Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 77

Chapter 108: Karp and Gion go to Alabastan [5/7]

When the question of the Marshal Sengoku fell.

The whole office suddenly became quiet again.

Only the rustle of General Yellow Ape grinding his nails, and the crackling sound of Lieutenant General Kapu eating senbei.

"Oh, Mr. Karp, bring me a bag too." Huang Yuan pointed to the senbei in Karp's hand."I still want to eat my senbei, so I will answer the question first." Karp didn't have a good air.

"It's really stingy, Mr. Karp."

General Huang Yuan withdrew his hand.

"Then I'll just talk about it casually, three minutes after seeing and hearing about my trip to Alabastan.

The report of General Huang Yuan’s trip to Alabastan~ is over.

"Nothing? That's it?"

Lieutenant General Capp, who hadn't heard what he wanted to hear, instantly rounded his eyes.

"Porsarino, honestly, how much did you hide?"

Karp stared at the general Huang Yuan, and asked viciously.

"It's terrible, Mr. Karp."

Huang Yuan's mouthful is terrible.

However, he did not even lift his head, and continued to concentrate on manicuring his hands and nails."Where is that person, Porussalino, have you really not seen him?" The alternate general Taomi Gion asked urgently with anxious expression on his face.

"That person? Who?"

Huang Yuan asked without raising his head.


"Enough, Gion, don't ask, Polusalino has already said everything he can."

Lieutenant General He spoke and interrupted the'sister''s questioning.Lieutenant General Taotu Gion looked down and nodded.

"That sand crocodile, who has been in Alabastan for more than ten years, wants to steal the country. It is really wolfish ambition."

The Warring States snapped the table.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, such a dangerous person shouldn't stay in Alabastan anymore. I ask for orders to deport her."

Tina, Colonel of the Navy Headquarters, spoke indignantly.

Tina couldn't understand the other words in the words of the older generation.

From beginning to end, his attention was focused on the plan to steal the country described by the general Huang Yuan."Colonel Tina, this is probably unnecessary. After three days and three nights of beating, that Krokdal has a long memory, and decided not to be a pirate on the spot, and promised to be a good citizen in the future. "

"And King Cobra of Alabastan has also decided to let the sand crocodile stay there to make atonement." Huang Yuan said.

"But, is that the most cunning sand crocodile? What if he is just a fake, but he is still planning a big conspiracy?" Tina frowned and said worriedly.

"Okay, Tina, just listen to what Huang Yuan said about this matter. There is no need to worry about the affairs of Alabastan.

Tina nodded until Lieutenant General He spoke.But the worry between the eyebrows and eyes has not diminished much.

"Mr. Warring States, if there is nothing else, I'll go back first. I'm really exhausted these days." Huang Yuan said slowly.

"You go." Warring States waved impatiently.

Anyway, he continued to press this kid, and he couldn't ask anything.

And seeing Huang Yuan's lazy appearance, he was also upset.The voice of the Warring States Period hadn't completely fallen, and the room flashed with golden light.

In the next instant, there was no longer a figure of General Huang Yuan.

Chirps when they come.

When I left, I was faster than anyone else.

"Xiaohe, you said, what do you do next? I see that guy Polusalino, 80% have seen that guy." Karp speculated.

"Not 80%, but 10%." The Warring States expression was tangled.

"The Krokodall plan to steal the country reported by Popsallino just now was what the guy asked him to say, telling us that the problem with Alabastan has been resolved, so we don't have to worry anymore and don't interfere.

Lieutenant He spoke, his young and graceful pretty face no longer calm.

"Sister Crane, Mr. Karp, you really mean that."

Listening to the conversation between the three, Taotu Gion Cherry's small mouth gradually opened, and the shock in her heart gradually turned into joy, which was beyond words.

"Sister He, Sister Gion, who is that person you are talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

The only person outside the situation is naturally Colonel Tina.

"Don't worry about that person, it will be clear when you see him."

Gion's pretty face was full of joy,-the heart had already crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and flew to the other side of the distant sea.

"That guy Polusalino doesn't say, okay, then I'll go by myself. I want to ask that guy, why didn't I dare to see us?" Capp made up his mind.

This time, even if the Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General He joined forces, he would definitely not be able to pull him back.

"Mr. Karp, I want to go too." Gion responded.

"Okay, count you." Karp responded.

"Little Crane, do you want to go and see it together?" Karp looked at Lieutenant General Crane.

"Just go." Lieutenant General Crane said calmly.

"Okay, then I'll take a look for you and ask, Gion girl, let's go."

Karp laughed-waved.


Gion, who was thirty-nine this year, was happily like a child, pulling a bewildered Tina to follow Karp.

"Xiaohe, are you really not going together?" The Warring States Period asked in a deep voice for a long time.

"Not going."

Lieutenant General Crane began to process the documents in hand.

After a while, stop writing.

"But you, Sengoku, are you ready?"

"what to prepare?"

"To meet the biggest impact in the hundreds of years since the establishment of the navy, the navy will be divided because of him in the worst case!" Lieutenant General Crane said quietly.

Kingdom of Alabastan.

Under King Cobra’s diligent governance, the country almost restored order.

Quiet days go by slowly

As the prince of Alabastan, Weiwei, of course, must do her best as a landlord in her own territory.

After being honest with his father Cobra that day, Weiwei happily took Nami, Robin, and Kerla to enjoy the prosperity of the capital Albana.

On the other side, Sabo and Luffy, under the leadership of the deputy captain of the escort, went shopping.

For Luffy kids, this is simply the ultimate enjoyment.

However, the time to enjoy is always short.

"Now, Sabo, I want to eat this. This meat looks delicious. I want to eat a hundred portions."

Luffy pointed at the barbecue on the side of the road, drooling.

However, Sabo, who always came to pay for the money in the first place, didn't respond this time.Because at this moment, Sabo's attention is already attracted by the strange trio on the other side of the street, and there is anger suppressed in his expression.

"Your Excellency Sabo, what's the matter with you?"

Bell on the side noticed the change in Sabo's breath, and his face was immediately puzzled.

Follow Sabo's line of sight.

"The three people are the three capable foremen at the Hwaseong construction site. Bell narrowed his eyes slightly and recognized the identity of the trio.

"Hey, the three over there, why don't you work hard on the construction site and come to the capital? Do you have a pass?"

As the deputy captain of the kingdom's guard, he naturally had to cross-examine each other.

"Cha Baba, it turned out to be Deputy Captain Bell. We are here to find a woman named Nicole Robin. Do you know where she is?"

With the big spherical mouth in the trio, Otonashi Owl spoke subconsciously.

"Not good, babble, let's talk again!"

Chapter 109 The Five Old Men of Mary Joa

"Not good, babble, let's talk again!"

C9039 Superman 039, whose body is so fat as a ball, Otono Owl hurriedly covered the big zipper mouth.

But it was too late-

Like the previous assassination mission to the head of the revolutionary army branch—the revolutionary son Gabru, or several earlier missions.

This time, Otono Owl didn't control his big mouth again.

Once again, he easily confessed to others and revealed the purpose of the trip.

The original infiltration and secret investigation tasks are no longer likely to continue.

Maybe it will cause a huge panic next.

But as long as you can catch the son of the devil, then everything is worth it.

C9 Werewolf Gabra gradually raised a cruel smile on his face.

If they can catch the son of the devil that the government has been searching for for 20 years, even if they accidentally kill the country's deputy captain of the guard, they will not be punished.

"Hey, you just said to find Miss Robin? Who are the three of you?"

"One Three Three" at this moment, if you still don't notice that the three people on the other side are wrong, then he doesn't need to be the deputy captain of the kingdom's guard.

The expression on Bell's face gradually became serious, and his right hand was subconsciously dropped on the long knife around his waist, ready to be out of the sheath at any time.

"Relax, Deputy Captain Bell, we are not malicious, just want to

Gabra, who inherited the cunning nature of Gray Wolf, walked towards Bell with an innocent look.

Leaning down while walking, as if to surrender.

In fact, it is the predator's preparatory action before hunting on the grassland.

When the distance between the two was within three meters, a cruel smile suddenly appeared on Gabra's face.

His ordinary hands gave birth to fine black hair in an instant, which turned into double wolf claws.

The sharp dewclaws gleamed with cold light and pierced Bell's body.

039 Keng 039

As the strongest fighter in Alabastan, Bell naturally cannot be defenseless.

The long sword around his waist was unsheathed instantly.

Open and close, there is no defense, but to cut down towards Gabra's head.

In Bell's imagination, if Gabra does not retreat, his blade will inevitably cut off his head.

If the opponent dodges, he will not be injured.

Attack the enemy to save yourself.

This is Bell's consistent fighting style.

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