Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 79

Little Lori squatted down beside the ball-like Otomo Owl during Golden Week,-while eating candied haws,-

He poked the owl's ball body.

Then came the owl's beak.The zipper on the top is closed and then opened.

Repeated several times.

A smile suddenly appeared on a small face, it was obvious that the zipper mouth was very interested.

"Master Weiwei, Bell, what happened here?"

After receiving the report from the people, Jackal Jaka, another deputy guard captain of the kingdom, immediately rushed to and blocked the food court with a large number of guards.

"Luo Lin, Bell, who are these three people?" Wei Wei also stepped forward, asking inexplicably.

"Princess Vivi, Jaka, it's not trivial at this time, this is not the place to talk." Bell solemnly said.

The killer of the c spy organization of the world government actually sneaked into their capital of Alabastan?

This is naturally not a trivial matter.

If it is not handled properly, huge international problems will occur.

"Sabo, these three bastards

Kerla, who also came to the front, saw the three of Gabra, and a layer of frost suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

Obviously, like Sabo, he recognized the identities of the three of them.

"Kerla, this is not a place to talk."

Sabo reminded.

Kerla quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Due to the trouble of the c9 trio, the tour of the capital was forced to end early.

The Royal Palace of Albana.

Cobra and Iqalem, who had received the report from the guards, were already waiting in the hall.

When seeing Luo Lin and his party return, Cobra immediately greeted him anxiously.

"Mr. Rollin, what is the emergency?" Cobra asked eagerly.

"Nothing, but just caught a few little thieves." Luo Lin said indifferently.

Because for him, the killer of c9 is indeed no different from the average thief.

"Bell, it's up to you." Icarim looked at Bell.


Bell nodded and threw the unconscious c9 trio onto the hall floor.

"Master Cobra, these three were the foremen introduced by the famous Las Company a month ago. They did show great abilities in one month on the construction site, but until today, from Your Excellency Sabo, I didn’t know them. True identity—"

"They are the killers of the world government spy organization c9!"


"The killer of the world government?"

"C9? c and the No. 9 espionage organization!"

Cobra, Iqalem and Gaka suddenly screamed.

Weiwei, who also knows what the government c organization is, also stares."The killers of the world government? What do they want to do in the capital? Is it possible that they want to assassinate someone?" Gaka's eyes widened.

"Send killers to the franchise countries, especially our capital of Alabastan. Is it possible that the government that does this kind of thing is crazy?" Iqalem was also incredulous.

After all, if this kind of thing is exposed, it will definitely do harm to the world government.

It will make the other more than 170 franchise countries panic.

"Master Cobra, Captain, the goal of these three is actually

Bell paused, and his gaze fell on Robin with a solemn expression.

"Their goal is me. It should have been seen by them when our ship passed the Hwaseong construction site that day, sorry." Robin said calmly.

The palace hall was silent for a moment.

Robin looked down.

Obviously, he was upset about the incident caused by him.

The fear of being pursued by the world government for twenty years has made Robin subconsciously reflect on whether he is qualified to stay here.

If it’s for their own sake, let Weiwei and the others

"What are you talking about, Sister Robin, we are partners, we don't need to say sorry between them."

Just before Robin's thinking fell into a dead end, Weiwei suddenly took her cold little hand and conveyed a touch of warmth to her.

"Yes, Weiwei is right, Sister Robin, if the people of the world government come again, I will protect you." Nami patted the bear.

"Miss Robin, you are no longer alone, we are all your partners." Kerla said.

"Robin, your enemy is my enemy, and I will protect you too." Luffy, a young man in Straw Hat, grinned.

"Nicole Robin, I have listened to rumors from the outside world before, and I hate the 543 Son of the Devil. Here, I want to apologize to you.

King Cobra took two steps forward and bowed deeply to Robin.

"I believe in Mr. Luo Lin, so you who can be regarded as a partner by Mr. Luo Lin, I will never have any doubts and wariness in the future, and I also want to know my ancestors

Regarding the affairs of the ancestors of the Nafirutali family eight hundred years ago, who entrusted the secret that we have been protecting for generations in Alabastan?If Miss Robin learns in the future, please let me know."

Cobra spoke sincerely

you guys

Listening to the encouragement and heartwarming words of friends and sisters.Robin could only feel the warm current flowing deep inside his heart.

The body, which was originally weakened by the appearance of the government killer, gave birth to infinite power.Since the O'Hara incident twenty years ago, this was the first time she felt surrounded by so many warm people.

For the first time, she really felt the fetters of her named partner connected to her.

"Thank you"

Robin's eyes are moist.

Two happy tears crossed her pretty face.

"It must be uncomfortable to live in hiding for twenty years without seeing the sun."

Luo Lin finally spoke and stroked Robin's head with his right hand.

"Me too, but I don't need it anymore." Luo Lin said quietly.


Robin froze.

"Bell, how long will it take for the city to be completed?" Luo Lin asked.

"Two months." Bell replied.

"Two months, good!"

Luo Lin nodded.

"Then two months later, invite all the heroes! Tell the world!!!"

Chapter 111 The Straw Hat Group Gathers

Two months later-

Tell the world!Invite all the heroes!

When Luo Lin's voice fell, everyone in the palace hall looked terrified.

Even if he was carelessly like Luffy, he heard a breath of rain from Luo Lin's words that was about to come.

There are still two months.

Two months later, this sea may usher in the biggest wave of the great pirate era so far!After staying and playing in the capital Albana for three days, Luo Lin and his entourage came to the base camp of the original Baroque work agency——

Dream city rain.After all, the palace is the palace.

Cobra used to deal with national affairs.

Even for Luo Lin, it is not easy to use it as a temporary office location for a work agency.Therefore, before the completion of Hwaseong Fortress, the base camp is still temporarily set in the rain.

When Luo Lin led everyone to the pyramid rain banquet.

Krokdal, with his eyeballs covered in panda makeup and with bloodshot eyes, had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

"Little crocodile, I haven't sent you any tasks these days, right?"

Seeing Klockdal's haggard appearance, Luo Lin asked with concern.

"No, this is my own problem."

Krokdal shook his head, and there was a hint of inexplicability in Luo Lin's eyes.

In the past, he was afraid of Luo Lin's powerful strength.

Fear of the secrets Luo Lin had about him.

Now, the jealousy and fear in his eyes have all turned into awe.

Four days ago, he witnessed the shocking conversation between Luo Lin and the general Huang Yuan.

Plus these four days of in-depth investigation.

He had basically guessed what Luo Lin was.

The deeper he understands, the more he is in awe!

"Has the issue on the East China Sea been basically resolved?" Luo Lin asked.


Krokdal nodded honestly.

"According to your instructions, r1, they are already on their way back to the voyage, and they will arrive soon


As soon as Krockdale's voice fell, there was a bluffing cheer not far away.

"Hahaha, boss, finally see you again."

The number one little fan girl iss Valentine's Day has her toes lightly on the ground.

With the help of the light and fluttering fruit's ability, he reduced his weight infinitely, floating towards Luo Lin like a balloon.

Just when the distance between Iss Valentine's Day and Luo Lin was ten meters, a young man in a suit and leather shoes suddenly flashed past and blocked her.

"Who? Sign up first!"

Luffy, who said he wanted to be Robin's bodyguard at the palace that day, spoke old fashioned.

The boy with a straw hat dressed in a decent black suit, at this moment, the interception posture, let alone, does have the meaning of a bodyguard.

Luffy’s sudden disruptor made Iss Valentine’s day have to stop.

"Hmm, Miss Valentine, wait for me."

The curly eyebrow chef who came with iss Valentine's Day, Heizu Shanzhi Saya ran wildly, bringing up a frenzy of smoke.

"Cough cough cough"

People affected by the smoke from the curly eyebrow chef Sanji coughed."Hey, the curly eyebrow bastard in front, I think you really want to die."

Three bright lights flashed in the yellow sand dust.

A young man with a green algae head carried a knife and hurriedly rushed towards him.

Sanji of Bharati, the sea restaurant, came with iss Valentine's Day.

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