This is directly above the Red Earth Continent, the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

A magnificent palace in the heart of Mary Joa.

The supreme power in the world, the five old stars gathered together, discussing and pondering.

“Klockdar, what is that imp’s purpose in doing this?” The blonde star frowned.

“A pirate is still a pirate after all, and I don’t quite believe that he will suddenly change sex.” The sword-holding samurai old star spoke.

“But in the end, the system of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas was negotiated by us, and the Warring States, Kapu, Tsuru and many others of the navy have objections, and this time what Klockdar did was able to block the mouths of some of them.” The bald tendril five old stars analyzed.

“Anyway, the East China Sea Evil Dragon and Mouse incident is a gaffe of the Navy, and it can be handed over to the Warring States and their navy to deal with, I’m afraid there is no need to gather the five of us alone.”

The curly-haired five old stars looked at the blue suit long-bearded old star who came last.

“You’re right, that’s the real reason why I summoned you this time.”

The last blue-suited long-bearded star to appear took a photo on the marble tabletop.

The scene in the photo is simple.

The background looks like some lively food festival.

The front is a family portrait of an ordinary family, and the little girl in the middle is smiling cutely

But the five world’s supreme powers present all unanimously set their sights on an inconspicuous back in the upper right corner of the photo.

It was a young man.

Because of the back to the face, you can’t see the face.

His right fist seemed to be raised inadvertently, and his middle finger was raised, which looked dazzling.

This is in the middle finger!

To whom to give the middle finger?

The splendid hall fell into deathly silence.

None of the five world’s highest powers spoke.

Because they already know who the person in the corner of the photo with his back to them is giving his middle finger to.

“No, it’s absolutely impossible!!!”

The sword-holding samurai Lao Xing dressed in a training uniform covered his left hand over his right shoulder.

Thirty-six years ago, his entire arm was cut off by that man’s sword, and he still suffers from faint pain.

After seeing the back and middle finger, the pain reached its limit, causing his forehead to skyrocket.

“Hit by the power of the national treasure, how can he possibly survive? Was he really an immortal body? Took thirty-six years to fully regenerate? ”

Blonde hair and beard, the youngest-looking old star covered his fierce mouth in disbelief.

Thirty-six years ago, his body was ‘shattered’ under terrifying powers, leaving unhealable scars.

The other three Five Old Stars also raised their hands to cover some parts of their bodies.

It was a pain they never wanted to talk about.

However, it is reproduced with the appearance of this photo.

“What is the reaction from the Navy?” For a long time, the noble curly-haired old star asked.

“The Navy side did not receive this photo, only a simple report from Colonel Tina, this photo is like that bastard deliberately sent it to us … As if to tell us – he’s back! ”

The old star in the long-bearded blue suit looked gloomy.

“Damn, is this provoking us? Hasn’t thirty-six years given him a long memory? ”

The bald old star roared irritably.

Grumpy is a sign of fear.

After all, it was the only peerless fierce man in the world in eight hundred years who had penetrated Mary Joa and hit the deepest adult.

What is even more frightening is that he should have been dead for thirty-six years, but he came back to life.

“Don’t be impatient, based on this photo alone, it is not possible to determine that it is really that person who is resurrected, I have already sent CP’s people to the East China Sea to investigate.” Blue suit old star road.

“Hmph, even if he is really resurrected, if he has the courage to go back to Mary Joa again, this time we will definitely want him to come back.” The sword-holding samurai old star cut to the chase.

“That’s right, what immortal body is, it’s just our experimental research material.”

“If you come again this time, you must definitely catch him and make him endure endless torture.”

“Cut off his head, I’d rather see if he will grow a head again or another body…”

The five old stars issued vicious declarations one after another.

The vicious declaration at this moment is also born of fear!



“Outside the Number”

“Latest news! Have you ever wanted to know about the East Sea Dragon Incident! ”

“News newspapers sold cheaply, thirty-one, one hundred and thirteen copies!”

It was only two days.

The dragon incident that occurred in the West Village of Coco Yaxi in the East China Sea spread throughout the sea.

Different from the Big Stomach King Challenge of the Cook Island Food Festival a few days ago.

At that time, Klockdar’s abnormal behavior was only circulated in the East China Sea as entertainment news in the East China Sea, and it was not widely spread around the world.

This time it was different.

The four seas of the southeast, southwest and north, the paradise in the first half of the great voyage, and even the new world in the second half, people all over the world learned about this event through the news newspapers.



The junction of the East China Sea and the windless zone.

After such days of ‘drifting’ in the windless zone, the world’s number one sword hero Hawkeye Mihawk finally arrived in the East China Sea.

Then it was finally easy to go with the flow, and Hawkeye was able to relax a little.

“Next time, let the Navy’s Vegapunk help my ship install a power facility.” Hawkeye thought silently in his heart.


In the sky, a seagull delivering a newspaper bird dropped a newspaper.

“You really came to the East China Sea, Coco Yasi Village, then take a trip.” Hawkeye said to himself.


Great Voyage somewhere.

On the silent cliff, the tall Seven Wuhai wearing a bear-eared hat, and the Bartholomew bear, who is known as a tyrant, sits quietly.

“Blu Bru Bru”

The phone rings.

Put through.

“Xiong, everything is okay over there.” A deep male voice came from the other end of the phone worm.

“Well, I’m fine.” The bear makes a gentle voice that contrasts strongly with its size.

“It’s just that Ivankov’s side, I haven’t found a way to save him yet.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard, if you feel that something is wrong, when your own safety is the main thing, the road to revolution is long and obstructed, and there is no need to rush for a while.”

“I made all this decision not only for the revolutionary army, but also … My daughter! Tyrant Bear spoke.

On the opposite side, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long Long, was silent for a moment.

“I’m in the East China Sea now.”


“Not only Koshiro, but also my son, he is about to go to sea, I want to send it”

“Luffy, a few years younger than my daughter, they may or may not be able to meet at sea.”

“If only I could see the right eye…”


The Great Passage Devil’s Triangle.

The island ship belonging to His Majesty the Seven Martial Sea Moonlight Moriah – the Terror Three-masted Sailing Ship.

“Hehe To be praised as a hero, what a joke! ”

The aura on Moonlight Moria’s body suddenly changed, and his face became gloomy and terrifying.

“You really can, Sand Crocodile, single-handedly bring down the fierce name of our Seven Wu Sea, and a fool like you is also qualified to be ranked alongside me in the Seven Wu Sea!!!”

In the end, Moria’s eyes became more and more fierce.

Pieces of dark bats flew out, tearing to shreds all the East Sea reports about Klockdar in front of him.


New World, Kingdom of Dressrosa.

The royal palace is located on the second floor.


The palace open-air pool with a unique laughter.

Wearing a flamingo suit with a bag, Nanabukai to Flamengo looked at the news reports, and the liquor in the laughing wine glass was shaking and spilling.

“You really like to do this kind of hero game, Vani (crocodile), it’s not enough to be a hero in Alabastan for more than ten years, and now you actually went to the East China Sea on purpose? You bastard doesn’t really want to whitewash! Doflamingo’s contemplative opening.

“Fufur, don’t pretend to be garlic, others don’t know, I don’t know yet?

In Alabastan for more than ten years, your purpose is only a certain weapon, and this time you must have another purpose in the East China Sea that is greater than encroaching on the sea market. Doflamingo was convinced of his brain supplement.

“Naa, Dover, someone from the underground world has come to ask about Klockdar breaking the rules over there in the East China Sea, what should I do?” Torrepol, the supreme cadre covered in snot asked.

“It is recommended that they stay still for the time being, if that crocodile really wants to enter the underground world, then give him a little bit of the meat in the East China Sea, and he is also a good partner, but…”

“If the crocodile is not satisfied… Then let him see our line of work and know the rules of this underground world, Fu! ”


New World Blue Sky Island.

The territory of the four emperors of the white beard.

The huge whale ship Moby Dick floats quietly above the sea.

On the deck, the man with the world’s strongest name, the white-bearded Edward Newgate of the Four Emperors, was gulping down alcohol.

“Jinping, I remember the fish-man evil dragon gang reported on the news, it seems to be your subordinates.” Marko, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, asked.

“No, we have already parted ways.” Qiwu Hai Xia Jinping replied.

“So what are you going to do? Let’s say that your former companion has now been killed by that sand crocodile. Saatchi, the captain of the fourth team, asked curiously.

“Aaron did this kind of thing behind my back, and he was to blame for ending up like this.” Jinping took a deep breath.

“In the future, the old man will go to the East China Sea and personally apologize to the people of that village, no matter what, Aaron was released to the East China Sea by me, and I also have unshirkable responsibility for what happened to them.” Jinping Road.

The whitebeard and the others on the Moby Dick were first stunned, and then laughed.

“Ku la la la, Jinping, you are such a hopelessly rotten good person!” Whitebeard laughed.


Jinping shook his head helplessly.

“That sand crocodile suddenly came to the East China Sea to make such an abnormal move, Dad, what do you think?” Team Diamond Joz, captain of the Sanban team, asked.

“That crocodile imp…”

The white-bearded pale golden pupils of the questioned shimmered with a deep light.

“Although he is a little arrogant, that little ghost is not like someone who would do such meaningless things, and there may be some huge force behind that pushing the crocodile imp to do these things.”

When Whitebeard spoke, a sense of foreboding suddenly emerged in his heart.


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