Facing Saab and Kerra, the sudden enthusiasm and excitement of these two strangers who had never met, Robin couldn’t help but be stunned on the spot.

Similarly, Robin’s beautiful eyes carefully swept over Saab and Kerra.

Robin was sure he had never seen these two teenagers and girls.

You don’t know each other, but the other person knows yourself.

Then there is only one answer.

That is, they have seen their wanted warrant and know that she is Nicole Robin, whom the government calls the son of the devil.

So the expression on Robin’s face changed from relaxed to wary and solemn, and he took a step back to distance himself from Saab and the two.

Although Saab and Kerra were very enthusiastic and did not exude the slightest malice, it was always right to be vigilant.

“Saab, it’s all to blame on you, it’s all scared Miss Robin.”

Kerra grumbled and slapped Saab on the head, and his hat was crooked.

“Aren’t you the same, obviously you got too close to scare Miss Robin.”

Saab raised his head and straightened his top hat and said dissatisfiedly.


Kerra snorted cutely.

After the initial excitement and euphoria, Kerra also returned to her former ladylike form.

“Miss Robin, I’m really sorry to scare you, first introduce yourself, I’m Kerra, this guy is Saab, and the two of us are… We are…”

Kerra glanced wide-eyed at Nami and the others behind Robin.

The fact that they were a revolutionary army revealed to Robin that the light of the revolution was of course no problem.

It’s just that Nami and others, they really dare not tell casually.

After all, this is Koshiro’s dojo.

If those little girls accidentally leaked their mouths and the people of the government knew that their revolutionary army had appeared here, it would be really a big deal.

It will cause Koshiro a lot of trouble.

“They’re all my sisters.”

Robin saw Kerra’s concerns, but she had her own calculations.

At first, Robin is not sure if Kerra and Saab are trying to deliberately support Nami so that they can do something to themselves.

Secondly, Robin really regards Vivi and Nami as his sisters.

A family, of course, to be together.

Both sides have their own considerations and concerns.

As a result, the atmosphere in the room also quieted down.

No one dares to give in easily.

More than a dozen seconds passed like this.

With a ‘creaking’ sound, the door that had been closed for a long time opened.

“Robin, don’t be nervous, these two children are not bad people, they are our partners.” Rollin’s voice came first from inside the door.

After hearing Rollin’s familiar voice, Robin’s hanging heart was immediately lowered, no longer vigilant, and completely relaxed.

This is out of absolute trust in Rollin.

“Saab, Kerra, the little girls over there are all mentors, you must not be rude.” The dragon then spoke.

“Alas~~~ Mr. Long, is what you said true?” Kerra suddenly dragged out his tail in shock.

“Miss Robin is a mentor, what, so we don’t need to invite, Miss Robin is already a member of our revolutionary army, which is really good.” Saab said happily.

“Revolutionary army?”

Hearing this not unfamiliar term, Robin couldn’t help but widen his beautiful eyes in shock.


Leader of the revolutionaries Dragon!

“Such a big man actually appeared here!”

Robin couldn’t help but be shocked in his heart

The young girls named Saab and Kerra in front of them are also members of the revolutionary army, so who are the mentors they call?

Sure enough, it can only be Uncle Luo Lin.

The uncle turned out to be the mentor of the revolutionary army?

Realizing this, Robin’s mind suddenly reappeared a big question mark.

Just when Robin was shocked, Saab and Kerra on the other side were also called by the dragon to explain something.

When it was learned that Rollin and Robin would not join the Revolutionary Army.

On the contrary, from today onwards, after he was going to be transferred from the headquarters of the revolutionary army to Luo Lin’s side to help establish the open forces, Saab’s eyes widened in shock.

“What’s so bad about that? Saab, and you should be honored to be able to work under your mentor. ”

Kerra accepted it quickly and enlightened Saab.

“No, I’m not unwilling, it’s just… It was so sudden that I wasn’t ready. Saab said.

“Saab, Kerra, I said ahead, this mission is more important than all the missions you have performed in the past…”

Immediately, Long informed the two of his previous brain supplements.

When he learned that what Luo Lin was going to do now turned out to be such an amazing thing, the blood in Saab’s body was also stimulated and agitated.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Long, I will definitely do my best, everything but under the command of the mentor.” Saab assured impassionedly.


The dragon nodded in satisfaction, and then spoke: “There is another thing, regarding your previous lost memories, the mentor may have a way to help you.” ”

“Alas~~~ Really? But didn’t the doctor say that my situation depends on luck? Saab was pleasantly surprised and raised his own doubts.

“Little friend Saab, you don’t have to worry, although I can’t directly cure your amnesia, but there is a way to see your past, if you want to know, I can help you see.”

Rollin, who had finished explaining the task to Robin, walked over and smiled and spoke.

“The doctor said that if there is a reminder of a familiar person or event in the past, it may be able to help the memory recovery, well, come on, I want to know what happened to my past before the age of ten?” Saab was determined and ready.

Rollin didn’t say any more nonsense, and his right hand fell straight to Saab’s forehead.

The domineering effect of reading people’s hearts was launched, and a marquee-like memory stream began to appear in front of Luo Lin’s eyes, and half of the flow turned into a garbled code.

Luo Lin’s sights and sounds can only read the memories that he has in his consciousness.

I forgot it, but I couldn’t read it.

Fortunately, Rollin was just pretentious.

For the childhood experience of the revolutionary army teenager in front of him, Luo Lin knew it clearly without reading his memory.

“Saab, you were born in the Goya Kingdom in the East China Sea, the son of a nobleman, but you… At the garbage dump you met your first brother Ace, and three years later, there was another Luffy, and you drank the wine of righteousness and became brothers of the opposite sex ever since, but the good times did not last long…”

Rollin recounted the past in his mind about Saab in detail.

Not only Saab was stunned, but even the dragon was stunned.

What did he hear?

Saab and his son Luffy turned out to be brothers?

There are such coincidences in the world!

The dragon was secretly shocked, of course, he remained silent on the surface.

“I also have two brothers, Ace… And Luffy… Wait, these two names are really familiar, ah, my head…” Saab held his head in his hands, his body stiffened and fainted.

Everyone: “…”

After settling Saab, who was suddenly unconscious, it was time for the dragon to leave.

Originally, he also planned to send Ichimatsu’s son to sea.

But now, knowing that Rollin was ‘resurrected’ and sending his son to sea is not so important.

On the coast of Frost Moon Village, the dragon flashed and boarded a small dragon head sailing ship.

“Mentor, then Saab and Kerra will please you.”

“Well, there you go.”

“Oh yes”

The dragon seemed to have thought of something, and a rare playful smile appeared on his resolute face.

“Mentor, there are so many young and beautiful little girls around you, does Aunt He know?” Dragon asked with a bad smile.


Rollin’s face turned black.

There was no answer.

However, Luo Lin is not a person who can be laughed at casually by juniors.

“Long, I kind of want to know the development of the revolutionary army over the years, you come over, let me see your memory, you can rest assured, I will look at the establishment process of the revolutionary army, soon.” Rollin grinned.

“Don’t, it’s still exempt, the tutor has to know, I have a complete report, I can give it to you another day.” The dragon quickly waved his hand and hurriedly sailed to escape.


On the shore, Rollin shook his head and sighed.

If the dragon was really willing to read the memory to him just now, Luo Lin really wanted to see who the dragon’s wife, that is, the mother of Straw Hat Luffy, was?

He wondered what kind of woman could impress a straight man of steel like Long?

“It’s a pity.” Rollin shook his head regretfully.


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