On Cook Island in the East China Sea, the annual food festival ends after a night of food revelry.

Cook Island, which has been lively for half a month, gradually goes empty.

The number of ships moored on the shores of the islands has diminished at a speed visible to the naked eye, returning to various parts of the East China Sea.

The Cook Island Food Festival is over.

But the festival’s impact on the East China Sea is far from over.

As more and more food festival visitors return to their hometowns, interesting stories about what happens during the festival spread widely.

One of the most notable is Nanabu Kaiklockdar’s participation in the Great Stomach King Challenge and winning the championship.

Soon, the detailed process of this year’s Big Stomach King Challenge was published in the famous entertainment tabloids of the East China Sea, and as the news bird quickly spread throughout the East China Sea, it aroused widespread attention and discussion among the people of the East China Sea.

Windmill Village.

The only small bar in the village.

Today is unusually lively.

After a day’s work, the residents of the windmill village gathered in the bar of the green-haired girl Marcino, drinking and laughing.

“Hahaha, this Qiwu Hai is really interesting, originally I learned that Qiwu Hai came to the East China Sea, and Mr. Karp was no longer there, and I was a little nervous.”

“Indeed, the Seven Wuhai is not as terrifying as the legend, but I think that the thief king Rixiong back then is more fierce.”

Speaking of the One Piece King back then, the villagers thought of the Pirate Group that had stayed in their village for a while ten years ago.

Who would have thought that the red-haired ‘little’ pirate who got along with them and even helped them farm the land was now one of only four emperors in this sea.

No one will believe this kind of thing.


Another small village in the East Sea, the village of Xiluobu.

“Wow~~~ Awesome, awesome! What is Qiwu Hai, Captain Usopp is the most powerful person in the world. ”

“This Qiwu Sea in the newspaper is not Captain Usopp’s opponent at all, and the captain doesn’t even have to do it, and the eight thousand subordinates under his command can sweep him away.”

“There is also this big stomach king challenge, that is, Captain Usopp did not participate, otherwise where will the champion get someone else’s turn.”

The three little guys in Sirobu Village, onion heads, radish heads, and green pepper heads were convinced of the big words said by their captain, and looked at the long-nosed young captain in front of them with adoration.

“Well, everyone, as long as you work hard, you will also have the opportunity to follow Captain Usopp and I to make a name for yourself in the sea.” The young man Usopp said proudly.

Sending away three naïve little children, teenager Usopp cut his hair.

“Then it’s time to go and tell Koya a story, there seem to be a lot of strangers over there in the big house recently, I have to help Koya keep an eye on it, if it’s a bad person, this is the responsibility that Captain Usopp must bear.”

Usopp was in high spirits and walked in the direction of the only large family in the village.


Gothic Island in the East China Sea.

The Arrita Pirates with a pockmarked face fat woman as the captain are now rubbing their fists and eager to try.

“What shit Qiwuhai, it’s just that, ohhahaha, little ones, prepare for me, the old lady wants to grab a Qiwuhai to warm the bed.”

The pockmarked face was big, and Arrita let out an exaggerated laugh.

There are no longer a few pirates in the East China Sea who have the same idea as Arrita.

When he saw the humiliating look of Klockdar as Qiwu Hai in the newspaper, many small pirates in the East China Sea suddenly felt less afraid of Nanabu Hai.

The sea thieves who wanted to step on the name of the Seven Martial Seas and ascend to the sky in one step began to assemble.

One of the largest pirate forces is the current overlord of the East China Sea, the Creek Pirates.

“Little ones, prepare to go, when Uncle Ben takes the first rank of that Klockdar, the position of the Seven Wuhai should also be my turn to sit down.” Wearing the golden armor, the overlord of the East China Sea, Creek, is full of ambition.

“Uh-oh – Captain Crick is domineering!”

“We are the strongest group of Creek pirates, and we will definitely give Naklokdar a good look!”

“Nanabukai Creek!”

The little pirates of the Creek Pirates shouted.


East Sea, Cocoa West Village, Along Park.

“Nanabu Hai”

Aaron, a shark fishman with a serrated nose, holds a newspaper in his left hand and a red wine glass in his right hand, basking in the sun comfortably.

Behind him, the cadres of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group stood quietly.

“To be honest, I’m not interested in what shit Qiwu Hai position is, so I won’t become a human lackey like that bastard Jinping.” Aaron spoke coldly.

“But… If I could kill a Qiwu Sea with my own hands, I’m afraid that bastard would probably not be able to despise me anymore. Aaron spoke excitedly.

“Aaron, that Nanabu Sea Klockdar will definitely not be as stupid as the news says.” Croobi, the cadre of the Evil Dragon Regiment, reminded.

“Of course I know this, of course I know how powerful the Nanabu Sea is, but… That Klockdar, only this sand crocodile with the ability to sand fruits in nature, maybe we can also take it. ”

Along’s expression was cruel and indifferent, and he crushed the red wine glass in his hand, and the red wine was as sticky as blood.

More than ten years ago, when he was still in the Fishman Pirates and was still hanging out with his eldest brother Fisher Teig, he once encountered young Klockdar.

By observing the battles between Tiger and Ping, and Klockdar, he stumbled upon Klockdar’s weakness.

This natural system of the Seven Martial Seas is more afraid of water than ordinary capable people.

And they fish people naturally love water.

Of course, this alone is not enough, in order to ensure victory, he still has to make some preparations.

“Tweet, Croobi, you two go help me with something…”


All over the East China Sea, there are still ‘legends’ about the Seven Warriors Sea Klockdar.

At this moment, Klockdar, who was still lying on the boat and in full stomach pain, naturally did not know that he would become famous in the East China Sea in this way.

He couldn’t even imagine that he could single-handedly pull down the terrifying level of the Seven Martial Seas in people’s hearts.

If he knew, it would have been—


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