
“Big nephew!”

After thirty-six years, Rollin and the dragon met again.

A simple greeting contains countless complex emotions.

There was shock, disbelief, madness, and indescribable ecstasy.

Koshiro, Saab, and the girl Kerra who were already ready for battle.

At this moment, it is already stupid.

The leader, founder, pioneer of the revolutionary army, their idol Mr. Long’s ‘uncle’!

And the ‘big nephew’ of the young man outside the door who didn’t even look like he was thirty years old!

These two relative titles constantly floated and echoed in the minds of Sabo, Kerra, and Koshiro, and endured for a long time.

Because of the excessive shock, the expressions on their faces began to change significantly, and they subconsciously and unconsciously made Yan Yi expressions that they would never be able to do in their normal state.

Even the always elegant and moving lady Kerra is no exception.

Yan Yi’s expression at this moment is no less than Robin’s expression when he learned of Luffy the Straw Hat when he learned of Luffy the Straw Hat in the development of the original plot.

Koshiro: ∑(っД;)っ

Kerra: !!! ∑(Дノ)ノ

Saab: (‘Д)!!





A long silence followed.


Long Long, the supreme leader of the revolutionary army, once again burst into hearty laughter after more than 30 years.

If other revolutionary army soldiers saw this scene, they would inevitably be shocked beyond belief.

Because they never knew that a wise and powerful dragon leader would laugh like a normal person.

“Uncle Luo Lin, I know, I know, I know that you will not die! You are the immortal king of this sea! ”

After laughing, tears appeared in the corners of the dragon’s eyes for the first time in more than thirty years.

The dragon strode forward, opened his arms, and hugged Luo Lin heavily.

“Big nephew, I haven’t seen you for many years, you are really present!” Luo Lin spoke with emotion.

Forty years ago, that year, Luo Lin, Karp, Sengoku and others were promoted to lieutenant general because of their outstanding battle merits and were able to have their own subordinates.

At the beginning, the naval crew sent to his ship was Karp’s precious son, Monchi D-dragon.

Take the diehard relationship between Rollin and Karp.

Luo Lin can naturally be regarded as the dragon’s uncle.

At that time, Monchi D Dragon was just a rebellious teenager with a cold face all day.

He was very dissatisfied with his father Karp’s action in arranging him on the ship of someone he knew well.

Even Karp was resistant to asking him to join the Navy.

Such a rebellious teenager ‘dragon’ naturally would not willingly call Luo Lin ‘uncle’.

However, it was only a month.

When Rollin returned with him in the New World for a month.

The rebellious teenager ‘dragon’ who was once very resistant to Rollin disappeared and disappeared.

In his place was Rollin’s number one little fan brother ‘Dragon’.

Even Yu Long willingly called Luo Lin ‘Mentor’!

The magnitude of the change before and after cannot be described as amazing, and it directly shocked the Navy.

At that time, Sengoku, Kapu, Tsuru, Zefa and others were all surprised by the dragon’s transformation.

Ask Luo Lin, Luo Lin naturally won’t say.

After all, it was a secret between him and the dragon.

The change in the young dragon’s attitude towards Luo Lin was not because of Luo Lin’s strength that was no less than his father.

It is not a strange means of Rollin to face all kinds of death and not die in the face of terrorist opponents, and finally force the other party to collapse.

The reason for his admiration for Rollin was only a few words that Rollin casually said.

As a traverser, Luo Lin is also curious about the experience of the most mysterious revolutionary army leader Long in the pirate world when he was young.

Coupled with the commission from his friend Karp, Rollin is even more attentive to the young dragon.

However, this kid was too rebellious at the beginning, and he didn’t even bring birds to his orders as a commander.

Until later, Luo Lin’s inadvertent words attracted the attention of the dragon and narrowed the distance between them.

Luo Lin also learned that the reason why the dragon is so ‘rebellious’ is not because of adolescence.

It stems from his thinking about the navy, about the government, and even about the world.

Why are there so many injustices in the world?

What is the difference between commoners and nobles?

What kind of thing does Wang Hou have to do with Xingning?

Will the arrogant Draco do less evil than ordinary people? Why should the Navy protect these privileged criminals?

Isn’t the real duty of the Navy to maintain justice and order in the sea? Why do you want to fight for the evil Draco?

If privileges can be eliminated, classes between commoners and nobles can be eliminated, will the number of pirates on the sea be greatly reduced?


And so on and so forth…

The young dragon, who was only a teenager at that time, had already surpassed most people in the world in his thinking realm.

It was as if his birth had been specially sent by the world to correct this distorted reality.

Even Luo Lin was stunned by the young dragon’s profound question that was far beyond his age, and his heart unconsciously gave birth to the idea that ‘this person was born for the change of the world’.

At that time, Luo Lin, who was just holding and chatting casually with the dragon, suddenly looked positive, no longer giggling, and his expression was more solemn than ever.

He had decided to give to the teenager in front of him all the ‘modern revolutionary ideas’ he knew about the world in his past life.

The whole teaching process lasted a week.

Until Rollin exhausted the memory in his head and said that there was nothing to say.

Even so, even Rawling’s account of revolutionary ideas is not systematic and detailed.

But this idea of Luo Lin also brought unprecedented impact and shock to the dragon at that time.

Just like Sauron, who received the guidance of Rollin Kendo two days ago, he felt.

Rollin’s thoughts were like a light in the fog, pointing the way to the path of dragon chaos and leading him forward to this day.

After more than 30 years of development, the original lonely lamp has been lit in all corners of this sea.

And one day it will form a fire, sweeping and illuminating this dark world.

“Uncle, no, a mentor, now we are no longer alone, our like-minded comrades are all over the world, we are all your followers.”

Long proudly reported to Rollin on his efforts over the past thirty years.

“No, dragon, they are all your followers, I didn’t do anything.” Luo Lin slowly shook his head.

For credit that does not belong to him, Rollin will never accept it cheekily.


“Mr. Long”

As soon as the dragon wanted to continue to say something, Saab raised his hand and pushed his almost dislocated jaw back, and was able to open his mouth to shout in shock, just enough to interrupt the dragon.

The dragon reacted, there were other people here.

What they were about to talk about secretly next was probably more important than ever, and even Saab still didn’t know about it for the time being.


A cyan whirlwind blows by.

Luo Lin and Long had already entered the house.

The door snapped shut.

The outsider was still shocked, and at the same time a little confused Saab and Kerra.


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