One Piece Gor D Roger, that’s a legend.

He was the first man in the world to completely conquer the Great Voyage.

Before he died, he single-handedly opened the magnificent era of sea thieves.

Roger is a legend.

The members of the Roger Pirates led by him are also legendary.

Also widely known are One Piece Roger’s right hand Silbaz Reilly, and left-hand Spok Jabba.

Once an intern of Roger’s Regiment, now the red-haired Shanks of the Emperor of the Sea.

And so on and so forth

It has been more than 20 years since the Roger Pirates disbanded and disappeared.

Most of them have been dead for a long time.

Even if they did not die, they had long faded from people’s sight and lived an unknown life of seclusion.

For the former One Piece crew, many people on the sea may have heard their names.

But not many people on the sea can remember their appearance.

Even if they stood face to face, many people in Chambord would not know that the old man with excellent coating skills was the legendary Hades Rayleigh.

Of course, there is one exception.

That was once the musician on the ship of Roger’s Pirates.

Brooke known as Huangquan Jianhao.

The reason is that he is too special.

After dying, only a handful of white bones remained, and he was resurrected and returned by the ability of the Yellow Spring Fruit.

Such a special life exists, and he is the only one in this world.

Bones, skeletons, musicians…

When these characteristics are compatible.

Robin and Kerra, who are familiar with the major events of history over the years, are of course impossible to recognize Brooke’s identity again.

“He’s the crew of One Piece Roger!”

When Kerra’s exclamation fell.

The audience fell silent at first.

Then there was an earth-shaking noise.


Luffy stretched his neck, his mouth and eyes wide open.

For Luffy the straw hat, who aspires to become One Piece, Roger the One Piece has no place in his heart.

Now that he finally went to sea, he met the crew of One Piece within a few days.

How could this keep Luffy from shocking.

In addition, when he saw the skeleton musician earlier, Luffy still wanted to pull Brooke as a partner and go to sea together.

“This skeleton man turned out to be a partner of One Piece?” Nami exclaimed.

“The Huangquan Sword Hauber on the One Piece ship, I seem to have a little impression.” Vivi looked thoughtful.

“So he’s not a ghost, but a real person?” Koya spoke weakly.

“Yo hehe, little girl, don’t look at me like this, I’m actually still alive, I’m a living person.” Brooke said with a smile.

“One Piece’s crew, a living legend.” Saab couldn’t help but marvel.

“A member of the legend, he must have been to the final island and learned the truth.”

Robin’s pretty face couldn’t help but get excited.

She felt the urge to ask Brooke about the blank hundred years of history.

But at the last minute, Robin held back.

Because she thought of her second wish for Rollin.


Robin let out a long breath and glanced at Rollin with wide eyes, but was surprised to find that Rollin was not surprised or surprised by Brooke’s identity.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Since Kourokas is still on Roger’s ship and becomes a ship doctor.

Then Brooke, who was brought here by him forty years ago, naturally will not be left alone.

Their agreement between the Lomba Pirates and Rab is only half complete.

The other half is to circle the whole world.

So more than twenty years ago, Brooke boarded Roger’s ship with the last wishes of all the members of the Lomba Pirates, and even broke out the identity of a Huangquan Jianhao.

Even with Rollin’s intervention, his fate has changed dramatically.

But the fate of Brooke’s One Piece crew remains the same.

It’s just a former One Piece partner or a post-One Piece partner.

The truth about the skeleton ghost is revealed.

Plus Brooke’s legendary identity.

The little girls on the ship were no longer afraid of this living skeleton.

Instead, they became more and more cheerful.

“Hehehe, little girls, it’s not just me, this one next to me used to be the ship doctor on Roger’s ship.”

Brooke pointed at Kulokas.


The crowd once again dragged out their tail notes in shock.

“Mr. Kulokas is also a crew member of One Piece!!!”

“I saw two living legends in one day!”

“We are so lucky!”

The little girls were amazed.

The image of the flower-like old man of the lighthouse of Kulokas suddenly became tall.

“Mr. Kulokas, you are the ship doctor on the One Piece ship, then your medical skills must be very powerful.” Keya’s eyes are shining.

“It’s pretty passable.”

Kourokas spoke without a sigh.

“So can you teach me? I want to be a doctor. Koya asked bluntly.

After boarding the boat in Sirobu Village, Koya’s life every day was very different from before.

The trip with Rollin and Nami was very pleasant.

But gradually, Koya discovered a huge problem.

That is, everyone on board has something to do that they are good at.

Nami knows how to sail and manages money.

Sister Robin is the big housekeeper and will do anything.

Vivi turned out to be a princess, and she will become a queen in the future to help Rollin.

Little Loli Golden Week is a natural superpower among thousands of people.

In contrast, only she will know nothing.

They even have to be protected by other partners.

After realizing this, Keya’s heart couldn’t help but become urgent.

She didn’t want to be a burden on the ship.

She also wants to be useful to everyone, to be useful to Rollin.

After thinking about it in every way, Keya finally made a decision today.

She wants to study medicine.

For Kaya’s decision, whether it was Luo Lin or Robin, Nami and so on, everyone did not speak up.

Show support.

Looking at the firm eyes of the little girl Koya, Kulokas wanted to point to Luo Lin and say that this guy didn’t really need a ship doctor on board, but in the end, he couldn’t bear to say it, which hit the little girl’s confidence.

“Little girl, of course, I would be happy to accept you as an apprentice, but the old man is poor here, and the teaching facilities are completely inadequate.” Kulokas clapped his hands.

“That’s simple, follow me back to Alabastan, and I’ll build you a research institute.” Rollin Road.

Kourokas: “…”

Is this trying to fool me out of the mountains?

In that case, then don’t blame me for being unkind, Kulocass smiled ‘slyly’.

“Little girl, don’t worry, I also know a world-class doctor, she lives in the country of magnetic drums with developed medicine, if you come to her, you will definitely learn a lot of knowledge, and this one in your family is also an old acquaintance, with his relationship, that one will accept you.” Kulokas laughed.

So Luo Lin’s face turned slightly dark.


In another village, Keya’s originally dim eyes suddenly lit up again.

“Magnetic drum country, well, there are indeed many excellent doctors there, I have heard my father talk about this before, and it is not far from Alabastan, you can arrive in a few days.” Vivi nodded in agreement.


For Kaya’s dream, Nami, Vivi and others all looked at Luo Lin expectantly.

“Okay, okay.”

Although he didn’t want to see the old woman who loved to eat tender grass from the bottom of his heart, Luo Lin really couldn’t stop killing the dream of the little girl of Keya.

“Great, thank you, Brother Luo Lin.”

So Koya was also like Nami a few days ago, pounced on Luo Lin and wantonly coquettish.


The scene was joyful.

Three rounds of wine.

Everyone was slightly drunk.

Nami burped, and her little head flashed with light, as if she had thought of something.

“Naw, Mr. Brooke and Mr. Kourokas, it seems that you and Rollingo have known each other for a long time, so can it be said that Rollingo was also a partner of One Piece before?”

As soon as Nami’s question came out, the ears of Vivi, Koya, Kerra and others all stood up.

Even Robin was interested.

Brooke and Culokas first looked at Rollin, who was still drinking calmly, then looked at each other, and then laughed.

“Huh? What’s so funny about that? Vivi was puzzled.

“Hehehe, don’t care don’t care, we just suddenly thought of something interesting.” Brook Road.

“Then Brother Luo Linge is not a partner of One Piece!” Nami asked.

“Of course not, but our Captain Roger used to be this guy’s little brother!!! Kourokas laughed.



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