Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 89

His big mouth opens wider!

If all this is true

"Did I really meet the Lord God today?"

Vinblanco whispered unconsciously.

This is what he can think of, the most reasonable speculation about Luo Lin's 039 identity.

Not the god of the sky island, but the true god.

Luo Lin didn't bother to explain in detail about Li Zitou's unauthorized brain supplement.

After all, it was originally a meeting.

I just met, so I'll take him for a ride.

There are only a few hundred meters away from the height of 10,000 meters.

In the distance, the familiar white sea was vaguely visible.

There, Luo Lin once tried to drive Sky Island's unique vehicle, Weiba, and almost overturned.

That is the story forty-six years ago.

Luo Lin, who had joined the navy for one and a half years, took advantage of his vacation time and walked to this empty island alone on a moonwalk.

I wanted to try if I fell directly from a height of 10,000 meters, would I die?

In the end, it turned out to be involved in the war between the aboriginal people of Kojima and the Sandia.

By mistake, the long-term struggle between the two of them that had lasted three hundred and sixty years was resolved.

In the end, it was a blunder that was pushed to the throne of the sky island by the people of Sky Island and Sandia and became the 039 god for two months.

"For the time being, this place was once my site, and my golden bell electric shock kid, you shouldn't take it apart?" Luo Lin muttered to himself, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After a while, the sky was completely bright.

The Golden Meri has crossed the last thin cloud layer and formally reached an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Ahead, the endless white sea, sparkling in the sun, like the real sea-


"Wow! So beautiful!"

"This is the scenery at an altitude of 10,000 meters!" "It's like a real heaven!"

The little girls on the boat opened their mouths in sigh, with beautiful eyes.

"Uncle, where are we going next? Go directly to the legendary Golden City?" Robin asked.

"Golden City! Good, good!!!" Nami continued.

The chestnut head Wen Bran Kulick, who is still in a shocking mood, is also a 039 Golden City 039

The four-character wakes up, sits upright, his old face full of excitement.

"The golden city is naturally going to go, but before that, we have to meet some people first."

Chapter 122 The Shocking and Excited Chief Shandia

Yunyin Village.

It means a village hidden among white clouds.

This is a village where the natives of Gaya Island and Shandia have lived for generations for four hundred years.

Four hundred years ago, Gaya Island was sent to an altitude of ~10,000 meters by a huge soaring ocean current.

The land island that originally belonged to the Sandia people was invaded by the gods of the empty island at the time and was renamed the island of gods-Apayado.

Due to the chain reaction brought about by high-altitude hypoxia, even the Shandia clan with the great warrior Calgala could only retreat.

They established their village outside the Island of Gods and named it Yunyin Village.

Since then, the Sandia people in Yunyin Village and the aboriginal people of Kojima have fought for hundreds of years on the island.

It didn't come to an end until forty-six years ago.

Forty-six years ago, the god of the sky island was ten times more violent than the gods 039 of the past.

The possessive desire for the Island of God is even more intense.

During his reign, he drove all his Kojima people out of the Island of Gods, preventing them from entering.After that, all the troops under his team were assembled, and they took the initiative to launch a war to carry out a war of genocide against the Shandia people.

The war was fought horribly.

Whether it was the inhabitants of the sky island or the Sandia, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

The white sea of ​​clouds was soaked by people's blood, and the blood was terrifying.

If the war is allowed to continue, it will certainly not be as simple as losing both sides.

It's a loss for both!

At that moment, the person who was regarded as the angel 039 by the people of Sky Island appeared.

He defeated the culprit who provoked the war.

He also saved dozens of severely wounded and dying soldiers with the blood 039 in his body, which is a miracle.

After that, the golden bell that had disappeared for hundreds of years was found and rang.

Under the sound of the melodious golden bell, the grievances between the Sandia and the inhabitants of Kojima that had lasted for hundreds of years disappeared.

"In this way, our Sandia clan was finally able to return to our hometown. Under the guidance of that adult, we and the Kongdao people rebuilt our home, our golden city Shandora!"

At the entrance of Yunyin Village, an old woman who was more than a few years old stood between two huge stone statues, telling stories about the past to the children of Shandia.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, were we and the Kojima people really a family?" a four or five-year-old girl raised her hand pretty.

"Yeah, this is what the adult told us back then. We have the same ancestors as the people in the sky, but we accidentally separated when the moon came down. We went to the ground, but they stayed in the sky. "

Sandia's eldest mother-in-law explained patiently.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, what exactly does the golden bell look like? Does its voice really sound so nice?" Another young child raised his hand to ask.

"Ah, that is the most beautiful voice in the world, but you were born a little later, if it were six years ago

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, why did the 039 God 039 adult only stay here for two months before leaving?"

"Is he really the messenger sent from heaven to save us? The mission is completed and he is back to heaven!"

"Then that envoy-sama can come again? If he is there,-he will be able to defeat the Anilu, right?"

"Mother-in-law, "God 039-sama is the one on the statue. He looks better than our warrior Calgala! It's so beautiful!"

Sandia's youngest curious babies stared at the two statues standing at the entrance of the village, and they asked their own questions.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, look there, Lord'God' is here!!!"

At this moment, Yiming drooped his nose, and the naive looking child suddenly yelled in surprise and pointed to the sea of ​​clouds not far away.

As a result, the noise of the children at the entrance of the village quieted down.

Shandia's oldest old man and the children all looked in the direction pointed by Hanhan 039's fingers.

About a hundred meters away, on the sea of ​​clouds, a smiling sheep-headed ship sailed straight towards their village.

Several people stood on the sheep boat.

There are beautiful big sisters and funny chestnut heads.

But at this moment, whether it is an old man or a child, their eyes, their eyes are firmly locked on the young man in front of him.

Look at the young man headed on the boat, and look at the statue next to him.

Look over there, look over here again.

The expressions on the children's faces changed from ignorance to joy, from dull to excited and shouting-

0 Seeking Flowers 0

"My Lord God, it's really my Lord God is back!

"It's exactly the same, exactly the same as the one on the statue, the messenger heard our prayer and is here again!"

"It's great, with Lord God, we must be able to hear the golden bell!"

"My Lord God-I will defeat that Anilu for us!"

The children danced and screamed happily, showing their innocence.

"Really back"

The crutches in the hands of the oldest old woman in the village fell to the ground, and the expression on her old face went from shocked to dull, and finally turned into two lines of old tears streaming down.

'Puff 039

Just like the Amazon at the gate of heaven, the old man Shandia who had experienced the events of that era

, Fell to the ground in the direction of the Golden Meri not far away.

When the other children jumping happily saw this, they also calmed down, and one by one they learned how to respectfully worship.

039 Wow 039

Suddenly there was a wind between heaven and earth.

In the next second, the old man and the children who fell to the ground at the entrance of the village were supported by an invisible force and stood up again.

The children who have experienced the invisible magical power have their innocent eyes widened.

For a moment, everyone was shocked and speechless.

However, the expressions on their little faces that day became more and more red, indicating their inner excitement and admiration.

"Old lady, what happened? Suddenly there was no sound."

The old chief Shandia wearing a beast head hat noticed the abnormality at the entrance of the village, and hurriedly stepped forward to inquire.039 Wow!

The sea of ​​white clouds surged.

Therefore, the old chief of Shandia also noticed the strange ship approaching Yunyin Village.

At the same time I saw the man standing at the bow of the ship.

as always!

Even if more than forty years have passed, and he has gone from middle age to old age, the one at the bow of the ship has not changed at all.

That's the real God 039!

At this moment, the shock of the old chief of Shandia turned into excitement, which was beyond words.

Two lines of old tears flowed down his old cheeks.

"Master God, you are finally back!"

The old chief Shandia knelt down tremblingly

Chapter 123 That person seems to be Lord God!

-The endless sea of ​​white clouds, a few empty fishes or empty sharks with wings prancing from the sea of ​​clouds.

The vigorous Golden Meri sailed to where Luo Lin was going, riding the wind and breaking the waves.

From afar, you can see an ancient village sitting on the sea of ​​clouds.

There is Yunyin Village where the Shandia people live.

Forty-six years ago, Luo Lin's arrival ended the 360-year war on Sky Island.The Shandia people of Ling and the aboriginal people of Kongdao reconcile and rebuild their homes in the golden city of Shandora.

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