Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 90

Everything is developing in a good direction.

The golden bell from the sky island has been ringing for 40 years.

Until six years ago, Ainilu, who had destroyed his hometown of Bikar, came here with his four priests and soldiers.

Relying on the powerful natural thundering fruit ability, Ainilu crushed the guards led by the Sandia and Ganfor with the hard power of “forty-three” pairs.

Seized the power of Sky Island with absolute force.At the same time, it also seized the ownership of the golden clock.

Since then, the golden bell that lasted for 40 years has disappeared.

Luo Lin, who was a traverser, knew about the disaster of Sky Island.

When he jumped down from Wanmikong Island forty-six years ago, he also had plans to come here again in 40 years.

Before that, however, he had been trapped underground in Alabastan.Naturally, there is no way to stop the robbery for this empty island, which is temporarily his territory.

However, at least it is not too late.

Luo Lin's only worry now is that the arrogant electric shock boy Ainilu, what did he do to the golden clock?

Luo Lin promised to take Robin to take a look at the historical text on the base of the golden clock.

As for the unique golden clock, Luo Lin also plans to put it on the square in Hwaseong City.

There is an Oaks clock in the naval headquarters square.

His Hwaseong headquarters, putting a golden clock to decorate the facade is naturally excellent.Of course, Luo Lin could not afford to rebuild a big golden clock tower.

It's just that the tone of Sky Island's Golden Bell is unique and unique.

That is also the most shocking and beautiful bell in the world that Luo Lin has ever heard!

When bringing Brook from the Devil's Triangle back to Cape Gemini before, Rollin also deliberately stopped for several days near Gaya Island, just to listen to the golden bell that came from the sky.

"Ah, see, there really is an ancient village there."

Nami's tender voice awakened Luo Lin from her memories.

"let me see"

Kerla held the looking glass and looked at the distant village.She saw the old woman and a group of children at the entrance of the village.I also saw two large statues standing outside the entrance of the village.

Holding a spear on the left hand side, he is dressed full of wildness.

As for the statue on the right hand side, naturally it can only be described in one word.

"There, one of the statues standing outside the village over there is a teacher~~"

Kerla cried out in surprise.

"Let me see where and where." Weiwei took the looking glass.

The next moment, the small mouth also opened into an'o039 shape.

"It seems that the Shandia clan who guards the history and texts really respect you, uncle, and they even have a statue." Robin squinted and smiled.

Luo Lin was obviously surprised by this, and then shook his head and smiled helplessly.

The great warrior Kalgala has been the spiritual pillar of the Sandia for four hundred years.

The reason why Luo Lin was able to obtain the same status in just two months was that, besides retrieving the golden clock and resolving the merits of the war that had lasted for hundreds of years, there was also the most important point.

That is why Luo Lin used his own blood to save many people.

It was this-what could be called a miracle event that made Luo Lin truly become the common god of the Kongdao people and the Shandia people.The true god!

Three hundred taels

The arrival of the Golden Meri attracted the attention of the children at the entrance of the village.After a while, Sandia's old woman knelt down on her knees in tears.The other children also bowed down in Luo Lin's direction.Luo Lin, who had never liked this, raised his hand and waved the crowd to his feet.

However, it didn't take long.

The old chief who walked out of the village also saw Luo Lin's arrival.

So the most respected old man in Sandia also burst into tears and knelt down tremblingly in Luo Lin's direction.

This time, without waiting for Luo Lin to raise his arm to help, the entire Yunyin Village was the first to make a sensation because of the old chief's kneeling.

"Chief, what's wrong with you? Is there any physical discomfort?"

The beautiful Shandia warrior Laqi with long, black hair just passed by, and suddenly shouted anxiously."Grandpa Chief"

Beside Laqi, a little girl who was about ten years old hurriedly stepped forward to help.

The nervous shout from Laqi also alarmed other Shandia people.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

So the villagers of Yunyin Village who were not very big were all startled by the chief's unusual behavior.

039 Whoosh 039

039 Whoosh whoosh 039

There were vigorous figures in the sky.

It was the Sandia warriors equipped with three-dimensional power, and equipped with the power of the wind shell, one by one.

One part is responsible for checking the condition of the old chief.

The other part rushed to the entrance of the village, guarding the old woman and a group of children behind her, staring vigilantly at the approaching Golden Meri.

"Who are you?"

The leader of the younger generation of Sandia, Weber, known as the war ghost, asked out loud.

The vigilant gaze swept over Luo Lin and his party who disembarked.The next moment, the expression on his face solidified without warning.

Because he saw someone.

"Are you also Ainilu's men?"

Another 30 young soldier wearing pink sunglasses, the praying mantis Camaqili subconsciously asked vigilantly.

His eyes were fixed on Luo Lin at the forefront.

So, in the same way, the expression on his face was also dull.

Then, the third person, the fourth person

The Sandia warriors who were in charge of guarding were all turned into statues at the entrance of the village, motionless.

"Webber, Camachile, what's the matter with you?"

The beautiful Shandia warrior Laqi noticed the abnormality and immediately stepped forward.

"Hey, Laqi, the one over there seems to be

Little Lori named Aisha pulled the corner of Laqi's clothes, raised her head and glanced at the stone statue on the side to make the final confirmation, and then she continued.

"That seems to be Lord God!"

Chapter 124 Sandia and Nolando's reunion after 400 years

"That person seems to be Lord God!"

The little Sandia girl named Aisha widened her eyes.Look at Luo Lin on the Cloud Coast, then look at the statue beside him.It wasn't until after repeated confirmation that this timidly spoke.

As a result, the originally silent coast of the sea of ​​clouds was completely boiling with a word from Little Aisha.

"My Lord God? Is it really you?"

"Our Lord God! You are finally back!"

"It's been forty-six years, and we finally waited until you came back again!"

Shandia's elders, headed by the old chief, stepped forward quickly.

Those old faces flashed with shock, excitement, and fanaticism!

"Master Luo Lin, do you remember me? I am the horse monkey who was resurrected by you with the blood of 039!"

An old Shandia warrior with a horse-like face looked at Luo Lin enthusiastically.

"Master Luo Lin, there is me and me, I was the one who fell into the White Sea and was picked up by you!"

"Master Luo Lin, you are still as always, exactly the same as before. Sure enough, you are the real God 039!

A group of middle-aged and elderly Sandia soldiers who had experienced the incident in forty-six years, all with an excited and enthusiastic mood, knelt down in Luo Lin's direction under the stunned eyes of the juniors.

At this moment, where do they still look like the majestic top 10 parents in their homes.

In front of Luo Lin one-

Before their faith, their 039 God 039.

They are the most devout believers.

My elders have already done this.

How could Shandia's juniors still believe it.

Luo Lin, who was exactly the same as the statue, was really the protagonist of the big fairy tale they had heard since they were young.

Their'God is back!

At this moment, the dead statue standing at the entrance of the village seemed to be one with the living existence in front of him, making everyone in Shandia full of blood.

"The legend of Lord God turns out to be true!"

"The legendary god is back! We are saved!"

"God's messenger has appeared alive! This time, Ainilu must be beautiful!"

"Now that the real god has appeared, it's time for the false god to roll down!"

"The real person of Lord God looks even better than a statue!"

"Hmm! Yeah, yeah!"

Sandia went up to the middle-aged man in his 30s and 40s, and young men and women in their teens and 20s, cheered one after another.

Then they learned from their fathers' generation and bowed down piously toward Luo Lin.At the end, only the war ghost Webber in the front stood.

They are the strongest fighters in the Shandia clan.

"It's unbelievable, Weber, are you saying this is true? The god 039 in the legend! Has the angel of heaven really returned? And still so young!"

Kamakiri murmured a praying mantis wearing pink sunglasses.

"I believe it." "I believe it too!"

Braham and Jiebao, standing on both sides of Camachile, responded in unison, with excitement on their faces, and then knelt on one knee.

This is their way of surrender as fighters.

"It can't be wrong, it must be the Lord Luo Lin that my mother said."

The beautiful Sandia warrior Raqi and the little Aisha beside her kneeled on one knee.

"You bastard boy, what are you doing in a daze? If Lord Luo Lin hadn't saved your laozi back then, where did you come from?"

Camaqili's father flew at his son's head with a kick, kicked him to the ground, and repeatedly apologized to Luo Lin.

In this way, the war ghost Webber, who stood alone like a group of chickens, became more conspicuous.

"Hey, Webber, is that a god?"

"Webber, your dad was also a member of Lord Rollin's rescue. If he hadn't been killed by Anilu six years ago, he would definitely be now"

For the kind advice from the same race, the proud Sandia warrior Webber did not hear.Even if there was a force oppressing him, he still clenched his teeth and insisted on looking at Luo Lin, standing straight.

He is a descendant of the warrior Calgala.

In his blood was the arrogance of a soldier.

Just like the bull warrior would never take off his mask, he would never lower his proud head easily.

Even if it was what he heard from childhood, the legendary'God 039'.

I don't know how long it has passed, a moment or a long time.

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