The hall was very quiet.

Under the coercion of Luo Lin’s slightly exposed overlord color, the butler Chloe suddenly fell to the ground unconsciously as if he had been hit hard.

The whole person’s body and mind are tense to the limit.


A cold sweat began on his forehead and dripped down his thin cheek.

At this moment, Rao’s always calm and calm Black Cat Pirate Regiment captain Baiji Chloe was also completely panicked.

He was now completely convinced that Rollin in front of him was an existence above the Seven Warriors Sea Klockdar.

His own unintentional words really attracted the other party’s behind-the-scenes boss to visit, what a groove.

I’m just talking casually, why do you still take it seriously?

Chloe wanted to cry without tears.

“Butler Chloe, what are you doing? Although I have doubts about your identity, how can you say that you are also the steward of the house, how can you kneel to others so easily. ”

For the heavy pressure that Chloe was suffering at this time, the sheep head Melly on the side could not empathize.

Therefore, he became more and more puzzled, and couldn’t help but scold.

You want to kneel! Isn’t this not up from nowhere?

And who is that long nose, what are you snickering?

Believe it or not, I’ll kill you when I can get up!

Chloe yelled in annoyance in his heart.

Melly’s speech while standing without backache, and the secret snicker of Usopp who accompanied Rollin into the door, made Captain Chloe’s heart very sad.

“Hundred Crowe”

Just as the sheep-headed servant Melly was about to go to help Chloe, Robin finally spoke.

“Black Cat Pirate Captain Hundred Crowe… Two years ago, you avoided capture by the Navy by suspended animation and have been incognito ever since…”

“Soon after, you came to the village of Sirobu, disguised yourself, deceived the trust of the owner of the big house, stayed here as a housekeeper, did your duty, did everything thoroughly, and was deeply trusted.

It’s a pity that this is all acting, the real purpose of your stay here is to get the property of the big house, I said there is an omission, Captain Chloe of the Black Cat Pirates. ”

Robin narrowed his eyes and smiled, bringing out Chloe’s previous experiences and his true purpose for being here now.

Hearing this, Nami and Vivi were so shocked that they couldn’t help but open their small mouths.

He has served the house since childhood, and the loyal sheep head Melly is completely stupid.

“Steward Chloe… No, Pirate Chloe, is what the young lady said true? You’ve only been for the property of the house from beginning to end…”

When he thought that if Luo Lin and his party did not appear, he and the young lady might end up, the sheep head Melly was afraid for a while.

As soon as his legs went limp, he immediately fell to the ground.

Also frightened to the point of speechlessness was the long-nosed teenager Usopp.

He couldn’t imagine it.

If Rollin and his party do not appear and expose Chloe’s conspiracy, what will happen in the future?

Can he really stop the sinister and cunning pirate captain with a big talk king alone?

“Oh, by the way, Baiji Chloe, you still have three companions who were recalled to this island by you two days ago, originally intended to be used as a surprise soldier to create chaos and break through, but unfortunately, there are no more now.” Robin clapped his hands.

The next moment, the little loli Golden Week, who had previously walked away alone on the way to the big house, jumped and returned.

Behind her were three Hanhan.

Under the manipulation of the yellow-green paint of Miss’s Golden Week, Chloe’s deputy captain hypnotist Zango, the deputy captain of the Black Cat Regiment in the forest, and the cat man brothers Sam and Booji have become little Lori’s humble friends.

Let the little loli Golden Week make all kinds of foolish expressions.

When he found that everything he had was under the control of the other party, Chloe, who had always been tricky and well-planned, was also unable to return to heaven and was completely desperate.

Everything about yourself, the other party has already counted.

How else to play this?

No matter how high his IQ and how clever his schemes are, he will not have the slightest effect in the face of absolute power.


Chloe struggled to speak.

In the next second, the terrifying weight that shrouded him dissipated.

“Earlier boss asked me what is worth your visit, and my answer was ‘my scheme’! My mind is good! ”

Chloe spoke, without half a boastful performance, because his mind was indeed good.

Throughout the entire pirate world, Hundreds of Chloe’s IQ is the top existence, and it can even be said that it is second only to Ben Beckman, the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate group (said on Oda SBS).

This is why Rollin specifically told Robin to pay attention to Chloe.

In this pirate world, developed muscles can be seen everywhere, but smart minds are none of them.

Sometimes a good mind is worth an army of a thousand.

Now that you have decided to form your own faction, smart people in the team are essential.

Robin counts one, and Chloe in front of him counts one.


After ten seconds of dead silence, Rollin nodded, recognizing Chloe’s self-nomination of his strength.

“Go pack up and get ready to leave.” Rollin Road.

“Yes.” Chloe nodded honestly.

The ‘will’ incident in Sirobu Village ended ahead of schedule with Chloe’s ‘yes’.

The rest of the trade with the village of Sirobu is responsible for other employees.

“Then, let’s go…”


Just when Rollin decided to leave for the next location to ‘check in’, Melly, the sheep head who had slowed down, stopped Rollin.

“Is there anything else?”

For ordinary people like Melly the Sheep, Rollin’s attitude has always been kind.

“This time, thanks to your appearance, Sir, I realized Chloe’s tricks, otherwise my Miss Keya would not know what would happen in the future, so here I also ask the gentlemen to stay for a moment and let me entertain you a light meal.” Sheep Head Melley Road.

“You don’t have to eat, if you want to help, just say it.”

Luo Lindao had already read the true purpose in the other party’s heart.

“Sir, I know that you are a big man, and I don’t know if there are any doctors in your organization who can help see my Miss Koya, and Meili is grateful.”

Melly the sheep no longer hidden, fell to the ground with his hands and feet, and pleaded.

“If you want to see a doctor, I can help you see.” Rollin Road.

“Really?” Melly, the sheep head, was overjoyed.


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