Pirate: I, the vice-captain, rock the world from the top

Chapter 65: The voyage reached a deadlock and the dinner was disturbed by ghosts

The shocking battle between the two giants attracted the attention of all members of the Straw Dog Pirates.

Sauron felt the strong fluctuations caused by the giant's attack.

"I don't know if I can win against guys like them."

Nami heard Zoro talking to himself, and she scolded Zoro angrily, "Can you stop thinking about causing trouble! If you challenge those two big guys, don't drag us all into the water!"

"Tch, body size doesn't explain everything. They may not be able to withstand my current slashes."

Zoro replied to Nami with a proud look on his face.

Nami was too lazy to argue with this martial arts idiot. She was more concerned about her memory pointer.

The magnetic channels here were recorded very slowly. After estimation, she found that it would take at least a year for the memory pointer on her hand to record the magnetic channels.

They must stay here for a year before moving on to their next destination.

"Set up camp here." Nami shouted to the big guy.

At this time, everyone who was fascinated by the battle between giants was attracted by Nami's words.

Nami looked at these heartless guys and announced the terrifying fact that it would take a year for the memory pointer to record the magnetic channel.

"What? One year!"

Weiwei couldn't accept that Alabasta would definitely be dominated by Baroque Studio in a year.

"Is there no other way? Do we really have to stay in this hellish place for a year before we can leave?" Usopp asked, looking at Nami beside him.

"Otherwise, do you think I'm joking?"

Nami sat down on the chair on the deck, not wanting to say anything more.

She looked at Luffy and was furious. If this idiot hadn't destroyed the memory pointer Robin gave him, how could they be in such a predicament.

"Then now we can only wait here for the memory pointer to record the route..."

Luffy seemed to remember his reckless behavior in the past, and he felt a rare sense of embarrassment in his words.

Rey came to Luffy and patted him on the shoulder, "It doesn't matter Luffy, this is the channel you chose. You are the chosen one. All difficulties will be solved. In short, the ship will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

"The chosen one?" Luffy blinked.

Rey really wants to tell this straw hat boy that you are the protagonist, you idiot!

"Well, it's like a man favored by the goddess of luck!" Rey made up, "Since we can't leave for the time being, let's take a good rest here first, and take care of ourselves once we come."

"Hey, Rey, I noticed that there is always a sense of mystery in your words."

Although Zoro was very sure of Rey's strength, he was not used to this guy's tone of voice.

"I'm telling the truth. I have a hunch that someone will give us a memory pointer."

Rey answered Zoro's words with a smile, which made Zoro even more speechless.

Zoro: Let’s start again. This guy must have some kind of divination ability, but he doesn’t honestly explain it and insists on just intuition.

"I'm going to chop some firewood for the night."

Zoro didn't want to see Rey's mysterious face, so he walked into the dense forest alone to chop wood.

The fight between the two giants gradually came to an end. They were evenly matched. In the end, they were exhausted and no one could do anything to the other. They each returned to their own camps.

Rey, Sanji, and Weiwei also went to the forest to look for ingredients.

After working hard all afternoon, the sky gradually darkened.

Gathering in front of the campfire, everyone was eating barbecue. A huge bear's paw was simmering on the campfire and leaving oil.

Smelling the aroma coming out of the bear's paw, Luffy couldn't bear it anymore and was about to move. His rubber neck stretched out as long as he could, and he opened his big mouth and bit into the bear's paw.

This bear paw belonged to a giant bear that Sanji hunted. It was five times as big as Luffy, but Luffy swallowed a third of it in one bite.

His big mouth opened like a snake swallowing an elephant.

"Idiot, it's not fully cooked yet! You can't bear it any longer!" Sanji was speechless. This stupid captain was more excited to see the food than he was to see the girl.

Luffy didn't answer, and swallowed the big mouthful of bear paw directly into his stomach, and his whole stomach was stretched out to look like a third of the bear paw.

"You see, he won't refuse to chew it. It doesn't matter to him whether it's raw or cooked." Nami looked at Luffy with a black line on his face.

Rey looked at the flashing firelight, and he had complicated thoughts: No, Mr3 should have appeared during the day. Didn't anyone from Baroque Studio come?

But the news of Mr5's defeat should have reached Lao Sha's ears.

"Rey, what are you thinking about? You're so lost in thought."

Weiwei summoned the duck at this time. She was feeding the duck to eat fish, and also noticed something unusual about Rey.

"It's nothing. Some things are just different from what I expected. I don't know what will happen next." Rey smiled lightly. He didn't want Weiwei to see his worries.

By this time, the bear's paws were completely cooked, and the men of the Straw Dogs Pirates were scrambling to grab the food, regardless of their image.

It makes Weiwei and Nami very embarrassed. They can't eat like these guys fighting for food with dogs.

When they were speechless, Sanji wiped the bear meat residue from the corner of his mouth and ran back to the Golden Merrie.

He brought out exquisite dishes from the boat. On two large plates, there was a delicate bear steak, which was dotted with a green vegetable leaf and purple sauce, shining like a work of art. glow.

"My noble ladies, this is your dinner."

Sanji bowed to Vivi and Nami like a gentleman and presented the delicacies to them.

Picking up the knives and forks, the two girls were finally able to eat elegantly.

"Ah, ghost! There is a ghost!"

Nami and Vivi were about to eat when they heard Usopp scream.

"Usopp, you guy, you don't want to be a soldier!"

Zoro was already used to Usopp's timidity, and he only regarded Usopp's words as cowardly words.

"There seems to be a real ghost! I just saw a white figure flashing in the nearby forest!"

Luffy ate too fast and had been consuming the portion of the bear's paw, so he kept half-lying on a stone by the fire. He noticed the flickering figures in the forest.

After hearing what Luffy said, Nami and Vivi hugged each other tightly.

Nami trembled and looked around, "Where is it? Luffy, you must have seen it wrong!"

"I read that right. There is indeed a guy in a white robe moving in the nearby woods. I can't see his face clearly."

Luffy, a very nervous guy, talked about what he had just seen calmly.

Usopp was already hugging Luffy's thigh tightly at this time, "I saw it too, that guy probably hasn't left yet."

"Whether it's a human or a ghost, I can kill it!" Zoro drew out the ghost and slowly walked towards the dense forest ahead.

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