Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 80

As for the Chlorella Head Three Swordsman Sauron, he was brought by Booger Agent r5.

Curly eyebrows Sanji and Chlorophyte Sauron, these happy friends are destined to pinch wherever they go.

In front of the gate of the Pyramid Yuyan, it was also bustling with their arrival.

The fight for fate between Sauron and Sanji lasted for less than half a minute, and was stopped by Luffy and Sabo one by one.

"Okay, okay, you should be Bharati’s chef Sanji, please help me in the future."

Sabo raised his hand to block Sanji's powerful kick and spoke with a smile.

"Hey, you look like a powerful swordsman. Do you want to join me in my pirate group? Although I have no money, no boat, and no baa, do you want to try?"

After only being a handsome bodyguard for a while, Luffy’s kid had made a breakthrough and hurriedly invited Sauron.

"are you crazy?"

Suddenly by Luffy's enthusiastic invitation, Sauron glanced at him suddenly, as if looking at two fools.

However, because of Lu Fei's interruption, he was not interested in settling accounts with Sanji.

Three swords in the scabbard.

Sauron walked to Luo Lin with a look of excitement and bowed respectfully.

"Mr. Luo Lin, I had a fight with that eagle eye." Sauron reported excitedly.

"The results of it?"

"Lost, complete defeat, not an opponent at all." Sauron smiled bitterly.

"I will be fine next time." Luo Lin said lightly.Ling's nearby Robin, Klockdal and others were speechless.

This is too light.

Bi Jing, that eagle eye that can stand on top of the swordsman!

With this young and energetic green algae head, the possibility is almost zero.Sauron didn't know Krokdal's inner bad news.

Even if you know it, you won't be hit.

Because what Luo Lin said was exactly what he wanted to do.

"1 Next time,-must win!" Sauron said with a high spirit."That's the momentum."

Luo Lin encouraged and slapped Sauron on the shoulder.

The East China Sea Expedition has gained countless results.The celebration banquet is naturally essential.

Seven days in a row.

The second floor of the Pyramid Rain Feast is always prepared with sumptuous banquet food and wine to welcome the arrival of the East China Sea agents.

On the second day, Usopp and Baiji Klo from Silob Village arrived with r3 Galdino.With the arrival of Usopp, the original straw hat group of East China Sea members gathered here in another way.

However, now their respective destinies have undergone tremendous changes.

On the third day, the monster von Krei returned.

On the fourth day, r4 Beibu and her partner Christmas old woman came back.

On the fifth day, the hands of iss (the king of Zhao) pointed to Paula and his partner r1 Dazbonis returning to the rain feast.

At this point, the main personnel responsible for the next South China Sea operation are here.

The second meeting of the Chinese Organization was still held in the basement meeting room of Yuyan.

The first decision was the East China Sea Project.

This time the goal of the plan is the South China Sea.The person in charge of this South China Sea operation is Saab.

The positions of military commander and staff officer fell to Baiji Klo.

Captain Crowe couldn't help being flattered just as soon as he joined it was such an important appointment.

In my heart, I secretly vowed to complete this mission perfectly and express myself well.

In addition to Sabo and Crowe, other senior agents, Luffy, Sauron, Sanji and others also received their tasks from Robin.

"I smell adventure!"

"Captain Usopp's 8,000 men will be in place soon!"

The vigorous straw hat boy and the big talker King Usopp exclaimed cheerfully.

Chapter One Hundred and Twelfth Chapter Karp is here, eagle eye is also here

The two-hour meeting ended.

Participants dispersed one after another, mostly to prepare for mission trips.

But there are exceptions.

For example, the straw hat boy and Usopp, who simply regarded it as an adventure, are now pulling Sauron and Sanji back to the second floor to continue eating and drinking.

There are only three people left in the huge basement meeting room: Rollin, Robin and Krokdal.

"Uncle, will this task be too difficult for them? Robin finally put forward his own opinions after everyone left, and his eyes were full of worries. "After the East China Sea incident, Nan Hai The underground dark forces on the side are all ready. I got information. Many dark forces on the South China Sea have already united and are ready. Now they can be counted as an iron bucket."


Luo Lin nodded.

"Let the four of Luffy, Usopp, Sauron and Sanji team up, and then hand over the ghost man Akin's team to them. As for the other teams, it's just the same." Luo Lin said.

"Uncle, what I mean is that compared to the South China Sea, the composition of our personnel is currently too mixed.

"Except for the ghost Ajin, the East Sea Overlord Crick Pirates Group is available only under the threat of death. In addition, there are many new desperadoes in the East Sea who cannot be fully trusted."

"Even if Saab's ability is outstanding, and Crowe's strategy is assisted, the final result of this South China Sea operation may not be too optimistic, and it will not be as smooth as the one in the East China Sea."

The more he talked about the back, the more worried Robin's face became.

Luo Lin looked at Robin quietly.

After confirming that Robin had finished speaking, Luo Lin finally spoke.

"Little Robin, your worries are true.

"After this incident in the East China Sea, people like Lufield, Gigula, and Umit in the world under 817 may have hated the little crocodile."

Klockdal: "???"

The defamation in my Krokdal's heart came to an abrupt end.

Because he reacted.

This trip to the East China Sea was led by Luo Lin.

But the spokesperson on the bright side is always Qiwuhai.

Naturally, the dark forces in the underground world will count all the debts on him.Thinking that he unknowingly took another big black pot, Krokdal's face became even dark.

I also thought that the massive treasures seized by the East China Sea Operation would be invested in the construction of the city, and I had nothing to do with myself-

After the dime relationship, Klockdal's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot."Little Crocodile, do you have any dissatisfaction?" Luo Lin asked with a smile."Clock Dalton shook his head quickly.

"The South China Sea is different from the East China Sea. The dark forces have been rooted for a long time, and the forces are intertwined. Even if we have intelligence, it is difficult to completely gnaw it off by surprise." Luo Lin continued.

"Uncle, since you know it, why do you still

"Little Robin girl, this was originally a training session!" Luo Lin said quietly.


The expression on Robin Qiao's face gradually vibrated.So far, she has never thought about this.

In other words, she was not bold enough to think about the possibility of this.

"After the trip to the East China Sea, the staff of the work club expanded from 2,000 to 10,000. As you said, Robin, the staff is a mixed bag. This is not the organization I want."

"This time the South China Sea operation started when Sabo and the others stepped into the South China Sea. It was a frontal game of war."

"What I want to train is Saab's leadership, Hundred Klow's overall view, and condensed organizational combat capabilities.

, Exclude the miscellaneous

"In addition, there are tens of thousands of subordinates mixed with fish and dragons. If any of them want to turn back, they will all jump out in this operation. All we have to do is to erase them."

"After the South China Sea operation this time, it is estimated that two thousand people will survive and return. Only after experiencing the war and returning alive can they be qualified as members of the Chinese organization!!!"

The conference room on the first floor of the huge ground fell into absolute silence.

It's not just Robin.

Even Krokdal, who has always been cruel and cruel, was shocked by Luolin's 039 military training, his eyes widened and speechless for a long time.

The 10,000 subordinates obtained after the expansion were finally reduced by 80% in one operation.

Both the process and the result are destined to be cruel.

If not, how can the chaos in the organization be eliminated in the shortest time?

If this is not the case, how can one train a team of hundred battles?

"This'hero 039, did this exercise the navy before? What a terrible individual?"

Klockdal stared at Rolin's back, the awe in his eyes grew deeper.

Rolin could naturally read what Klockdal had in mind.

But there is no need to explain to him.

Although Luo Lin used to treat his subordinates very harshly, he would never be so mad that he would let his 10,000 recruits go through this kind of war, leaving two thousand in the end.

Different situations will naturally make different decisions.

Among the 10,000 people he currently manages, there are two thousand original Baroque agents, seven thousand are compiled from the East China Sea overlord, the Creek Pirates, the Alrita Pirates, and other big and small pirates, and more than a thousand have joined for treasure. Desperadoes.

These people are different from the aspiring young recruits of the Navy.Luo Lin will naturally not feel any distress when using it.

"I know."

After a long time, Robin took a deep breath and nodded heavily.


Krokdal on the other side also exhaled, secretly glad that he was not the person in charge of this operation.

Otherwise, the pressure will increase.

"Little crocodile, don't you think you're all right?"

Rollin squinted at Krokdal.

Under Rollin's gaze, Crockdale's giant flower tightened, (ajdc) felt bad in his heart.

"You are no longer on the list of actions this time, but the difference in strength between the enemy and the enemy should not be too large, so I need you as a guerrilla to fight the lair of the dark forces one by one-

all over."Luo Lindao." Me~!"

Klockdal flushed, his fists clenched.

Let him go to the lair of all the dark forces alone?

Even if it is me, there is no guarantee that I will retreat!

Klockdal roared in his heart.

"Don't worry, you are not asking you to kill them all, but to reduce the pressure on Sabo and the others at the appropriate time to distract the other party's attention."

"Aren't you a man who can spend five or five days with Polusalino for three days? It shouldn't be impossible." Luo Lin asked with a smile.


Klockdal finally nodded heavily.

Operation 039 for training soldiers in the South China Sea is set.

That night.

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