of course it is needed!"

"As far as I know, the world government and the research team led by Vegapunk have achieved very impressive results."

Jiang Liu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"If you want to build a scientific research department, only one Caesar may not be enough."

Brother Doflaming's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with a low smile.

With the addition of Tezolo, Dressrosa's tight finances were relieved in an instant, and it is more likely that it will become more prosperous, and it will revitalize industries that were impossible to develop in the past.

"Oh? Do you have any good news?"

Jiang Liu asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't know much about technology. In fact, many people in the world consider this kind of thing to be tasteless, and only a small number of powerless guys will study it."

Doflamingo shook his head and said.

"Indeed it is."

Jiang Liu nodded, and walked towards the harbor with his nephew, following behind Tezuolo and the others.

"But I also really want to build a scientific research department that belongs to us."

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