“Dragon, what do you know?”

Looking at the dragon with a sudden realization but didn’t say anything, Luo Lin didn’t say anything with a deep face.

Confused but itchy, Koshiro couldn’t help but ask.

When he was young, Koshiro was also one of Ryu’s earliest companions.

Only later, because of the ancestral training handed down by the family, he was forced to return to Frost Moon Village and live a semi-secluded life.

For the vicissitudes outside, Koshiro at most read it in the newspaper.

Now it is also completely out of step with the times.

In response to Koshiro’s question, Ryu first glanced at Rollin, and only after receiving Rollin’s nod of permission did he speak.

“Koshiro, you should know that in the past twenty years since the opening of the era of the sea thief, the situation in the sea can be said to be chaotic to the extreme.”


Koshiro nodded.

“The world government, navy, pirates, all kinds of intricate dark forces in the underground world, plus our revolutionary army, these five parties support this turbulent world.”

“The goal of our revolutionary army is the world government, the navy to capture pirates, so that there is still a huge underground dark force that connects the whole world.”

“The behavior of our revolutionary army’s new Baroque work society has been analyzed, and it is believed that it should be to break into the world underground power market.”

“Now that I know that the leader of the Nascent Baroque is a mentor, everything is clear.” Two wise rays flashed in the dragon’s deep eyes.

“Dragon, what do you mean?” Koshiro seemed to react.

“Yes, the mentor’s idea should be to use this to subdue the underground forces all over the world, and even further calm the pirate rebellion!”

“To overthrow the world government, the revolutionary army alone is not enough, so the mentor wants to control the complex underground world to increase his power and prepare for future wars.”

“With the strength of the mentor, simply staying in the revolutionary army will only limit his performance, and the world stage is more suitable for the mentor’s performance”

“In the end, there is a figure like a mentor acting in the open, which can attract the attention of the government and cover the secret operations of the revolutionary army, which is a plan to kill a bird!!!

The more excited Long Yue said, even Koshiro, who was an audience, was amazed one after another.

Then he got up again and bowed deeply to Rollin.

Rollin: “…”

For the dragon’s unauthorized brain supplement, Luo Lin was speechless.

At this stage, Luo Lin, who has only woken up for less than a month, really hasn’t thought so much.

But the dragon was right about one thing.

The feud between Rollin and the world government is unresolved, and there is a war in the end.

In that case, let’s prepare early.

Rollin decided to do it, and then he had to do more than the dragon’s brain made up.

Not only the dark forces of the underground world, but also those sea thieves and old acquaintances entrenched in the new world will all become Rollin’s targets.

Perhaps after this trip to the East China Sea, it is time to announce his return to the world!

Luo Lin’s gaze gradually deepened.

“Mentor, I have investigated, although the Baroque Work Society was founded by Qibu Hai Klockdar, it is not even a third-rate force, and you should have come to the East China Sea this time with the idea of finding available talents.” Dragon Road.

“Well, that’s true.” Rollin did not deny it.

Although he originally just came to travel to check in, he was made up by Robin.

“In that case, then I will lend Saab and Kerra outside to your mentor, don’t look at their age, but they are definitely strong enough.”

With a generous wave of his big hand, Long directly sent his appointed chief of staff Saab and Kerla to… Sold.

“Oh… Yes! Luo Lin was stunned for a moment and nodded.

Although it is strange and embarrassing, but the dragon capital is ‘sold’ to the door, Luo Lin really has no reason to refuse the two talents.

“In that case, then my road idiot apprentice Solon has also asked the mentor to take care of him, as well as the disciples who walked out of my dojo before, I will explain to them to add a little strength to the mentor.”

Driven by the dragon’s emotions, Koshiro also got on top.

Light ‘sold’ Solon not to mention, and was ready to convince the previous disciples who had already left Frost Moon Village.


Luo Lin nodded deeply.

Pleasant laughter rang out in the room.



At this moment, Solon, who did not know that he was sold, was still entangled with a group of junior and disciples.

As for Saab and Kerra, they are still immersed in beautiful fantasies.

“The pioneer who founded the central idea of the revolution, even Mr. Long must respectfully call the existence of a mentor, with his joining, our revolutionary army will definitely be able to grow even stronger.”

“Hehe, that person turned out to be the revolutionary mentor that Mr. Long used to talk about every day, younger than expected, and so handsome.”

Kerra sat on the steps, his chin in his hands, and thought with a confused look.

Girls of Kerra’s age are the most prone to fantasies about great existences.

“Stupid Kerra, what kind of idiocy are you making, that is a teacher, a pioneer of the revolution, we must always maintain respect.” Saab rarely seized the opportunity to educate righteously.

“I just think about it.” Kerra pouted dissatisfied.

“You can’t think about it.” Saab vetoed it mercilessly.

“Ah, boys are so strict but doomed.”

At this moment, a nice female voice sounded from outside the courtyard door, with a teasing of Saab between words.

Who else could speak be besides Robin.

Not long ago, after landing in Frost Moon Village, Luo Lin ordered to meet at the Yishin Dojo and disappeared.

The road idiot green algae head trio also disappeared as soon as they landed.

Robin and the others had to make sure that the place was by asking for directions, and they had not arrived until now.

Looking at the beautiful girls such as Vivi and Nami who entered the door, especially Robin’s big sister who spoke, Saab and Kerra looked at each other tacitly and saw a trace of suspicion in each other’s eyes.

So the two tacitly agreed again to fall their gaze on Robin and carefully scrutinize.

The intellectual, beautiful big sister in front of them gradually overlapped with the ‘revolutionary lights’ on the wanted warrants they had seen.

Tight seams.

Not the slightest deviation.

So, Saab and Kerra, who looked at each other again, both saw shock and excitement in each other’s eyes.

“You are Miss Robin!”

“Miss Robin, is that you?”

Saab and Kerra swept in front of Robin at the same time, looking excited and surprised.

Robin: “??? ”


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