Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 78

But, this time, Bell was wrong and miscalculated the opponent's strength.

He knows nothing about his opponent this time.

"Iron Block"

039 Keng 039

The long knife in Bell's hand came first and slashed straight on Gabra's head.However, there was no blood splashing, and there was just a sound of iron strikes.

He tried his best to chop and cut, but he was unable to cause even one scar on Gabra's head.

"How can this be?"

Bell's face was suddenly occupied by shock

Seeing Bell's shocking expression, the cruel smile on the corner of Gabra's mouth widened.

"Now it's my turn!"

Finger guns, finger guns!

Gabral's sharp wolf claws gleaming coldly pierced Bell's body.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.

That is the joy of predators when they are about to taste the blood of their prey.

However, the smile on Gabra's face quickly solidified.

Because he suddenly discovered that his must hit ten-finger spear did not achieve the desired effect.

At the last few centimeters away from Bell's body-

A dark fist, no, or the dragon claw suddenly passed through Bell's armpit, blocking his finger gun attack.

"who is it?"

Feeling the terrifying power from the dragon's claws, the smile on Gabra's face turned into shock, suddenly raised his head and looked behind Bell.

"It's the three of you, finally let me meet you."

Sabo said coldly.

The power of the armed Selong Claw Fist broke out.

039 Boom 039-

Loud noise.

Gabrana's body as hard as steel quaked.

The sharp ten fingers bend at this moment, and there are constant crackling cracks.

The sharp pain from the finger made Gabra's complexion suddenly change.


On the other side of the street, the Otome Owl and the Lion snuggling also noticed something was wrong, and they stepped forward to help.

But do not wait for them to act.

Gabra's body flew upside down under the full blow of Sabo's anger.

He slammed into the helping hand and snuggled them, and flew out with them, smashing through the restaurant wall behind him.

This sudden change instantly caused chaos in the food street.

The people screamed, each in a panic.

"Your Excellency Sabo, thank you very much."

Bell, who was shocked in a cold sweat, thanked Sabo.

If Sabo hadn't made a move before, he would have been pierced by the opponent's wolf claws.

Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

"No thanks, this was originally my business." Sabo said.

"But who are these three people? First sneaked into the construction site of Hwaseong City, and now came to the capital to point out that she was looking for Sister Robin and that strange move, a body harder than steel"

"They are the world government spy organization, the killer of c9."

Sabo said with a gloomy face.

The reason why he was able to recognize the Gabra trio was also because of an incident not long ago.In the revolutionary base area of ​​the New World, their comrade, Gabru, the head of the branch with the title of son of the revolution, was darkened by the three Gabriels.

In that incident, a total of 23 revolutionaries' partners were killed.

Now, the culprit appeared before his eyes.

How can Sabo not be angry.

"What are you talking about, Your Excellency Sabo, the three of them are members of the world government!!!" After learning the identity of the three Gabra, Bell's face was even more shocked.

After a while, the shock turned into anger.

"The world government, their hands are stretched too long, but here is our Alabastan." Bell angered.

"Sabo, Bell, what's wrong? What happened?"

The straw hat boy asked in confusion."Hey, Sabo, what happened here?"

"Bell, what's the matter?"

"Luffy, aren't you making trouble again?"

At this moment, the four Robin also happened to come to the food court for food.

Seeing this chaotic scene, Kerla, Vivi, and Nami immediately asked questions one after another.

"Cough cough cough"

In the hole in the restaurant.

Three c9 members, Gabra, Snuggle and Otono Owl, got up and walked out one after another.

After seeing Robin on the other side, the eyes of the three Gabra suddenly lit up.

Even the pain of deflation before was forgotten.

There is no words.

Gabra, Snuggle, and Otono Owl, who have been partners for many years, used six-style shaves in tacit understanding and disappeared suddenly."Miss Robin, be careful."

Sabo quickly yelled to remind him that he would come back when he moved.

However, at this moment, without warning, an invisible coercion like the might of heaven descended from the sky.

It happened to envelop the three of Gabra moving at high speed in 57.

039 Boom 039

There was a loud noise.

It was the sound of the bodies of the three Gabra leaping into the sky, falling heavily to the ground under pressure.

Three human-shaped pits appeared on the street.


Under the mighty pressure, the three Gabra spewed a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, even six-type iron blocks cannot protect them comprehensively.

At the last moment when consciousness is about to be lost.

A stalwart figure appeared in the eyes of Gabra, Snuggle and Owl.

Looking down at them like a god.

"Oh, the five old men above Mary Joa sent you three idiots over, and you look down on me too much."

Luo Lin held little Lolita Golden Week in one hand, and sneered in an understatement.

Three people with various emotions such as shock, fear, anger, doubt, confusion, etc.c

The 9 members didn't have time to say anything, but they went black and passed out completely.

Chapter One Hundred and Ten

The capital Albana Food Street.

There was silence at the moment.

Because of the conflict between Saab and the C9 trio, the civilians on the street fled in fright.

Only twos and threes of the people have the courage to peek at the situation here.As a result, they were shocked to see the deputy captain of the Kingdom Guard Bell.

I saw Wang Nv Weiwei and his party who came afterwards.

Saw the c9 strange trio suddenly disappearing from the ruins of the restaurant.

In the end, they saw a young man holding a little girl.

When he appeared.

The air between heaven and earth seemed to freeze at that instant.

Then, a vast breath fell from the sky.

Just like the might of heaven, and if it is the sanction of God.

Even if they are not under the pressure, people still can't help but feel a sense of shock and awe.

Unconsciously want to worship.

This is true for outsiders standing far away.

Not to mention the c9 trio locked in by that vast aura.

The three people in the six-style shaved sky speed state were forced to show up under the overbearing breath.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The three of Gabra smashed to the ground at the same moment.

The strength is so great that Ling's solid ground is densely packed with cracks like a spider web.

The six-type iron defense that they opened up for the first time collapsed in an instant.

The five internal organs in the body are like turning over the river, and finally spit out a mouthful of blood unconsciously.

"What kind of power is this?"

At this moment, apart from shock and fear, there is no other emotion in the hearts of Gabra, Snuggle, and Otome Owl.

What lurking task?

What devil's son Nicole Robin?

They were all forgotten by him.

They never expected that besides Sabo, there should be even more terrifying existence in this place.

"The Five Elders above Mary Joa"

At this moment, the three of Gabra realized that there were two blurred figures in their sights, one large and one small.

Then, a careless voice gradually echoed in their minds.

"Maria Joa, five old man? Five old star, this man in the end

The three of Gabra realized who the five old men in each other's mouth were referring to.

So the inner shock was even worse.

In the next second, the three of Gabra, Snuggle, and Owl fainted completely under the pressure of the ultimate overlord with this shock.

The whole food street is silent.

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