
The overlord-like domineering spirit descended.

In an instant, the entire mansion was swept away.

That terrifying domineering is not just aimed at the spirit.

Even the castle and the earth trembled violently for a moment under this domineering aura.

Under this surging and violent domineering impact, the world went quiet.

The noise in the main hall of Alilk’s mansion disappeared.

A group of dark agents in the East Sea, including the owner of the mansion, Alirk III, fell to their knees one after another.



Their knees collided with the marble floor under the terrifying weight.

The ground in Dali City shattered.

Also shattered were their knees.


The mournful screams rose one after another.

“Damn it, Alirk, can you explain to me what the hell is going on? Aaaah! ”

Darkqueen, an underground arms dealer with a fat body, shouted in horror.


The next moment, his screams stopped abruptly.

The head of the pig with a fat head and big ears is separated from the neck, and the incision is smooth as a mirror.

“Death… Dead, really… He’s dead!!! ”

The dark agents all widened their eyes in horror, and the corners of their eyes seemed to be torn.

An emotion called fear took over their bodies.

“Guards, what about the guards outside? And what about Lao Tzu’s guards? What did you do? ”

A dark agent like a skinny monkey with sunken eye sockets shouted.


Two spikes ejected from Pola’s palm, ready to penetrate his throat.

“No need to shout, all of you are dead, and then it will be your turn.” Bora spoke grimly.

“You are right, on intrigue, I am indeed a layman in terms of intrigue and understanding of the dark world, but when it comes to killing, our boss is enough to crush you thousands of times.”

Pola spoke proudly, and his gaze towards Rollin beside him was full of admiration and admiration.

She is a killer and knows all kinds of murderous methods.

But to this day.

Until he followed Rollin here.

For the first time, Bora learned that killing could still be done like this.

Rollin’s domineering posture of slashing everything with one person and one knife has been deeply engraved in Pola’s heart and can never be forgotten.

“boss? You…… Your Baroque boss shouldn’t be Klockdar…”

Before the dark agent’s words were finished, a sword light swept by, splitting him in half from head to toe.

“Misunderstanding, it’s all a misunderstanding…”


“Don’t, don’t kill me, my boss is Lufield of the Dark King!!!”

“I am Lord Jigula’s man, you dare to touch me…”


“It’s all him, it’s all this Alirk’s fault, it has nothing to do with us.”

“Yes, yes, we were just seduced by him.”

“From now on, the East China Sea Market will all be given to you, and we will not want it.”



Kill one person in one step.

Whether it was begging for mercy or threatening, it could not stop the fall of that cold sword light.

Not for a moment.

The main hall of a huge mansion had turned into a bloody Asura field.

“What a bunch of pathetic bugs, you don’t know why you died until you die.”

Robin scoffed and shook his head.

“Respected lord, leave me with my life, I can be your most loyal dog, manage the underground market of the East China Sea for you, with the status of a noble of the Goya Kingdom, I will definitely be able to come in handy.”

The last Alilk III did not want to accept such an outcome and was still making a final struggle.


Luo Lin shook his head helplessly.

“Why?” Alirk III despaired.

“I’m not here to kill you today, not for the underground market of the East China Sea, but because you made my girls unhappy!”

“It’s just…”


Heads roll off.

To death, the face of the nobleman Alilk III was still full of shock and disbelief.

‘Boom Rumble’

The magnificent castle that turned into a dead and silent castle of Asura shattered and collapsed in a roar, turning into ruins.

At the very top of the ruins, a long knife dripping with blood was inserted.

“Robin, go down and let the little crocodiles harvest to their heart’s content.”

Rollin turned his back to the collapsed castle and spoke calmly without looking back.



The drastic changes that took place at Alirk’s mansion could not have been concealed for long.

Plus the incident that occurred at the entrance to Gaozhen.

The entire Goya Kingdom was sensational and trembling at this moment.

The Goya royal family was enraged and ordered that the murderer must be found.

This is not just to avenge Alirk III, but to eliminate hidden threats.

Since the other party can bloodwash a count’s mansion under the noses of the kingdom.

Then the royal palace is no longer a safe place.

The other nobles in Gao Town were even more panicked, afraid that disaster would fall on them at some point.

As a member of the World Government, such a major incident occurred in the Goya Kingdom, which is naturally impossible not to alarm the navy and government.

The first naval incident stationed in the kingdom of Goya intervened in the investigation.

The report from the scene was also transmitted to the naval headquarters and to the Holy Land of Mary Joa in just one hour.

So the headquarters of the Navy shook.

The central palace of the Holy Land of Mary Joa resounded with gasping for air.

“Damn, that bastard, is this demonstrating to us?”

“That photo alone is not enough, dare to do so this time?”

“The Mary Joa incident thirty-six years ago, the Goyago incident this time, as if telling us that the big event of that day will repeat itself? This is the threat of the red fruit! ”

“Can’t bear it! Can’t help it! ”

In the gorgeous central palace, the five old stars of the world’s highest power have exploded.

“What if you can’t bear it? Could it be that we can still mobilize all the forces of the navy and government to encircle and suppress it? Not to mention whether it can be successfully caught, before the operation, there will inevitably be chaos within the Navy. ”

The opening of the five old stars in the long white beard blue suit.

“Are we going to sit back and wait for him to kill Mary Joa again?”

“If he can kill single-handedly like last time without any growth, it will be the best!”

“It seems that it is time to ask Lord Im!!!


Headquarters of the Navy, Malinfodo.

Marshal’s office.

The desk, which had only been in office for a few days, had once again died gloriously.

Only this time, in addition to the anger because of this tragic incident, there is another different emotion mixed in.

“Little Crane… This, this, this… This Gaozhen incident in Goya, this report, as if it were thirty-six years ago, exactly the same, who is shooting? ”

The legendary vice admiral of the Navy, the hero Karp, was so shocked that even his voice stuttered.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible to be him.”

Sengoku cut to the chase.

“That guy has been a navy for ten years, how can he kill innocents indiscriminately, and those nobles in Gaozhen are not Draco.”


The young lieutenant general Tsuru asked rhetorically.

“The real nobles who died in this report are only a hand, and the people in that collapsed mansion are all dark agents of the Lower World of the East Sea, and they all have ways to die.”

“I wouldn’t be too surprised if that guy did it, because he’s always been such a jealous person before.” Lieutenant General Tsuru’s faint opening.


Once again, the door to the marshal’s office was violently pushed open.

A beautiful vice admiral dressed in a pink-style naval uniform, with a beautiful face and a graceful appearance, walked in with an excited look.

“Mr. Sengoku, I ask for orders to participate in the investigation of this incident in Goyago Town.”

Alternate Admiral Momoto Gion of the Navy Headquarters took the initiative to ask for orders.


It was not Sengoku who spoke, but Lieutenant General Tsuru.

“You’re not allowed to go.” Lieutenant General Tsuru flatly refused

“Sister Tsuru, why? I want to see him. ”

Gion, who looked about the same age as Tsuru, deflated his mouth aggrievedly.

“If you are not allowed to go, you are not allowed to go.” Lieutenant General Tsurudo.

“Gion, it’s not really sure it’s that guy yet, let’s wait until the yellow ape returns from the Alabastan investigation.” Marshal Warring States Road.

“And you, Karp, you also give me an honest stay in the headquarters first, and you are not allowed to go anywhere.” Sengoku gaze is stern.

“Alas~~~ The East Sea Goya Kingdom is my territory, such a big thing has happened, of course I have to go back and see it.” Karp Dao.

“If I could, I really didn’t want that to be exposed, to expose the secrets of his body.”

The young lieutenant general crane opened his mouth faintly.

“It’s really going to be hard when the world is the enemy!!!


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