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“Saab… Are you really Saab? ”

Marcino, a green-haired girl wearing a royal hoop pattern turban, stared at Saab with wide tearful eyes.

“My name is indeed Saab, but… Sister you are… I should know you, but why can’t I remember? ”

Saab clutched his head with both hands.

I just felt that something was about to pop out of my mind, but I never succeeded.

This feeling is maddening.

“Sabo, Saab, what’s wrong with you? I’m Marcino, why don’t you remember me. Marcino stepped forward and looked at Marcino anxiously.


Rollin gave Saab a blow on the back of his head, allowing him to gradually recover.

“Are you…”

Only then did Marcino set her eyes on Rollin, who led Saab to appear.

When she saw Rollin’s face, Marcino couldn’t help but be stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the fair face couldn’t help but flash a trace of doubt.

This face, as if seen somewhere?

The doubts in Marcino’s heart were quickly diverted by Saab’s story.

“Little girl Marcino, don’t worry, in fact, Saab this kid…”

Rollin informed Saab of the situation.

When she learned that Saab had amnesia due to the Draco shelling ten years ago, Marcino’s eyes suddenly burst into tears again.

“It’s okay, Saab, I will definitely remember it, although now that Ace has gone to sea, Luffy is still there, you and Luffy are the best, you and Luffy are the best, you will definitely let you remember.”

Marcino hugged Saab and comforted her while crying.

If it was before, I was held like this by a beautiful girl.

Saab’s face has long been red, and his head will unconsciously think about wrongdoing.

But now he has no idea at all.

I only felt that Marcino’s embrace was so warm.

Even if it’s a sister.

“Don’t panic children, there is the village chief’s grandfather, no matter who it is, I want to see which one ate the bear heart leopard bile today, making Magino cry.”

At this moment, a breathy old man’s voice came from outside the door of the tavern.

Surrounded by a group of children who had previously been curious about Luo Lin and the two, the head of the windmill village, Upslap, pushed open the door of the tavern with great momentum.

When he saw Marcino holding a blond young man crying, the village chief Slapdang was dumbfounded.

“Marcino, you are…”

“Grandpa Village Chief”

Magino, who realized Slap’s arrival, suddenly let go of Saab and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

“Grandpa Village Chief, do you see who is back?”

A big smile lifted at the corner of Marcino’s mouth, and he broke Saab, who was still in a sluggish state.

“This boy is…”

The village chief Slap squinted at the presbyopia for a moment.

“Sasa… Saab! ”

Slap let out an unbelievable cry of surprise, his aging body trembling with surprise excitement.

With Marcino’s help, he didn’t fall.


Rollin took two glasses of iced rum and walked over to Slapp, who was trembling with tremor.

“Old village chief, come with a glass of wine to suppress the shock”

Rollin sat down and pushed one of his glasses of iced rum in front of Slapp.

“Thank you.”

Slap, who had not drunk for a long time, did not refuse again this time.

Grab the ice rum and drink it all in one gulp.

However, before he could swallow, the village chief Slap’s gaze finally noticed the presence of the third person in the tavern, Rollin.

Immediately, those old eyes were round.

His face showed an expression that was even more shocked and shocked than when he saw Saab before.

“Grandpa Village Chief, what’s wrong?” Marcino was puzzled.


A mouthful of rum that didn’t have time to swallow squirted.

“Wow, old village chief, I didn’t see it so many years ago, so you don’t need to spray me as soon as you come.”

Rawling, who had flashed to the side earlier, smiled and spoke.

“You you you… You boy… Not dead either? ”

Village Chief Slup pointed at Rollin trembling, stammering, staccato opening.

“Just spray me with a sip of wine, now you still curse me to death, it’s too much, how can I say that I also helped you repair the village in the first place.” Rollin was still smiling.

“Grandpa Village Chief, do you know this gentleman?”

Marcino looked at Slapp curiously, then at Rollin, with a puzzled look.

To Marcino’s question, Slap did not answer.

At the crutches station, the old village chief Slamu stood up trembling and walked to Luo Lin.

“Good, good, good”

Slap said three good words, and his thin right hand patted Rollin’s arm.

“It’s good if you don’t die, it’s good if you don’t die, everyone is alive and well, that’s more important than anything.”

Village Chief Slap spoke, and old tears slipped unconsciously.

It wasn’t just Marcino who was curious about the loss of control of the village chief Slap’s tears.

Even Saab was puzzled.

“Isn’t this my hometown? This familiar-looking village chief seems to know the mentor? Is this also the home of the teacher? Saab couldn’t help but think in amazement.

So far, he and Kerla only know that Rollin is the originator and founder of their revolutionary ideological outline.

But they know nothing about the mentor’s past.

Now, he seemed to know a little.

“Little Saab, you better think more about your own affairs now.”

Rollin slapped the cranky Saab on the back of the head again, causing him to snort in pain.

In one day, the village chief Slap, who was hit twice in succession, did not have the mind to explain to Marcino and the two at this moment.

In this regard, although Marcino is still curious, she can only hold back her inner curiosity first.

I continued to sit in the tavern for half an hour left behind.

Saab’s memories are still fragmented and impossible to remember more.

“Saab, let’s go to Mount Colbo now, you’ll be able to remember it completely when you meet Luffy and Miss Dadan.” Marcino cheered him on.

“Hmm.” Saab nodded.

“I’ll go this time too.” Village Chief Slap said.

He also wanted to see the moment when Saab regained his memory.

“Then let’s go together.” Rollin Road.

From Windmill Village to Colpo Hill.

There are many obstacles along the way.

Ordinary people can’t climb to the top of the mountain even in a day.

You will even be attacked and eaten by wild beasts halfway.

It took an hour for Rollin and Saab to arrive.

But Marcino and the village chief apparently couldn’t do it.



In Marcino’s coquettish cry, Rollin picked her up horizontally and maintained a princess hug position.

In an instant, Marcino’s white little face turned red.

“Saab, you carry the village chief, we are going to speed up.” Rollin Road.

“Alas, mentor, I also want to carry my sister.” Saab blurted out subconsciously.

Then his head was hit by two crutches from Slap.

“Saab boy, let you carry me wronged?”

“No grievances, no grievances.” Saab quickly laughed twice, and took the initiative to crouch down and put the village chief Slap on his back.


Surrounded by dense primeval mountain forests.

Two figures, one in front and one behind, passed through it, and the speed was extremely fast.

No matter how dangerous the terrain, it cannot stop them in the slightest.

The road was unimpeded, and the gallop lasted for tens of minutes.

Ahead, a wooden hut appeared in the sight of Rollin and Saab.

The thief Da Dan family has arrived!


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